A meeting of Goring Heath Parish Council was held in the Parish Hall on Thursday 10thJuly2014 at 8pm.

  1. Present: Chairman Nick Henry, Councillors, Peter Dragonetti, Nick Elsome, Tim King,and Martin Wisealso present Caroline Hadley, parish clerk.
  2. Apologies for AbsenceRichard Greenford, Kate Giles, Ann Ducker, Kevin Bulmer andMarjo McGee.
  3. Minutes of the last meeting,12th June2014 were signed as correct.
  4. Matters Arising. The dog bin had arrived; the clerk would ask Brian Tappern if he would fit it and speak to SODC & the owner of Hods Corner. Peter had met with Mr Sandhu who intends to reapply for change of use at the White Lion. Castrol have submitted their plan. Peter had met with Tom McAuslin of Flint House and he was keen on afootpath from Flint House to Crays Pond and would provide funding. The clerk to contact Highways and ask if Keith Stenning could contact Peter.
  5. Parish Hall.All was wellthe annual meeting had been held and more money had been raised this year than last.
  6. Newsletter/Website.The deadline for the September edition was 12 August.
  7. Recreation Ground. The Annual Inspection of Whitchurch Hill Recreation Ground and the Annual Inspection of Garton End Play Area would be carried out in July. The clerk would email the link for the fencing at Garton End to Nick Elsome and then some quotes could be obtained for the work. The new hedge on the recreation ground was still alive.
  8. District Councillors Report. None.
  9. County CouncillorsReport. (had been circulated via email)
  10. Planning and Unauthorised Developments.

P14/S1922/HH Mallory House Shirvells Hill Goring Heath RG8 7SP Alterations to existing coach house, single storey extension to form link and alterations to the roof form Tim will visit and let other councillors know.

  1. Finance. There was £13,438.67 in the bank on 3July, £2.14 had been earned in untaxed interest. The following cheques were drawn and authorised

301362June Grass£410.04

301363Dog Bin£147.60

301364July Newsletter£240.00

301365H M Revenue & customs£72.60

301366Clerks Salary June£257.40

301367Internal Audit£264.00

301368H M Revenue & Customs £100.00


The report by the internal auditors had been received and would be circulated to the parish councillors. The action points were noted and the meeting discussed and noted the recommendations. The VAT was about to be reclaimed. The section 137 spending limit to be minuted at the next meeting.

  1. War Memorial Martin reported that the next stage was for him to produce some artist impressions for this November.
  2. Neighbourhood Plan. No developments
  3. Linking the Footpath to Goring. This had been covered in matters arising
  4. Crays Pond/Tinepits.Martin and Peter would meet to clear out the swales..
  5. Working Parties.The next would be on Sunday 12 October 10 am to clear the blackthorn in hedge.
  6. AOB. Martin gave his apologies for the September meeting and residents having trouble knowing when there bins were to be collected could use Binfo.
  7. Date of the next meeting will be Thursday 11th September 2014 at 8pm

The meeting finished at 9.15 pm

Goring Heath Parish Council Minutes July 2014page 1 of 2