Regular report on alcohol-related harm indicators for public hospitals
Alcohol-attributable hospital admissions and
alcohol-related emergency department presentations
in the Northern Territory
Health Gains Planning
Department of Health, Northern Territory
24 February 2015

Table of contents

Section 1…………………………………………………………………………………………2

Northern Territory hospital alcohol-related harm indicators, definitions and limitations

Section 2…………………………………………………………………………………………4

Alcohol-attributable hospital admissions, Northern Territory hospitals, 2004-2014

Section 3…………………………………………………………………………………………7

Alcohol-related emergency department (ED) presentations, Northern Territory hospitals, 2005-2014

Appendices ……………………………………………………………………………………11

Appendix 1 Alcohol-attributable conditions for hospital admission…………………………11

Appendix 2 Wholly and partially alcohol-related conditions as either a presenting problem or principal diagnosis for emergency department presentations……………………………. 13

Appendix 3 Numbers and rates of hospital admission, adjusted for attributable fractions, for specific alcohol-attributable conditions, Northern Territory hospitals, 2004-2014…….. 15

Appendix 4 Numbers of alcohol-related presentations, Northern Territory hospital emergency departments………………………………………………………………………… 19

List of figures………………………………………………………………………………….25

List of tables……………………………………………………………………………………26

Section 1 Northern Territory hospital alcohol-related harm indicators, definitions and limitations

Indicators currently in use for hospital admissions


Use principal diagnosis only.

Two data streams:

1.Wholly alcohol-attributable conditions

2.A composite indicator that combines:

a.Wholly alcohol-attributable conditions


b.Conditions for which all subgroups have a population attributable fraction (PAF) of 40% or greater.

Hospital admissions reporting and analysis

  • Admissions are only counted for persons aged 15 years and over
  • PAF are applied to aggregate number of admissions for each condition
  • Count of admissions and age standardised population rates by:
  • Indigenous/non-Indigenous
  • Sex
  • Top End /Central Australia regions of the Northern Territory
  • Each data point consist of a three month period
  • Data presented over 10 years to allow assessment of trend.

Indicators currently in use for hospital emergency department (ED) presentations


Use a combination of presenting problem as entered by triage nurse and principal diagnosis as entered by medical officer. Count as alcohol-related presentation if either the recording of a presenting problem or the principal diagnosis reveals an alcohol-related condition for:

  1. Wholly alcohol-related conditions
  2. A composite indicator that combines:

a.Wholly alcohol-related conditions


b.Conditions for which all subgroups have a population attributable fraction (PAF) of 40% or greater for corresponding hospital admissions codes.

ED presentations reporting and analysis

  • Presentations are only counted for persons aged 15 years and over
  • All presentations are counted as one presentation. The PAF is not applied to adjust the number of presentations
  • Alcohol-related presentations and total number of all presentations by:
  • Indigenous/non-Indigenous
  • Sex
  • All Northern Territory hospitals and all hospitals combined
  • Each data point consists of a three month period
  • Data presented for all available data to allow assessment of trend.

Data limitations

Alcohol-attributable hospital admissions

Hospital admissions are coded using International Classification of Disease version 10 (ICD-10-AM) by professional coders, providing a reliable foundation for reporting. International studies have developed a series of attributable fractions for health conditions related to alcohol. These measures have not been validated specifically in the NT and there are likely to be some notable differences, however their use provides a picture of alcohol-attributable NT hospital admissions and a useful comparative measure with other jurisdictions.

Alcohol-related emergency department presentations

There is no universal coding and classification system for emergency department (ED) presentations. A standardised subset of ICD-10-AM codes is used in the NT to allow consistent analysis of ED data for all hospitals. Comparison with other states and territories is not available.

A major advantage of ED presentation data is that it is available almost in real time. A major disadvantage is that ED coding is undertaken at the time of presentation and medical officers are only required to record the principal diagnosis - the major diagnosis for which the patient is treated. This may or may not reflect an alcohol-related contribution.

There is the capacity to record secondary diagnoses in the ED dataset, though in practice this is not a treatment priority and adherence to the practice varies between individuals and hospitals. Inconsistency in ED data collection means there is no national or international basis on which to develop the attributable fractions approach used for hospital admissions.

Section 2 Alcohol-attributable hospital admissions, Northern Territory hospitals, 2004-2014

Time period: 2004 to the third quarter (Q3) of 2014.

Routine standard indicators reported:

  • Rates of hospital admission for 100% alcohol-attributable conditions, for the Northern Territory Top End region
  • Rates of hospital admission for 100% alcohol-attributable conditions, for the Northern Territory Central Australia region
  • Rates of hospital admission for 40% or greater alcohol-attributable conditions, for the Northern Territory Top End region
  • Rates of hospital admissions for 40% or greater alcohol-attributable conditions, for the Northern Territory Central Australia region.

Figure 1 Rates of hospital admission, each quarter, for conditions that are 100% alcohol-attributable, by Indigenous status and sex, Northern Territory Top End region, 2004-2014[*]

Figure 2 Rates of hospital admission, each quarter, for conditions that are 100% alcohol-attributable, by Indigenous status and sex, Northern Territory Central Australia region, 2004-2014

Figure 3 Rates of hospital admission, each quarter, for conditions that are 40% or greater alcohol-attributable, by Indigenous status and sex, Northern Territory Top End region,2004-2014

Figure 4 Rates of hospital admission, each quarter, for conditions that are 40% or greater alcohol-attributable, by Indigenous status and sex, Northern Territory Central Australia region, 2004-2014

Section 3 Alcohol-related emergency department (ED) presentations, Northern Territory hospitals, 2005-2014

Time period: 2005 to 2014.

Routine standard indicators reported:

  • All ED presentations
  • Composite (wholly and partially) alcohol-related ED presentations
  • Wholly alcohol-related ED presentations.

Figure 5 Number of emergency department (ED) presentations, by quarter, for all presentations and alcohol-related presentations, using composite ED alcohol indicator, Northern Territory hospitals, 2005-2014[*]

Figure 6 Number of alcohol-related emergency department (ED) presentations, by quarter, using composite ED alcohol indicator, by Indigenous status, Northern Territory hospitals,2005-2014[*]

Figure 7 Number of alcohol-related emergency department presentations, by quarter, for wholly alcohol-related presentations, by Indigenous status, Northern Territory hospitals, 2005-2014[*]


Appendix 1 Alcohol-attributable conditions for hospital admission

Table 1aWholly alcohol-attributable conditions with an attributable fraction of 100% for hospital admission

ICD-10-AM code / ICD-10-AM description
F10.0- F10.9 / Mental and behavioural disorders due to alcohol use
F10.0 / Acute intoxication
F10.1 / Harmful use
F10.2 / Dependence syndrome
F10.3 / Withdrawal state
F10.4 / Withdrawal with delirium
F10.5 / Psychotic disorder
F10.6 / Amnesic
F10.7 / Residual & late onset psychotic disorder
F10.8 / Other mental/behavioural disorders
F10.9 / Unspecified mental/behavioural disorders
I42.6 / Alcoholic cardiomyopathy
G31.2 / Degeneration of nervous system due to alcohol
G62.1 / Alcoholic polyneuropathy
G72.0 / Alcoholic myopathy
K29.2 / Alcoholic gastritis
K70 / Alcoholic liver disease
K85.2 / Alcohol-induced acute pancreatitis
K86.0 / Alcohol-induced chronic pancreatitis
T51.0 / Toxic effects of alcohol - ethanol
T51.1 / Toxic effects of alcohol - methanol
T51.9 / Toxic effects of alcohol – alcohol unspecified
X45 / Accidental poisoning by and exposure to alcohol
Y15 / Poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, undetermined intent
X65 / Intentional self-poisoning by and exposure to alcohol

Table 1bPartially alcohol-attributable conditions with an attributable fraction of 40% or greater for hospital admission

ICD-10-AM code / ICD-10-AM description
C01-C06, C09- C10,
C12 - C14 / Oropharyngeal Cancer
C15 / Oesophageal cancer
C22 / Liver cancer
C32 / Laryngeal cancer
G40, G41 / Epilepsy & status epilepticus
I85, I98.2, 198.20, I98.21 / Oesophageal varices
K22.6 / Gastro oesophageal haemorrhage
K74.3 - K74.6, K76.0, K76.9 / Unspecified liver cirrhosis
X85-Y09, Y87.1 / Assault
K85.9, K86.0K85.2 / Acute pancreatitis, unspecified (collectively)

Appendix 2 Wholly and partially alcohol-related conditions as either a presenting problem or principal diagnosis for emergency department presentations

Table 2a Emergency department wholly and partially alcohol-related conditions as the principal diagnosis

Emergency department code / Emergency departmentdescription / Wholly
C109/1 / Malignant neoplasm lip
Malignant neoplasm mouth
Malignant neoplasm oral cavity
Malignant neoplasm pharynx
Malignant neoplasm oropharynx
C159 / Malignant neoplasm oesophagus
C229 / Malignant neoplasm liver
C329 / Malignant neoplasm larynx
F100/1 / Alcohol intoxication in alcoholic / X
F100/2 / Alcohol intoxication / X
F101 / Alcohol abuse disorder / X
F102 / Alcohol addiction / X
F105/1 / Alcohol hallucinosis / X
F105/2 / Alcohol withdrawal syndrome / X
F105 / Alcoholic psychosis / X
F104 / Delirium tremens / X
E51.2 / Wernicke’s encephalopathy
G405 / Alcohol related seizure / X
G934 / Encephalopathy
I859 / Oesophageal varices with bleeding
Oesophageal varices without bleeding
K292 / Alcoholic gastritis / X
K701 / Alcoholic hepatitis / X
K703 / Cirrhosis with alcoholism / X
K729/3 / Hepatic coma
Hepatic decompensation
Hepatic encephalopathy
K746/1 / Hepatic cirrhosis
K766 / Cirrhosis with portal hypertension
K86.1 / Acute pancreatitis
Other chronic pancreatitis
K920/2 / Blood in vomitus
R780 / Blood alcohol level elevated / X
S02.60 / Fracture, mandible
T51.0 / Ethyl alcohol poisoning / X
T51.8 / Other alcohol poisoning / X
T749/4 / Domestic assault
Assault, not domestic
Domestic violence
X999 / Stabbing by domestic partner
Stabbing, Domestic, except partner
Stabbing, Other, not domestic
Z032/2 / Violent behaviour
Z032/1 / Antisocial behaviour
Z032/4 / Behavioural problems – adult
Z04.4 / Examination & observation following alleged rape & seduction
Z045/3 / Observation following criminal assault
Observation of child or wife battering victim
Z048/2 / Police request for drug screen only
Z048/1 / Blood alcohol level only / X

Table 2b Emergency department wholly and partially alcohol-related conditions as a presenting problem

ED presenting problem code / ED presenting problem description / Wholly
ALCO / Alcohol intoxication / X
ALWD / Alcohol withdrawal / X
ASLT / Assault
BAL / Blood alcohol level / X
BPR / Blood police request
HAEM / Haematemesis
STAB / Stab wound
VIOL / Violent behaviour

Appendix 3 Numbers and rates of hospital admission, adjusted for attributable fractions, for specific alcohol-attributable conditions, Northern Territory hospitals, 2004-2014

Table 3 Hospital admission numbers and rates, for 100% alcohol-attributable conditions, by Indigenous status and sex, Northern Territory Top End region, 2004-2014

Top End region
Indigenous male / Indigenous female / Non-Indigenous male / Non-Indigenous female / Total
Year (quarter) / No. / Rate / No. / Rate / No. / Rate / No. / Rate / No.
2004_1 / 19 / 49.4 / 15 / 35.3 / 19 / 12.3 / 7 / 5.4 / 60
2004_2 / 23 / 80.0 / 16 / 43.1 / 24 / 15.4 / 5 / 6.3 / 68
2004_3 / 20 / 54.0 / 23 / 62.2 / 17 / 11.2 / 5 / 3.9 / 65
2004_4 / 36 / 96.1 / 19 / 50.3 / 26 / 17.1 / 7 / 7.5 / 88
2005_1 / 31 / 79.4 / 16 / 37.1 / 26 / 19.8 / 8 / 6.7 / 81
2005_2 / 17 / 41.9 / 19 / 42.4 / 26 / 16.9 / 5 / 3.7 / 67
2005_3 / 31 / 92.1 / 14 / 31.6 / 18 / 14.5 / 8 / 6.2 / 71
2005_4 / 39 / 102.8 / 16 / 47.5 / 40 / 30.2 / 8 / 6.4 / 103
2006_1 / 19 / 45.2 / 16 / 34.2 / 28 / 20.0 / 14 / 11.7 / 77
2006_2 / 20 / 55.3 / 21 / 51.4 / 41 / 30.3 / 6 / 4.3 / 88
2006_3 / 33 / 86.4 / 25 / 48.4 / 34 / 23.5 / 11 / 8.0 / 103
2006_4 / 31 / 84.0 / 14 / 31.1 / 29 / 22.2 / 16 / 12.8 / 90
2007_1 / 32 / 75.4 / 3 / 4.3 / 27 / 18.6 / 15 / 10.7 / 77
2007_2 / 33 / 88.5 / 15 / 37.4 / 14 / 10.3 / 7 / 4.9 / 69
2007_3 / 30 / 74.3 / 17 / 44.0 / 23 / 14.3 / 16 / 11.8 / 86
2007_4 / 43 / 119.6 / 19 / 41.9 / 36 / 23.2 / 21 / 15.2 / 119
2008_1 / 35 / 93.7 / 11 / 26.7 / 42 / 24.9 / 12 / 8.4 / 100
2008_2 / 31 / 84.5 / 18 / 44.6 / 47 / 28.6 / 15 / 11.3 / 111
2008_3 / 39 / 95.6 / 26 / 73.6 / 25 / 15.9 / 9 / 8.4 / 99
2008_4 / 35 / 98.0 / 20 / 50.0 / 31 / 21.0 / 13 / 9.4 / 99
2009_1 / 25 / 66.2 / 24 / 59.6 / 25 / 14.6 / 5 / 4.4 / 79
2009_2 / 38 / 103.8 / 25 / 59.7 / 21 / 13.0 / 11 / 7.9 / 95
2009_3 / 39 / 115.5 / 16 / 42.5 / 29 / 19.3 / 14 / 9.9 / 98
2009_4 / 25 / 64.7 / 25 / 63.7 / 25 / 16.1 / 15 / 12.2 / 90
2010_1 / 31 / 85.4 / 20 / 46.4 / 29 / 18.7 / 10 / 7.9 / 90
2010_2 / 33 / 81.2 / 17 / 42.3 / 36 / 24.0 / 20 / 13.6 / 106
2010_3 / 36 / 110.7 / 28 / 72.6 / 28 / 17.8 / 26 / 17.7 / 118
2010_4 / 37 / 89.2 / 19 / 43.5 / 23 / 15.4 / 16 / 11.9 / 95
2011_1 / 58 / 138.1 / 20 / 53.4 / 27 / 15.3 / 10 / 9.5 / 115
2011_2 / 51 / 132.2 / 21 / 55.4 / 31 / 18.2 / 3 / 2.0 / 106
2011_3 / 38 / 97.4 / 26 / 73.3 / 28 / 16.0 / 9 / 6.1 / 101
2011_4 / 41 / 98.4 / 27 / 68.1 / 34 / 19.8 / 8 / 8.4 / 110
2012_1 / 37 / 101.7 / 32 / 78.4 / 30 / 17.0 / 9 / 5.9 / 108
2012_2 / 38 / 94.7 / 34 / 78.2 / 18 / 10.0 / 13 / 9.6 / 103
2012_3 / 36 / 103.9 / 24 / 55.0 / 27 / 15.2 / 5 / 3.2 / 92
2012_4 / 43 / 107.1 / 31 / 77.5 / 37 / 21.5 / 12 / 8.5 / 123
2013_1 / 44 / 114.3 / 25 / 64.6 / 32 / 17.9 / 15 / 9.7 / 116
2013_2 / 49 / 129.1 / 21 / 48.1 / 33 / 19.0 / 14 / 9.8 / 117
2013_3 / 32 / 79.1 / 20 / 49.6 / 27 / 16.1 / 7 / 6.5 / 86
2013_4 / 41 / 120.7 / 32 / 82.8 / 30 / 17.2 / 10 / 6.5 / 113
2014_1 / 29 / 84.0 / 23 / 52.9 / 26 / 14.2 / 9 / 6.1 / 87
2014_2 / 37 / 90.4 / 26 / 66.1 / 22 / 12.3 / 7 / 4.6 / 92
2014_3 / 51 / 141.3 / 20 / 61.8 / 22 / 12.0 / 5 / 4.7 / 98

Table 4 Hospital admission numbers and rates for 100% alcohol-attributable conditions, by Indigenous status and sex, Northern Territory Central Australia region, 2004-2014

Central Australia region
Indigenous male / Indigenous female / Non-Indigenous male / Non-Indigenous female / Total
Year (quarter) / No. / Rate / No. / Rate / No. / Rate / No. / Rate / No.
2004_1 / 38 / 204.7 / 20 / 113.7 / 2 / 6.1 / 2 / 6.2 / 62
2004_2 / 34 / 204.3 / 13 / 76.2 / 4 / 12.6 / 3 / 9.6 / 54
2004_3 / 31 / 190.9 / 18 / 89.3 / 4 / 11.7 / 2 / 7.3 / 55
2004_4 / 59 / 336.6 / 17 / 89.3 / 6 / 19.3 / 3 / 9.3 / 85
2005_1 / 42 / 250.8 / 17 / 85.0 / 5 / 15.6 / 1 / 3.1 / 65
2005_2 / 50 / 279.9 / 18 / 104.8 / 2 / 6.4 / 0 / 0.0 / 70
2005_3 / 52 / 288.0 / 15 / 88.1 / 4 / 11.8 / 1 / 3.1 / 72
2005_4 / 31 / 187.8 / 15 / 79.5 / 7 / 23.8 / 2 / 7.1 / 55
2006_1 / 47 / 293.1 / 16 / 78.2 / 4 / 12.5 / 1 / 3.3 / 68
2006_2 / 51 / 329.8 / 19 / 100.9 / 6 / 20.0 / 1 / 4.0 / 77
2006_3 / 47 / 268.2 / 21 / 108.0 / 11 / 36.2 / 8 / 28.3 / 87
2006_4 / 48 / 316.0 / 24 / 124.7 / 19 / 59.0 / 4 / 12.5 / 95
2007_1 / 43 / 244.9 / 22 / 104.9 / 9 / 28.4 / 3 / 17.0 / 77
2007_2 / 45 / 262.5 / 27 / 124.9 / 8 / 38.5 / 4 / 12.8 / 84
2007_3 / 39 / 223.4 / 28 / 136.4 / 5 / 16.4 / 1 / 2.9 / 73
2007_4 / 55 / 324.7 / 37 / 187.0 / 8 / 26.1 / 7 / 21.6 / 107
2008_1 / 42 / 265.1 / 38 / 188.7 / 8 / 24.1 / 2 / 12.7 / 90
2008_2 / 51 / 288.3 / 37 / 180.0 / 4 / 11.5 / 6 / 18.4 / 98
2008_3 / 36 / 202.0 / 44 / 215.4 / 12 / 56.5 / 3 / 9.1 / 95
2008_4 / 54 / 279.5 / 40 / 174.9 / 18 / 66.3 / 5 / 15.9 / 117
2009_1 / 43 / 205.0 / 35 / 172.6 / 18 / 56.1 / 6 / 16.7 / 102
2009_2 / 47 / 270.8 / 39 / 193.9 / 12 / 35.9 / 4 / 18.2 / 102
2009_3 / 30 / 160.9 / 39 / 189.1 / 13 / 50.6 / 5 / 14.6 / 87
2009_4 / 51 / 302.9 / 61 / 337.1 / 10 / 29.6 / 3 / 9.1 / 125
2010_1 / 55 / 322.0 / 60 / 295.3 / 11 / 33.1 / 5 / 17.3 / 131
2010_2 / 53 / 293.6 / 49 / 227.1 / 9 / 24.1 / 2 / 5.8 / 113
2010_3 / 69 / 375.2 / 57 / 280.4 / 19 / 53.2 / 3 / 9.4 / 148
2010_4 / 68 / 408.0 / 57 / 289.8 / 23 / 64.6 / 9 / 27.1 / 157
2011_1 / 53 / 326.3 / 53 / 258.6 / 13 / 35.0 / 7 / 19.7 / 126
2011_2 / 59 / 378.4 / 48 / 242.4 / 20 / 57.5 / 3 / 9.5 / 130
2011_3 / 62 / 395.4 / 52 / 262.2 / 11 / 37.6 / 6 / 16.7 / 131
2011_4 / 57 / 338.0 / 57 / 290.2 / 10 / 32.2 / 5 / 14.6 / 129
2012_1 / 71 / 411.8 / 77 / 395.8 / 15 / 44.3 / 4 / 11.3 / 167
2012_2 / 78 / 442.1 / 61 / 302.3 / 15 / 42.7 / 1 / 3.0 / 155
2012_3 / 71 / 447.3 / 68 / 344.4 / 14 / 38.9 / 6 / 18.4 / 159
2012_4 / 111 / 678.4 / 90 / 452.1 / 25 / 69.9 / 4 / 13.3 / 230
2013_1 / 112 / 671.9 / 115 / 568.5 / 24 / 65.8 / 10 / 31.9 / 261
2013_2 / 109 / 679.4 / 124 / 616.6 / 17 / 44.5 / 11 / 30.7 / 261
2013_3 / 98 / 614.1 / 101 / 500.9 / 10 / 30.6 / 3 / 7.6 / 212
2013_4 / 98 / 581.1 / 117 / 563.3 / 16 / 43.1 / 7 / 21.8 / 238
2014_1 / 76 / 460.1 / 105 / 485.5 / 23 / 62.6 / 11 / 36.7 / 215
2014_2 / 81 / 524.2 / 95 / 483.4 / 18 / 47.7 / 6 / 17.5 / 200
2014_3 / 73 / 495.1 / 77 / 380.3 / 20 / 52.4 / 10 / 30.9 / 180

Table 5 Hospital admission numbers and rates, adjusted by attributable fraction, for 40% or greater alcohol-attributable conditions, by Indigenous status and sex, Northern Territory Top End region, 2004-2014

Top End region
Indigenous male / Indigenous female / Non-Indigenous male / Non-Indigenous female / Total
Year (quarter) / No. / Rate / No. / Rate / No. / Rate / No. / Rate / No.
2004_1 / 53 / 143.3 / 45 / 102.2 / 34 / 22.8 / 9 / 9.2 / 141
2004_2 / 51 / 165.8 / 50 / 126.5 / 41 / 30.4 / 5 / 6.3 / 147
2004_3 / 47 / 132.0 / 46 / 126.6 / 32 / 22.0 / 7 / 5.5 / 132
2004_4 / 69 / 174.6 / 48 / 119.4 / 41 / 27.4 / 12 / 13.1 / 170
2005_1 / 76 / 210.7 / 51 / 122.3 / 42 / 30.0 / 10 / 8.1 / 179
2005_2 / 46 / 142.3 / 51 / 126.4 / 51 / 34.1 / 9 / 6.6 / 157
2005_3 / 60 / 171.2 / 38 / 98.4 / 40 / 33.5 / 12 / 9.4 / 150
2005_4 / 81 / 233.3 / 45 / 119.4 / 61 / 43.7 / 12 / 10.5 / 199
2006_1 / 49 / 121.9 / 33 / 73.8 / 45 / 31.0 / 19 / 15.9 / 146
2006_2 / 58 / 191.6 / 42 / 116.0 / 60 / 42.6 / 11 / 10.5 / 171
2006_3 / 61 / 165.3 / 51 / 105.8 / 59 / 43.8 / 15 / 13.2 / 186
2006_4 / 69 / 187.4 / 58 / 133.9 / 47 / 34.7 / 18 / 14.3 / 192
2007_1 / 83 / 224.9 / 29 / 79.5 / 59 / 40.3 / 24 / 17.0 / 195
2007_2 / 69 / 200.1 / 49 / 114.5 / 46 / 33.1 / 13 / 9.2 / 177
2007_3 / 63 / 185.6 / 38 / 94.9 / 56 / 37.7 / 26 / 22.5 / 183
2007_4 / 84 / 211.7 / 51 / 113.8 / 69 / 47.6 / 26 / 18.8 / 230
2008_1 / 64 / 177.9 / 39 / 109.2 / 71 / 43.4 / 20 / 19.3 / 194
2008_2 / 72 / 201.5 / 49 / 125.8 / 80 / 49.3 / 19 / 14.6 / 220
2008_3 / 92 / 274.8 / 53 / 143.6 / 47 / 30.9 / 20 / 16.1 / 212
2008_4 / 77 / 207.2 / 57 / 155.8 / 63 / 41.7 / 24 / 21.3 / 221
2009_1 / 77 / 213.9 / 58 / 136.9 / 58 / 35.7 / 15 / 19.2 / 208
2009_2 / 73 / 204.7 / 55 / 125.6 / 47 / 30.2 / 20 / 16.2 / 195
2009_3 / 78 / 254.2 / 44 / 105.4 / 52 / 33.8 / 24 / 17.3 / 198
2009_4 / 69 / 184.8 / 71 / 169.7 / 54 / 33.8 / 24 / 19.8 / 218
2010_1 / 71 / 199.2 / 50 / 124.2 / 59 / 37.1 / 16 / 13.8 / 196
2010_2 / 70 / 187.0 / 45 / 102.4 / 61 / 38.4 / 27 / 18.5 / 203
2010_3 / 80 / 235.5 / 66 / 162.2 / 57 / 37.3 / 35 / 24.4 / 238
2010_4 / 94 / 263.8 / 53 / 117.7 / 50 / 32.5 / 26 / 18.6 / 223
2011_1 / 91 / 225.8 / 53 / 128.3 / 61 / 34.9 / 21 / 18.7 / 226
2011_2 / 87 / 222.8 / 45 / 104.1 / 78 / 46.1 / 28 / 19.0 / 238
2011_3 / 84 / 234.0 / 60 / 146.1 / 56 / 35.4 / 16 / 10.5 / 216
2011_4 / 83 / 216.0 / 78 / 172.6 / 64 / 40.3 / 19 / 15.4 / 244
2012_1 / 84 / 258.0 / 64 / 152.5 / 70 / 40.2 / 18 / 12.6 / 236
2012_2 / 68 / 178.3 / 60 / 132.2 / 52 / 29.1 / 32 / 26.4 / 212
2012_3 / 80 / 235.3 / 57 / 126.0 / 59 / 37.1 / 19 / 15.8 / 215
2012_4 / 83 / 207.2 / 61 / 144.6 / 70 / 39.7 / 30 / 22.0 / 244
2013_1 / 89 / 241.0 / 68 / 157.6 / 64 / 37.0 / 27 / 17.3 / 248
2013_2 / 77 / 193.4 / 48 / 111.8 / 72 / 40.1 / 28 / 20.0 / 225
2013_3 / 83 / 213.0 / 58 / 133.7 / 58 / 33.2 / 24 / 17.7 / 223
2013_4 / 85 / 254.0 / 62 / 150.7 / 61 / 35.4 / 28 / 23.9 / 236
2014_1 / 69 / 204.3 / 54 / 123.9 / 50 / 27.34 / 20 / 16.8 / 193
2014_2 / 76 / 203.7 / 51 / 117.8 / 52 / 30.72 / 18 / 11.9 / 197
2014_3 / 86 / 225.7 / 51 / 131.8 / 54 / 31.9 / 15 / 14.2 / 206

Table 6 Hospital admission numbers and rates, adjusted by attributable fraction, for 40% or greater alcohol-attributable conditions, by Indigenous status and sex, Northern Territory Central Australia region, 2004-2014

Central Australia region
Indigenous male / Indigenous female / Non-Indigenous male / Non-Indigenous female / Total
Year (quarter) / No. / Rate / No. / Rate / No. / Rate / No. / Rate / No.
2004_1 / 65 / 349.8 / 51 / 257.1 / 7 / 22.0 / 3 / 9.4 / 126
2004_2 / 60 / 343.7 / 49 / 244.0 / 7 / 21.3 / 3 / 9.57 / 119
2004_3 / 72 / 449.0 / 63 / 292.6 / 8 / 23.8 / 3 / 11.24 / 146
2004_4 / 93 / 538.0 / 57 / 256.9 / 10 / 33.0 / 3 / 9.29 / 163
2005_1 / 78 / 434.1 / 69 / 331.4 / 8 / 25.3 / 2 / 6.27 / 157
2005_2 / 93 / 498.2 / 70 / 346.3 / 10 / 39.5 / 2 / 6.14 / 175
2005_3 / 84 / 439.1 / 80 / 394.1 / 9 / 34.8 / 2 / 6.07 / 175
2005_4 / 91 / 549.6 / 68 / 338.0 / 13 / 43.9 / 3 / 11.1 / 175
2006_1 / 93 / 545.3 / 101 / 480.2 / 10 / 32.6 / 2 / 6.52 / 206
2006_2 / 95 / 568.9 / 83 / 386.6 / 10 / 31.6 / 1 / 3.95 / 189
2006_3 / 92 / 531.1 / 97 / 470.7 / 17 / 55.5 / 9 / 31.59 / 215
2006_4 / 85 / 507.8 / 102 / 477.3 / 23 / 73.4 / 6 / 26.2 / 216
2007_1 / 102 / 547.1 / 117 / 542.3 / 17 / 52.7 / 4 / 20.2 / 240
2007_2 / 90 / 498.1 / 100 / 502.3 / 15 / 61.5 / 7 / 22.24 / 212
2007_3 / 82 / 476.8 / 88 / 407.9 / 9 / 29.6 / 5 / 15.07 / 184
2007_4 / 106 / 600.2 / 127 / 609.5 / 16 / 49.8 / 8 / 24.53 / 257
2008_1 / 92 / 535.6 / 104 / 489.4 / 12 / 36.2 / 3 / 15.78 / 211
2008_2 / 97 / 570.8 / 105 / 495.0 / 12 / 45.9 / 7 / 21.23 / 221
2008_3 / 67 / 386.5 / 91 / 427.4 / 16 / 69.3 / 3 / 9.05 / 177
2008_4 / 106 / 554.5 / 136 / 614.1 / 27 / 95.3 / 6 / 18.75 / 275
2009_1 / 96 / 451.4 / 110 / 486.9 / 26 / 78.7 / 9 / 25.69 / 241
2009_2 / 96 / 541.5 / 92 / 440.8 / 17 / 60.6 / 4 / 18.15 / 209
2009_3 / 68 / 359.9 / 90 / 398.9 / 18 / 69.6 / 9 / 25.66 / 185
2009_4 / 110 / 637.3 / 143 / 703.9 / 18 / 53.0 / 8 / 26.51 / 279
2010_1 / 112 / 639.9 / 140 / 665.2 / 19 / 54.4 / 6 / 20.29 / 277
2010_2 / 115 / 598.4 / 127 / 560.2 / 20 / 55.0 / 3 / 9.13 / 265
2010_3 / 126 / 686.0 / 131 / 600.6 / 27 / 76.2 / 4 / 12.23 / 288
2010_4 / 136 / 798.8 / 138 / 640.3 / 29 / 84.3 / 11 / 41.53 / 314
2011_1 / 117 / 634.5 / 137 / 619.1 / 20 / 55.2 / 9 / 26.44 / 283
2011_2 / 109 / 638.9 / 130 / 617.6 / 26 / 75.7 / 5 / 14.97 / 270
2011_3 / 103 / 612.1 / 131 / 590.7 / 19 / 60.2 / 9 / 25.44 / 262
2011_4 / 110 / 631.6 / 147 / 689.4 / 15 / 46.7 / 8 / 24.39 / 280
2012_1 / 139 / 739.8 / 178 / 827.9 / 18 / 53.4 / 9 / 26.56 / 344
2012_2 / 124 / 676.4 / 165 / 739.6 / 24 / 68.1 / 5 / 14.72 / 318
2012_3 / 116 / 677.7 / 149 / 678.4 / 21 / 57.6 / 8 / 23.87 / 294
2012_4 / 162 / 952.7 / 200 / 940.3 / 41 / 131.5 / 6 / 19.32 / 409
2013_1 / 174 / 972.2 / 225 / 1045.0 / 38 / 102.4 / 16 / 47.7 / 453
2013_2 / 170 / 986.6 / 205 / 955.0 / 21 / 56.0 / 15 / 41.6 / 411
2013_3 / 149 / 912.4 / 190 / 876.0 / 17 / 49.0 / 5 / 12.7 / 361
2013_4 / 151 / 853.2 / 210 / 972.2 / 29 / 80.3 / 11 / 33.8 / 401
2014_1 / 125 / 743.1 / 189 / 850.6 / 33 / 88.6 / 15 / 47.6 / 362
2014_2 / 132 / 798.8 / 168 / 825.5 / 26 / 69.1 / 12 / 35.0 / 338
2014_3 / 119 / 771.7 / 150 / 701.5 / 26 / 67.8 / 17 / 50.9 / 312

Regular report on alcohol-related harm indicators for public hospitalsPage 1

Appendix 4 - Numbers of alcohol-related presentations, Northern Territory hospital emergency departments

Table 7 Number of emergency department (ED) presentations, by quarter, for all presentations and alcohol-related presentations, using composite ED alcohol indicator, by Indigenous status, Northern Territory hospitals, 2005-2014

(quarter) / Indigenous / Non-
Indigenous / Total / Indigenous / Non-
Indigenous / Total / Indigenous / Non-
Indigenous / Total / Indigenous / Non-
Indigenous / Total / Indigenous / Non-
Indigenous / Total
2005_3 / 2540 / 7614 / 10154 / 3337 / 2989 / 6326 / 1200 / 1742 / 2942 / 703 / 1317 / 2020 / 1022 / 1153 / 2175 / 23617
2005_4 / 3274 / 6871 / 10145 / 3365 / 2877 / 6242 / 1413 / 1552 / 2965 / 771 / 1377 / 2148 / 1355 / 1170 / 2525 / 24025
2006_1 / 3098 / 6780 / 9878 / 3582 / 2784 / 6366 / 1339 / 1197 / 2536 / 789 / 1375 / 2164 / 1371 / 903 / 2274 / 23218
2006_2 / 2901 / 7431 / 10332 / 3116 / 2845 / 5961 / 1049 / 1598 / 2647 / 669 / 1116 / 1785 / 1115 / 794 / 1909 / 22634
2006_3 / 2767 / 8181 / 10948 / 3341 / 3005 / 6346 / 1198 / 1764 / 2962 / 555 / 1150 / 1705 / 1192 / 797 / 1989 / 23950
2006_4 / 3233 / 7929 / 11162 / 3139 / 2871 / 6010 / 1418 / 1492 / 2910 / 677 / 1038 / 1715 / 1287 / 829 / 2116 / 23913
2007_1 / 3699 / 7701 / 11400 / 3748 / 2810 / 6558 / 1478 / 1322 / 2800 / 827 / 1151 / 1978 / 1517 / 797 / 2314 / 25050
2007_2 / 3131 / 7814 / 10945 / 3469 / 3165 / 6634 / 1212 / 1617 / 2829 / 620 / 934 / 1554 / 1454 / 801 / 2255 / 24217
2007_3 / 2960 / 8305 / 11265 / 3540 / 3365 / 6905 / 1405 / 1774 / 3179 / 541 / 911 / 1452 / 1437 / 940 / 2377 / 25178
2007_4 / 3626 / 7752 / 11378 / 3695 / 2998 / 6693 / 1476 / 1455 / 2931 / 576 / 964 / 1540 / 1493 / 852 / 2345 / 24887
2008_1 / 3697 / 7673 / 11370 / 3679 / 3045 / 6724 / 1316 / 1374 / 2690 / 552 / 857 / 1409 / 1670 / 799 / 2469 / 24662
2008_2 / 3106 / 7711 / 10817 / 3545 / 3061 / 6606 / 1179 / 1667 / 2846 / 385 / 1046 / 1431 / 1657 / 821 / 2478 / 24178
2008_3 / 3134 / 8511 / 11645 / 3471 / 3447 / 6918 / 1297 / 1722 / 3019 / 439 / 1110 / 1549 / 1651 / 1048 / 2699 / 25830
2008_4 / 3564 / 7590 / 11154 / 4103 / 3142 / 7245 / 1476 / 1384 / 2860 / 540 / 1033 / 1573 / 1716 / 979 / 2695 / 25527
2009_1 / 3654 / 7290 / 10944 / 4447 / 3088 / 7535 / 1494 / 1343 / 2837 / 559 / 966 / 1525 / 1752 / 875 / 2627 / 25468
2009_2 / 3000 / 8161 / 11161 / 3813 / 3699 / 7512 / 1201 / 1648 / 2849 / 425 / 918 / 1343 / 1418 / 821 / 2239 / 25104
2009_3 / 3047 / 9235 / 12282 / 4248 / 3922 / 8170 / 1248 / 2045 / 3293 / 497 / 861 / 1358 / 1504 / 962 / 2466 / 27569
2009_4 / 3379 / 7872 / 11251 / 4407 / 3401 / 7808 / 1253 / 1472 / 2725 / 564 / 910 / 1474 / 1319 / 1039 / 2358 / 25616
2010_1 / 3826 / 7782 / 11608 / 4677 / 3316 / 7993 / 1222 / 1287 / 2509 / 606 / 891 / 1497 / 1497 / 836 / 2333 / 25940
2010_2 / 3436 / 8434 / 11870 / 4366 / 3496 / 7862 / 1286 / 1634 / 2920 / 459 / 1208 / 1667 / 1511 / 1021 / 2532 / 26851
2010_3 / 3557 / 9018 / 12575 / 4243 / 3671 / 7914 / 1235 / 1977 / 3212 / 563 / 1173 / 1736 / 1459 / 997 / 2456 / 27893
2010_4 / 3963 / 8590 / 12553 / 4816 / 3568 / 8384 / 1371 / 1381 / 2752 / 594 / 1080 / 1674 / 1627 / 1017 / 2644 / 28007
2011_1 / 4066 / 8520 / 12586 / 5464 / 3546 / 9010 / 1388 / 1476 / 2864 / 534 / 941 / 1475 / 2234 / 986 / 3220 / 29155
2011_2 / 3429 / 9019 / 12448 / 4729 / 3925 / 8654 / 1078 / 1652 / 2730 / 512 / 988 / 1500 / 1889 / 1121 / 3010 / 28342
2011_3 / 3582 / 9699 / 13281 / 4868 / 4068 / 8936 / 1236 / 1721 / 2957 / 677 / 1114 / 1791 / 1858 / 1152 / 3010 / 29975
2011_4 / 4013 / 9103 / 13116 / 4909 / 3457 / 8366 / 1458 / 1485 / 2943 / 595 / 1072 / 1667 / 1909 / 938 / 2847 / 28939
2012_1 / 4023 / 9005 / 13028 / 5064 / 3294 / 8358 / 1504 / 1518 / 3022 / 537 / 909 / 1446 / 1782 / 783 / 2565 / 28419
2012_2 / 3560 / 9377 / 12937 / 4656 / 3797 / 8453 / 1284 / 1671 / 2955 / 554 / 931 / 1485 / 1800 / 1003 / 2803 / 28633
2012_3 / 3645 / 9952 / 13597 / 4700 / 3662 / 8362 / 1398 / 2026 / 3424 / 515 / 937 / 1452 / 1698 / 1044 / 2742 / 29577
2012_4 / 4052 / 9571 / 13623 / 4829 / 3572 / 8401 / 1727 / 1642 / 3369 / 551 / 973 / 1524 / 1878 / 829 / 2707 / 29624
2013_1 / 4335 / 9181 / 13516 / 5302 / 3258 / 8560 / 1662 / 1348 / 3010 / 654 / 879 / 1533 / 1859 / 798 / 2657 / 29276
2013_2 / 3600 / 9820 / 13420 / 5099 / 3677 / 8776 / 1479 / 1795 / 3274 / 578 / 921 / 1499 / 1801 / 918 / 2719 / 29688
2013_3 / 3530 / 10104 / 13634 / 5447 / 4078 / 9525 / 1487 / 1989 / 3476 / 561 / 932 / 1493 / 1628 / 950 / 2578 / 30706
2013_4 / 3956 / 9546 / 13502 / 5013 / 3695 / 8708 / 1469 / 1691 / 3160 / 595 / 832 / 1427 / 1565 / 869 / 2434 / 29231
2014_1 / 4344 / 9280 / 13624 / 4864 / 3660 / 8524 / 1529 / 1407 / 2936 / 536 / 777 / 1313 / 1688 / 821 / 2509 / 28906
2014_2 / 3720 / 9232 / 12952 / 4458 / 4166 / 8624 / 1316 / 1854 / 3170 / 551 / 715 / 1266 / 1370 / 671 / 2041 / 28053
2014_3 / 3896 / 9477 / 13373 / 4700 / 4282 / 8982 / 1383 / 1914 / 3297 / 531 / 652 / 1183 / 1473 / 745 / 2218 / 29053
2014_4 / 4362 / 8936 / 13298 / 5000 / 3749 / 8749 / 1401 / 1584 / 2985 / 540 / 745 / 1285 / 1499 / 839 / 2338 / 28655

Table 8 Number of emergency department (ED) presentations, by quarter, using composite ED alcohol indicator,by Indigenous status, Northern Territory hospitals, 2005-2014

(quarter) / Indigenous / Non-
Indigenous / Total / Indigenous / Non-
Indigenous / Total / Indigenous / Non-
Indigenous / Total / Indigenous / Non-
Indigenous / Total / Indigenous / Non-
Indigenous / Total
2005_3 / 270 / 232 / 502 / 555 / 42 / 597 / 117 / 19 / 136 / 46 / 8 / 54 / 68 / 8 / 76 / 1365
2005_4 / 370 / 258 / 628 / 609 / 88 / 697 / 176 / 32 / 208 / 56 / 10 / 66 / 89 / 20 / 109 / 1708
2006_1 / 362 / 242 / 604 / 742 / 75 / 817 / 160 / 23 / 183 / 53 / 7 / 60 / 125 / 16 / 141 / 1805
2006_2 / 293 / 221 / 514 / 508 / 60 / 568 / 128 / 33 / 161 / 44 / 9 / 53 / 146 / 9 / 155 / 1451
2006_3 / 282 / 275 / 557 / 525 / 67 / 592 / 134 / 22 / 156 / 31 / 6 / 37 / 97 / 11 / 108 / 1450
2006_4 / 335 / 259 / 594 / 549 / 88 / 637 / 175 / 17 / 192 / 52 / 9 / 61 / 121 / 14 / 135 / 1619
2007_1 / 392 / 221 / 613 / 700 / 95 / 795 / 183 / 29 / 212 / 78 / 16 / 94 / 156 / 13 / 169 / 1883
2007_2 / 368 / 272 / 640 / 527 / 58 / 585 / 146 / 19 / 165 / 48 / 6 / 54 / 177 / 18 / 195 / 1639
2007_3 / 326 / 252 / 578 / 552 / 62 / 614 / 158 / 36 / 194 / 46 / 8 / 54 / 181 / 11 / 192 / 1632
2007_4 / 435 / 268 / 703 / 725 / 89 / 814 / 215 / 25 / 240 / 42 / 11 / 53 / 214 / 19 / 233 / 2043
2008_1 / 370 / 275 / 645 / 663 / 72 / 735 / 135 / 19 / 154 / 53 / 9 / 62 / 182 / 21 / 203 / 1799
2008_2 / 399 / 247 / 646 / 597 / 68 / 665 / 133 / 21 / 154 / 31 / 6 / 37 / 137 / 7 / 144 / 1646
2008_3 / 347 / 266 / 613 / 513 / 73 / 586 / 140 / 25 / 165 / 40 / 8 / 48 / 122 / 10 / 132 / 1544
2008_4 / 404 / 297 / 701 / 789 / 103 / 892 / 164 / 19 / 183 / 55 / 15 / 70 / 165 / 17 / 182 / 2028
2009_1 / 461 / 254 / 715 / 847 / 105 / 952 / 173 / 35 / 208 / 33 / 10 / 43 / 126 / 13 / 139 / 2057
2009_2 / 367 / 270 / 637 / 615 / 76 / 691 / 124 / 26 / 150 / 28 / 7 / 35 / 120 / 16 / 136 / 1649
2009_3 / 297 / 284 / 581 / 585 / 58 / 643 / 132 / 27 / 159 / 40 / 11 / 51 / 136 / 12 / 148 / 1582
2009_4 / 441 / 278 / 719 / 784 / 67 / 851 / 129 / 24 / 153 / 41 / 3 / 44 / 156 / 16 / 172 / 1939
2010_1 / 480 / 251 / 731 / 834 / 92 / 926 / 138 / 20 / 158 / 50 / 7 / 57 / 158 / 6 / 164 / 2036
2010_2 / 430 / 245 / 675 / 723 / 49 / 772 / 126 / 28 / 154 / 26 / 5 / 31 / 198 / 14 / 212 / 1844
2010_3 / 444 / 304 / 748 / 742 / 77 / 819 / 158 / 44 / 202 / 51 / 11 / 62 / 168 / 12 / 180 / 2011
2010_4 / 471 / 300 / 771 / 906 / 93 / 999 / 193 / 27 / 220 / 41 / 13 / 54 / 195 / 6 / 201 / 2245
2011_1 / 528 / 268 / 796 / 926 / 102 / 1028 / 206 / 25 / 231 / 38 / 6 / 44 / 237 / 14 / 251 / 2350
2011_2 / 369 / 309 / 678 / 768 / 95 / 863 / 163 / 31 / 194 / 40 / 7 / 47 / 177 / 12 / 189 / 1971
2011_3 / 432 / 305 / 737 / 824 / 75 / 899 / 176 / 36 / 212 / 57 / 10 / 67 / 147 / 10 / 157 / 2072
2011_4 / 486 / 291 / 777 / 1045 / 107 / 1152 / 195 / 21 / 216 / 52 / 6 / 58 / 180 / 7 / 187 / 2390
2012_1 / 454 / 275 / 729 / 1062 / 86 / 1148 / 208 / 31 / 239 / 36 / 7 / 43 / 210 / 18 / 228 / 2387
2012_2 / 401 / 316 / 717 / 956 / 71 / 1027 / 155 / 27 / 182 / 36 / 5 / 41 / 168 / 6 / 174 / 2141
2012_3 / 409 / 315 / 724 / 955 / 95 / 1050 / 210 / 35 / 245 / 36 / 3 / 39 / 157 / 13 / 170 / 2228
2012_4 / 529 / 384 / 913 / 1190 / 114 / 1304 / 252 / 41 / 293 / 31 / 5 / 36 / 243 / 11 / 254 / 2800
2013_1 / 537 / 286 / 823 / 1389 / 126 / 1515 / 290 / 36 / 326 / 46 / 10 / 56 / 288 / 11 / 299 / 3019
2013_2 / 477 / 322 / 799 / 1378 / 100 / 1478 / 272 / 30 / 302 / 41 / 13 / 54 / 309 / 23 / 332 / 2965
2013_3 / 411 / 315 / 726 / 1324 / 96 / 1420 / 221 / 29 / 250 / 39 / 4 / 43 / 264 / 15 / 279 / 2718
2013_4 / 471 / 311 / 782 / 1174 / 103 / 1277 / 219 / 27 / 246 / 58 / 5 / 63 / 260 / 7 / 267 / 2635
2014_1 / 518 / 269 / 787 / 1006 / 89 / 1095 / 248 / 30 / 278 / 28 / 9 / 37 / 189 / 13 / 202 / 2399
2014_2 / 521 / 307 / 828 / 879 / 108 / 987 / 218 / 37 / 255 / 29 / 4 / 33 / 141 / 11 / 152 / 2255
2014_3 / 478 / 273 / 751 / 708 / 75 / 783 / 240 / 27 / 267 / 48 / 6 / 54 / 132 / 7 / 139 / 1994
2014_4 / 625 / 325 / 950 / 845 / 91 / 936 / 290 / 33 / 323 / 38 / 7 / 45 / 148 / 6 / 154 / 2408

Table 9 Number of emergency department presentations by quarter, for wholly alcohol-related presentations, by Indigenous status, Northern Territory hospitals, 2005-2014

(quarter) / Indigenous / Non-
Indigenous / Total / Indigenous / Non-
Indigenous / Total / Indigenous / Non-
Indigenous / Total / Indigenous / Non-
Indigenous / Total / Indigenous / Non-
Indigenous / Total
2005_3 / 61 / 49 / 110 / 114 / 8 / 122 / 23 / 3 / 26 / 8 / 2 / 10 / 15 / 2 / 17 / 285
2005_4 / 58 / 55 / 113 / 132 / 21 / 153 / 39 / 5 / 44 / 9 / 2 / 11 / 26 / 2 / 28 / 349
2006_1 / 68 / 65 / 133 / 162 / 11 / 173 / 46 / 2 / 48 / 10 / 1 / 11 / 12 / 1 / 13 / 378
2006_2 / 46 / 46 / 92 / 127 / 11 / 138 / 49 / 14 / 63 / 11 / 0 / 11 / 16 / 1 / 17 / 321
2006_3 / 46 / 70 / 116 / 126 / 16 / 142 / 32 / 4 / 36 / 7 / 2 / 9 / 17 / 3 / 20 / 323
2006_4 / 86 / 69 / 155 / 106 / 27 / 133 / 47 / 1 / 48 / 16 / 1 / 17 / 33 / 4 / 37 / 390
2007_1 / 94 / 43 / 137 / 144 / 18 / 162 / 47 / 5 / 52 / 17 / 3 / 20 / 21 / 1 / 22 / 393
2007_2 / 73 / 71 / 144 / 141 / 16 / 157 / 44 / 3 / 47 / 8 / 1 / 9 / 29 / 3 / 32 / 389
2007_3 / 70 / 43 / 113 / 182 / 20 / 202 / 49 / 7 / 56 / 9 / 0 / 9 / 44 / 0 / 44 / 424
2007_4 / 109 / 58 / 167 / 228 / 28 / 256 / 72 / 2 / 74 / 7 / 1 / 8 / 35 / 3 / 38 / 543
2008_1 / 96 / 63 / 159 / 183 / 20 / 203 / 62 / 7 / 69 / 18 / 0 / 18 / 49 / 1 / 50 / 499
2008_2 / 117 / 50 / 167 / 195 / 20 / 215 / 33 / 3 / 36 / 7 / 0 / 7 / 37 / 1 / 38 / 463
2008_3 / 76 / 56 / 132 / 213 / 25 / 238 / 42 / 4 / 46 / 7 / 2 / 9 / 27 / 2 / 29 / 454
2008_4 / 93 / 59 / 152 / 206 / 31 / 237 / 71 / 5 / 76 / 14 / 6 / 20 / 30 / 5 / 35 / 520
2009_1 / 114 / 58 / 172 / 253 / 39 / 292 / 75 / 10 / 85 / 9 / 2 / 11 / 17 / 2 / 19 / 579
2009_2 / 77 / 66 / 143 / 242 / 31 / 273 / 42 / 5 / 47 / 3 / 1 / 4 / 27 / 2 / 29 / 496
2009_3 / 60 / 73 / 133 / 230 / 23 / 253 / 37 / 7 / 44 / 6 / 2 / 8 / 39 / 1 / 40 / 478
2009_4 / 106 / 67 / 173 / 266 / 35 / 301 / 32 / 7 / 39 / 3 / 2 / 5 / 31 / 0 / 31 / 549
2010_1 / 123 / 57 / 180 / 241 / 27 / 268 / 38 / 2 / 40 / 10 / 1 / 11 / 32 / 0 / 32 / 531
2010_2 / 132 / 60 / 192 / 236 / 19 / 255 / 30 / 8 / 38 / 8 / 1 / 9 / 35 / 1 / 36 / 530
2010_3 / 107 / 67 / 174 / 279 / 29 / 308 / 38 / 10 / 48 / 8 / 3 / 11 / 44 / 3 / 47 / 588
2010_4 / 109 / 73 / 182 / 343 / 47 / 390 / 55 / 10 / 65 / 11 / 1 / 12 / 41 / 0 / 41 / 690
2011_1 / 146 / 63 / 209 / 284 / 39 / 323 / 71 / 2 / 73 / 12 / 2 / 14 / 60 / 2 / 62 / 681
2011_2 / 100 / 69 / 169 / 260 / 40 / 300 / 55 / 6 / 61 / 8 / 3 / 11 / 40 / 3 / 43 / 584
2011_3 / 105 / 85 / 190 / 341 / 28 / 369 / 60 / 11 / 71 / 18 / 5 / 23 / 41 / 2 / 43 / 696
2011_4 / 122 / 76 / 198 / 388 / 42 / 430 / 57 / 5 / 62 / 13 / 1 / 14 / 38 / 1 / 39 / 743
2012_1 / 140 / 74 / 214 / 453 / 34 / 487 / 82 / 6 / 88 / 7 / 2 / 9 / 55 / 8 / 63 / 861
2012_2 / 90 / 85 / 175 / 442 / 35 / 477 / 51 / 8 / 59 / 20 / 0 / 20 / 46 / 0 / 46 / 777
2012_3 / 111 / 91 / 202 / 464 / 50 / 514 / 104 / 10 / 114 / 13 / 1 / 14 / 44 / 4 / 48 / 892
2012_4 / 170 / 119 / 289 / 636 / 59 / 695 / 122 / 9 / 131 / 15 / 1 / 16 / 80 / 5 / 85 / 1216
2013_1 / 176 / 80 / 256 / 822 / 73 / 895 / 139 / 6 / 145 / 23 / 6 / 29 / 112 / 3 / 115 / 1440
2013_2 / 176 / 102 / 278 / 982 / 59 / 1041 / 139 / 11 / 150 / 18 / 7 / 25 / 117 / 10 / 127 / 1621
2013_3 / 140 / 114 / 254 / 834 / 48 / 882 / 99 / 5 / 104 / 15 / 4 / 19 / 116 / 4 / 120 / 1379
2013_4 / 167 / 80 / 247 / 735 / 53 / 788 / 104 / 5 / 109 / 27 / 3 / 30 / 141 / 4 / 145 / 1319
2014_1 / 185 / 76 / 261 / 621 / 54 / 675 / 130 / 10 / 140 / 14 / 2 / 16 / 86 / 3 / 89 / 1181
2014_2 / 185 / 87 / 272 / 534 / 61 / 595 / 111 / 10 / 121 / 11 / 3 / 14 / 67 / 1 / 68 / 1070
2014_3 / 173 / 78 / 251 / 389 / 36 / 425 / 118 / 8 / 126 / 14 / 2 / 16 / 63 / 2 / 65 / 883
2014_4 / 247 / 105 / 352 / 459 / 48 / 507 / 126 / 10 / 136 / 11 / 2 / 13 / 59 / 1 / 60 / 1068

Regular report on alcohol-related harm indicators for public hospitalsPage 1

List of figures

Figure 1 Rates of hospital admission, each quarter, for conditions that are 100% alcohol-attributable, by Indigenous status and sex, Northern Territory Top End region, 2004-2014……………………………………………………………………………………………...5

Figure 2 Rates of hospital admission, each quarter, for conditions that are 100% alcohol-attributable, by Indigenous status and sex, Northern Territory Central Australia region, 2004-2014……………………………………………………………………………………..5

Figure 3 Rates of hospital admission, each quarter, for conditions that are 40% or greater alcohol-attributable, by Indigenous status and sex, Northern Territory Top End region, 2004-2014……………………………………………………………………………………………...6

Figure 4 Rates of hospital admission, each quarter, for conditions that are 40% or greater alcohol-attributable, by Indigenous status and sex, Northern Territory Central Australia region, 2004-2014………………………………………………………………………………… …..6

Figure 5 Number of emergency department (ED) presentations, by quarter, for all presentations and alcohol-related presentations, using composite ED alcohol indicator, Northern Territory hospitals, 2005-2014…………………………………………………………….8

Figure 6 Number of alcohol-related emergency department (ED) presentations, by quarter, using composite ED alcohol indicator, by Indigenous status, Northern Territory hospitals, 2005-2014…………………………………………………………………………………………...... 9

Figure 7 Number of alcohol-related emergency department presentations, by quarter, for wholly alcohol-related presentations, by Indigenous status, Northern Territory hospitals, 2005-2014…………………………………………………………………………………………….10

List of tables

Table 1aWholly alcohol-attributable conditions with an attributable fraction of 100% for hospital admission………………………………………………………………………………... 11

Table 1bPartially alcohol-attributable conditions with an attributable fraction of 40%or greater for hospital admission…………………………………………………………………... 12

Table 2a Emergency department wholly and partially alcohol-related conditions as the principal diagnosis………………………………………………………………………………… 13

Table2b Emergency department wholly and partially alcohol-related conditions as a presentingproblem………………………………………………………………………………. 14

Table 3 Hospital admission numbers and rates, for 100% alcohol-attributable conditions, by Indigenous status and sex,Northern Territory Top End region, 2004-2014…………… 15

Table 4 Hospital admission numbers and rates for 100% alcohol-attributable conditions, by Indigenous status and sex,Northern Territory Central Australia region, 2004-2014….. 16

Table 5 Hospital admission numbers and rates, adjusted by attributable fraction, for 40%or greater alcohol-attributable conditions, by Indigenous status and sex,Northern Territory Top End region, 2004-2014…………………………………………………………... 17

Table 6 Hospital admission numbers and rates, adjusted by attributable fraction, for 40% or greater alcohol-attributable conditions, by Indigenous status,Northern Territory Central Australiaregion, 2004-2014…………………………………………………………….18

Table 7 Number of emergency department (ED) presentations, by quarter, for all presentations and alcohol-related presentations, using composite ED alcohol indicator, by Indigenous status,Northern Territory hospitals, 2005-2014……………………………... 19

Table 8 Number of emergency department (ED) presentations, by quarter, using composite ED alcohol indicator, by Indigenous status,Northern Territory hospitals, 2005-2014………………………………………………………………………………………… 21

Table 9 Number of emergency department presentations by quarter, for wholly alcohol-related presentations, by Indigenous status, Northern Territory hospitals, 2005-2014………………………………………………………………………………………… 23

Regular report on alcohol-related harm indicators for public hospitalsPage 1

[*]Note: scale on Y-axes vary between Fig.1 and Fig.2

[*]Note: scale on Y-axes vary between graphs

[*]Note: scale on Y-axes vary between graphs

[*]Note: scale on Y-axes vary between graphs