Book List and Preliminary Syllabus only

(actual syllabus distributed first day of class)

English 38a

Fantasy Worlds: From Lilliput and Middle Earth to LARPs

Monday Wednesday Thursday 1:00—1:50 p.m.

Professor: John Plotz ()

Office hours: Rabb 264 Monday and Wednesday 1-2 and by appt.

Fantasy is as old as Gilgamesh, as new as Harry Potter; appealing to both young and old readers as few other genres do. We explore its historical roots in satires like Gulliver's Travels, its modern rebirth in Narnia , Middle Earth and Le Guin's Earthsea. Also explores recent participatory fantasy realms , inclding online gaming and live action role-playing.

The class begins by testing scholarly ideas about “subcreation,” “secondary worlds” and the theological/spiritual underpinnings of modern fantasy. It offers a genealogy that goes back to ancient times and takes a satirical turn with Jonathan Swift before landing in the recognizably modern form c. 1900, with the socialist utopias of William Morris and the after them the Christian allegories of CS Lewis and the meticulous slightly obsessive distinctly anti_Christian worldbuilding of JRR Tolkien. We explore better and lesser known 20th century prose fantasy before turning towards the fascinating range of virtual and live-action fantasy role-playing that has made fantasy less a genre than a way of life, and a subject of ethnography as well as literary analysis.

Book list

Please purchase this particular edition. Buy, do not rent, books: you will be expected to mark up your texts.

Unless listed below, all readings will appear on the Latte site or in a sourcebook available for purchase in the first week of class.

Ursula Le Guin Wizard of Earthsea (HMH 0547773749)

Jonathan Swift, Gulliver’s Travels (Oxford University Press; 0199536848)

J R R Tolkien Fellowship of the Ring ( Houghton Mifflin Harcourt; 0395489318

Mervyn Peake, Titus Groan (Overlook Press; 1585679070)

Samuel Delany Tales of Neveryon [Wesleyan, 978-0-8195-6270-8]

CS Lewis Voyage of the Dawn Treader (HarperCollins; 0064405028)

Dianne Wynne Jones, Tough Guide to Fantasyland (Firebird; 0142407224)

NK Jemison The Fifth Season (Orbit 0316229296)

Book/Worlds for Outside Project (starting 9/18)

Small groups of students will choose one to read, research and briefly present on.

(Don't like what you see here, or have a burning passion for another kind of work? Come see us to discuss.)

Homer, The Odyssey

Apuleis, Golden Ass


Romance of the Rose

Chretien De Troyes, Yvain, the Knight of the Lion

Mallory, Morte D’Arthur

Gawain and the Green Knight

1001 Nights

Amadis the Gaul

Don Quixote

Snorri’s Edda (the Younger Edda)

The Kalevela

The Tempest

The Faerie Queene

George Mc Donald, Phantastes

Richard Jefferies, Bevis [or After London]

William Morris, Water of the Wondrous Isles

E Nesbit Phoenix and the Carpet

[Ford Madox Ford, Mr. Apollo]

[John Carter, Warlord of Mars]

[H P Lovecraft Call of Chtulu]

Mario de Andrade Macunaima

John Crowley, Little, Big

Alan Garner Elidor (Owl Service)

Anne McCaffrey, Dragonflight (1968)

Octavia Butler, Wild Seed

Doris Lessing Making of the Representatives of Planet 8

Dream Park

Sylvia Townsend Warner, Kingdoms of Elfin