(cover sheet)
Nominee Name (PA):Title: / Years in Extension:
Business Address:
Telephone: / ( ) / Fax: / ( )
Sponsored by (agent):
Telephone: / ( )
□ Individual□ Team
Overall Program Description: (50-word limit)
Brief Program Description (30 words for award summary)
- To recognize outstanding accomplishments of para-professionals in Extension Family and Consumer Sciences including youth programs.
- To encourage the use of imaginative and effective methods to reach special audiences.
- To promote local recognition of outstanding service to special audiences through the use of para-professionals working with or supervised by Extension Family and Consumer Sciences Agents who are FEAFCS members.
- A para-professional is an individual who is an employee of the Cooperative Extension Service and works under the supervision of Extension professionals.
- The para-professional must have been employed at least two years or the part-time equivalent of two years in present position and be working with or supervised by an Extension Family and Consumer Sciences Agent who is a member of FEAFCS.
- The application form and supporting narrative are to be prepared by the sponsoring Extension Family and Consumer Sciences Agent.
- Individual or Team entries are permitted, however, only one award will be given.
Outline (copy/paste/complete this outline and submit with page 1/cover sheet)
I.Current Situation/Program Needs
- Target Audience
- Objectives of Program
III.Educational Methods Used
- Materials Developed (displays, print, electronic, etc.)
- Communication Tools (at least two)
(newsletter, PowerPoint, web page, fact sheet, etc.)
- Use of Volunteer Leadership (and/or cooperation with other organizations and agencies, if applicable)
IV.Impact of Program
- Has the program served the needs and interests of families and/or individuals with whom the para-professional works?
- Methods used to deliver program (supporting evidence of news story, photo, or teaching aid may be included, if applicable – limit to one page, front and back)
- Impact and program evaluation
- Success Story
Limit outline to two, double-spaced pages (not including cover sheet). May include one page (front/back) support piece.
Note: Nomination may be e-mailed or mailed to the Para-Professional Award sub-committee chair by April 1. If you have any questions, please contact the sub-committee chair or VP-Awards and Recognition chair person.
Judging Sheet
Name(s) of Nominee(s):Program title:
Name of judge:
Score / Assigned
1.Current situation/ program needs / 20
Target audience, objectives
2.Educational methods used / 40
Materials developed; communication tools (at least two); use of volunteers and other agencies/organizations, if applicable.
3. Impact of program / 40
Program served the needs; methods used to deliver program; program evaluation; accomplishments and impacts; success story
TOTAL / 100