(cover sheet)

Nominee Name (PA):
Title: / Years in Extension:
Business Address:
Telephone: / ( ) / Fax: / ( )
Sponsored by (agent):
Telephone: / ( )
□ Individual□ Team
Overall Program Description: (50-word limit)
Brief Program Description (30 words for award summary)


  1. To recognize outstanding accomplishments of para-professionals in Extension Family and Consumer Sciences including youth programs.
  2. To encourage the use of imaginative and effective methods to reach special audiences.
  3. To promote local recognition of outstanding service to special audiences through the use of para-professionals working with or supervised by Extension Family and Consumer Sciences Agents who are FEAFCS members.


  1. A para-professional is an individual who is an employee of the Cooperative Extension Service and works under the supervision of Extension professionals.
  2. The para-professional must have been employed at least two years or the part-time equivalent of two years in present position and be working with or supervised by an Extension Family and Consumer Sciences Agent who is a member of FEAFCS.
  3. The application form and supporting narrative are to be prepared by the sponsoring Extension Family and Consumer Sciences Agent.
  4. Individual or Team entries are permitted, however, only one award will be given.

Outline (copy/paste/complete this outline and submit with page 1/cover sheet)

I.Current Situation/Program Needs

  • Target Audience
  • Objectives of Program

III.Educational Methods Used

  • Materials Developed (displays, print, electronic, etc.)
  • Communication Tools (at least two)

(newsletter, PowerPoint, web page, fact sheet, etc.)

  • Use of Volunteer Leadership (and/or cooperation with other organizations and agencies, if applicable)

IV.Impact of Program

  • Has the program served the needs and interests of families and/or individuals with whom the para-professional works?
  • Methods used to deliver program (supporting evidence of news story, photo, or teaching aid may be included, if applicable – limit to one page, front and back)
  • Impact and program evaluation
  • Success Story

Limit outline to two, double-spaced pages (not including cover sheet). May include one page (front/back) support piece.

Note: Nomination may be e-mailed or mailed to the Para-Professional Award sub-committee chair by April 1. If you have any questions, please contact the sub-committee chair or VP-Awards and Recognition chair person.

Judging Sheet

Name(s) of Nominee(s):
Program title:
Name of judge:
Score / Assigned
1.Current situation/ program needs / 20
Target audience, objectives
2.Educational methods used / 40
Materials developed; communication tools (at least two); use of volunteers and other agencies/organizations, if applicable.
3. Impact of program / 40
Program served the needs; methods used to deliver program; program evaluation; accomplishments and impacts; success story
TOTAL / 100