. Poonam Shingote, Lingaya’s Institute Of Management And Technology For Women, Faridabad.

Dr. R. N. Malviya, Lingaya’s University, Faridabad.


Electronic Learning (e-Learning) is a process of learning and improving the skills by using modern state of the art electronic technology and computer based environment. The tools of e-learning may be applied to any branch of studies such as Science, Statistics, Engineering, Management, Mathematics or any other emerging fields.e-Learning makes the environment creative, enjoyable and fast. If public systems are made online, a large number of users can have access to learning. Education for all is possible, with minimum investments, only with E-Learning Systems. This paper explainse-Learning, describes the developments ine-Learning. It also proposes schemes for implementing e-learning in India, along with the benefits and problems associated with it


KEYWORDS: E-Learning, e-learning, Technology-enhanced-learning,Digital Library, Online Research, Multimedia Technology, Internet.



The Hindustan Times, New Delhi edition of Saturday October 2, 2010 reported that Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said at the convocation of All India Institute Of Medical Sciences on Friday October 1, 2010 that the AIIMS should develop distance education programme to offer lectures online to students and teachers from other medical schools struggling because of a faculty shortage.

E-Learning is especially suitable for the modern life style because it is efficient, it eliminates the distance problems, it saves time and money. It’s contents are designed for media that can be accessed from computer terminals orInformation and Communication systems. It is growing very fast in Mobile Technology, Internet Technology, Multimedia Technology, Networking Technology.It can be applied to International Environment with the participation of two or more than two countries. The idea of online education, online research, online information, online paper publication, online Digital library, is getting support from all quarters. [2]


E-Learning or electronic learning or e-Learning encompasses all forms of electronic technology-enhanced-learning (TEL).

The term E-Learning is ambiguous to those outside E-Learning industries and even within its ambit for those in different disciplines it has different meanings to different people. In Universities, E-Learning is used to define a specific mode to attend a course or program of study where the students rarely or never meet face to face, nor access on-campus educational facilities because they study online.[3]


In the earlier days, E-Learning systems, based on Computer-Based Learning / Training often attempted to replicate autocratic teaching styles whereby the role of the e-learning system was assumed to be for transferring knowledge, as opposed to systems developed later based on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL), which encouraged the shared development of knowledge.

Librarian, KingstonEngineeringCollege, Vellore – 632 059

As early as 1993, Graziadej W.D., described an online computer-delivered lecture, tutorial and assessment project using electronic mail, two VAX Notes conferences and Gopher / Lynx together with several software programs that allowed students and instructors to create a Virtual Instructional Classroom Environment in Science (VICES), in Research Education Service & Teaching (REST). In 1997 Graziadei, W.D., published an article entitled, “Building Asynchronous and Synchronous Teaching-Learning Environments:

While exploring a Course on Classroom Management System Solution, a process was described at the State University of New York (SUNY) for evaluating products and developing an overall strategy for technology-based course development and management in teaching–learning. The products should be easy to use, maintainable, portable, replicable, scalable, and immediately affordable.They should have a high probability of success with long-term cost-effectiveness. Today many technologies can be, and are, used in e-Learning, from blogs to collaborative software, e-Portfolios, and virtual classrooms. Most e-Learning situations use combinations of these techniques. [4]



India is embracing e-learning in a big way. India has learnt lessons from the success of the e-way in the west and today the grim educational picture is being replaced by e-governance’s-classroom, e-Tutorials. It is a matter of pride for the country in general and agencies in particular for the popularization of the mission mode programmes on e-Governance.[5]

In India e-learning is conceptualised as classrooms without teachers, without textbooks and learning that could happen anytime, anywhere. There are two layers to a successful e-learning programme.

Two layers of Technology Component


Programme Learning Component


The Department of Secondary and Higher Education of the Ministry of Human Resource Development took this initiative in 2002. The Ministry has set up a ‘’Consortia – Based Subscription to Electronic Resources for Technical Educations of the expert group appointed by the Ministry. At present (37 ) Centrally- funded Government institutions including IITS, IISc Bangalore, NITs, IIITs and IIMs are core members of the INDEST Consortium. The required funds for providing differential access to electronic resources subscribed for the core members through the Consortium in December 2005 with the AICTE playing pivotal role in enrolling its affiliated engineering colleges and institutions as members of the Consortium for selected e- resources at much lower rates of subscription . The INDES-AICTE Consortium is the most ambitious initiative taken so far in India. The benefit of consortia-based subscription to electronic resources is not confined to its core members but is also extended to all educational institutions under its self supported category . More then 65 Government engineering Colleges or technical institutions are provided access to selected electronics resources with financial support from the AICTE.It is a matter of pride that 465 engineering colleges and institutions have already joined the Consortium under its self supported category. Over 6,500 electronic journals from a number of publishers and aggregators are subscribes by the INDEST-AICTE Consortium. The access to electronic resources is IP- enabled for institutional members of the Consortium. The Consortium also maintains a Website: (http;?? or http;//


  1. It is self-paced and learning is done at the learner’s place.
  2. The content can be repeated until the trainee understands.
  3. E-Learning is interactive too.
  4. With the growth of e-learning, more and more pupils are able to join in. .
  5. It is time independent, there will be no fear of late coming.

More and more working professionals would be interested in learning the e-way because of flexibility that are available through e-learning. E-learning will soon become a great tool to enhance qualifications and getting job opportunities. Because of these facts, the future of e-learning is bright and liked by more and more people. The salient features may be summarized as follows:

  1. Improved performance: A 12-year meta-analysis of research by the U.S. Department of Education found that education students in online learning generally performed better than those in face-to-face courses.
  2. Increased access: Instructors of the highest caliber can share their knowledge across borders, allowing students to attend courses across the boundaries. Recognized experts have the opportunity of making information available internationally, to anyone interested at minimum costs. For example, the MIT Open Course Ware program has made substantial portions of that university’s curriculum and lectures are available for free online.
  3. Convenience and flexibility to learners: In many contexts, e-learning is self-paced and the learning sessions are available at all time 24X7. Learners are not bound to a specific day/time to physically attend classes. They can also pause learning sessions at their convenience. The High technology is not necessary for all online courses. Basic internet access, audio, and video capabilities are common requirements. Depending on the technology used, students can begin their courses while at work and finish them at home on a different computer.
  4. To develop the skills and competencies: E-learning is that it enables learners to develop essential skills for knowledge-based workers by embedding the use of information and communication technologies within the curriculum. The using of e-learning in this way has major implications for course design and the assessment of learners.[6], [7]


  1. Pay less per credit hour.
  2. Reduce overall training time
  3. Spread training out over extended periods of time
  4. Bookmark progress
  5. Remain in one location
  6. Receive quality training that bolsters job performance.


One of the problems with e-learning in India is the lack of course content, especially outside the mainstream focus areas of IT education, such as English-language content and tutorial-like courses. There will be high demand for people who can develop multi-lingual courseware that addresses various topics. Statistics reveal that one of the top 10 positions among Global 1000 companies of the future will be that of an online learning designer.


High quality e-learning solutions are being developed in India with the right technology and industry support in sectors such as steel, IT, automobiles, cement and telecom. Industry watchers estimate that because of its advantages, India is bound to grow in stature as the hub for e-learning programmes.

Many companies are booming up here in India for providing e-classes. Places like Mumbai and Bangalore are becoming prominent centers for providing e-tutorials.E-learning in India is gaining prominence slowly, but indeed steadily. This is due to the fact that more than half the population of India today is below 25 years of age and the number of Internet users are growing continuously. The tremendous growth of the economy in the recent past has also helped in the growth of online education in India. E-learning in India is specially popular with the young professionals who have joined the work force quite early but still would like to continue their education that may help them move up their career ladder quickly and safely. They find online education in India very convenient, as the nature of the course work does not require them to attend regular classes. Moreover reputed institutes like Indian Institute of Management, Indian Institute of Technology, Indian Institute of Foreign Trade are today offering e-learning courses. Thus e-learning in India makes it possible for the learners to pursue their education from reputed institutions without much hassle.

In future, e-learning is for everyone, be it educators or students.It is imperative that e-learning would coexist with other technologies and ways of acquiring knowledge. As soon as low cost PCs are made available and broadband penetrate deeper, particularly in rural areas, there are chances that e-learning will strengthen further and help people in all walks of life.


  1. E-learning Essentials. Online education delivery methods:Types of e-learning from http;// essentials/elearningtypes. Htm
  2. Clark, David James.(2002, January). Big bang or steady evolution? from
  3. Alan Dix, Janet E.Finlay, Gregory, D.(2003). Abowd, Human Computer Interaction: Printice Hall.
  4. Cooke, Michael. (2004 July). The evolution of e-learning. Clomedia: from
  5. Michael W.Allen,(2007). Creating Successful e-learning. New York: Wiley Publishers.
  6. hindustantimes, New Delhi / METRO Vol. LXXXVI No. 235, Saturday October 02, 2010.