7th Grade Language Arts and Reading

Mrs. Kemmerer and Ms. McCormick

From speeches and debates to multimedia projects, our Language Arts department offers a diverse curriculum for middle school students. The core Language Arts class encompasses the following areas: Grammar and Usage, Spelling, Vocabulary, Writing, Literature, Poetry, and Public Speaking. Additional units include Parables and Fairy Tales in sixth grade, World Mythology in seventh grade and Drama and Nonfiction in eighth grade.

The following department rules will be covered during the first week of school:

·  An average of 70% or better is required to pass the course.

·  All work must be completed as assigned for full credit. If a major assignment is lost or forgotten, teachers will accept the major assignment later that same day for 90% of the points. The value of the assignment will drop another 10% each day the assignment is late. If an assignment is late by more than four days, the grade will be ‘0’.

·  Incomplete homework assignments will result in no points earned. After three missed homework assignments, students will be assigned an academic support session. Students may stay after school to make up incomplete work for possible, partial credit.

·  If absent previously assigned work is due the day the student returns. The number of days a student is absent is the same number of days the students has to make up missed assignments. It is the student’s responsibility to collect and turn in missed work. Please check the teacher’s website for class information and homework assignments.

·  Students will have a maximum of five days to make-up tests and quizzes assigned during their absence. The teacher may extend this time in the event the student is absent for an extended period of time.

·  All major assignments/compositions must be in pen, but may be typed, for seventh and eighth grade students.

·  Plagiarism will result in a grade of ‘0’. Appropriate disciplinary action will be taken.

·  All seventh and eighth grade students must have a three-ring binder, paper, and pens. Notebook skills will be taught and graded.

·  All middle school students must bring their Accelerated Reader books to class every day.

·  Students must bring their school planner to class every day and keep it up to date. Teachers will check planners daily.

·  Gum, candy, food, and drink are prohibited in the classroom.

·  Neither book bags nor coats are allowed in the classroom.

These rules will provide equal learning opportunities in a stable environment for all students as well as teach responsibility. We look forward to meeting your student and having a successful year!

I have read and understand the rules as stated and will follow them throughout the school year.


Student Parent/Guardian Date