Updated August 2012
Syllabus (Personal Finance)
Instructor: Scott Womack
Office: 613 W. First Street, West Plains, MO 65775
Telephone: 417-256-6152
Website: zizzers.org
Course Rationale:
Financial literacy is essential in meeting the financial challenges of the 21st Century. The competencies which form the basis for this semester course enable students to analyze their personal financial decisions, evaluate the costs and benefits of their decisions, recognize their rights and responsibilities as consumers, and apply the knowledge learned in school to financial situations encountered later in life.
Course Description:
Understanding and managing personal finances are key to one’s future financial success. This one-semester course is based on the Missouri Personal Finance Competencies and presents essential knowledge and skills to make informed decisions about real world financial issues. Students will learn how choices influence occupational options and future earning potential. Students will also learn to apply decision-making skills to evaluate career choices and set personal goals. The course content is designed to help the learner make wise spending, saving, and credit decisions and to make effective use of income to achieve personal financial success.
This course is required for graduation and is open to 11-12 grade students and covers one semester, no prerequisites are required.
Text: Missouri Personal Finance Curriculum, Produced by the Missouri Center for Career Education
T.R. Gaines 302 Central Missouri State University, Warrensburg, MO 64093 (This curriculum will be available to students using the West Plains Public Schools Student Moodle Server – Stoodle)
Resources: West Plains Bank and Trust Company—Your Checking Account Packet
Software: Microsoft Windows 7, Microsoft Office 2010, and Internet Explorer will be used.
Course Requirements
Students will be asked to create journal entries and discussion forums throughout this course. Journals are only available to be viewed by the instructor. Discussion forums can be viewed by all students in the course. You must create an initial post and then respond to two other student’s post in a discussion. In addition to the journal entries and discussion forum posts, reading assignments, activities will be assigned and used to determine grades.
Pre and post tests and vocabulary quizzes will be given for each Theme in the curriculum.
West Plains High School and South Central Career Center use this grade scale for all classes:
A: 93-100%
B: 82-92%
C: 70-81%
D: 60-69%
F: 0-59%
Attendance/Make-up Work
Semester Test Exemption Policy
West Plains High School/South Central Career Center considers attendance a prerequisite for success in any career path. To encourage regular school attendance of students, any student that meets identified criteria may have the option of not taking semester test exams.
a. Zero absences and a minimum grade of 82% in the course, or
b. 1 or 2 absences and a minimum grade of 88% in the course, or
c. 3 absences and a minimum grade of 93% in the course
d. 4 or more absences will disqualify the student from finals exemptions
Grade Bonus
Students who achieve perfect attendance in any class for one quarter will receive a 2% grade bonus, which shall be added to their quarter grade in the class. Students who are absent from a class 2 periods or less during a quarter will receive a 1% grade bonus, which shall be added to their quarter grade.
Academic Dishonesty/Academic Accommodations/Special Needs Policy
Academic Dishonesty
Plagiarism and cheating are serious offenses and may be punished by failure on exam, paper or project; failure in course. For more information refer to the "Academic Dishonesty" policy in the student handbook.
Academic Accommodations/Special Needs Policy
If you have any condition, such as a physical or learning disability, which will make it difficult for you to carry out the work as I have outlined it, or which will require academic accommodations, please notify me as soon as possible.
Class Rules
1. All rules included in the parent/student handbook will be followed.
2. No cell phones or entertainment devices will be allowed in the classroom.
3. No food, drink, or candy will be allowed in the classroom.
4. Take care of equipment.
5. Come to class prepared and ready to learn.
6. Be Respectful to others.
7. Be Responsible.
South Central Career Center
Student Expectations
Attendance: Present and on time each day
Dressed appropriately for class/shop
Arrives prepared to work
Works on assigned tasks
Team: Works as a positive team member
Expresses ideas and opinions in a sensitive way
Gets along with coworkers
Responsibility: Completes work by deadlines
Follows directions
Uses available resources to answer questions and solve problems
Respect: Uses appropriate language in all communications
Always honest and truthful
Accepts constructive criticism
Safety: Follows safety rules and procedures
Maintains a safe environment
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