Meeting Announcement and Call for Papers


April 6-7, 2017

Meeting Host: Wisconsin DNR

LOCATION: Pyle Center, University of Wisconsin - Madison

702 Langdon St., Madison, WI 53706

Venue Contact: Bill Reed


Fax 608-265-0410

DUES AND REGISTRATION: deadline for registration by mail is March 15, 2017.

  • Membership dues are $15 for students and $25 for professionals.
  • Registration fee is $35 for students and $55 for professionals.
  • When paying your registration fee and/or dues, please complete the attached form (also available at
  • If paying by check or money order, mail registration/dues form and payment to Brianne Walters, Department of Biology, Indiana State University, 600 Chestnut Street, Terre Haute, IN 47809. Checks should be made out to MWBWG.
  • Payment by credit card (Visa or MasterCard) is accepted on-line using the instructions in the registration form.
  • If you pay on-line, please send the registration/dues form by postal mail or e-mail to Brianne Walters ().

ORAL PRESENTATIONS AND POSTERS: deadline for submission of Abstracts is March 1, 2017.

  • Email abstract submissions with subject line labeled “MWBWG abstract” with attachment of abstract in Microsoft Word format to Heather Kaarakka ().
  • Follow format and content of the abstract example on the MWBWG web site (
  • Poster and oral presentations should focus on bats and bat ecology
  • 15 minutes will be allotted for each oral presentation.
  • Indicate whether you will make an oral or poster presentation and underline the name of the presenter in the abstract.

STUDENT COMPETITIONS: To be eligible for a cash award, indicate student status when you submit abstract.

  • Best Student Oral Presentation Award
  • Best Student Poster Award


  • This is an opportunity for students at lunch on Thursday to network and discuss careers with professionals in the field. Student pre-registration will be required (free). Professionals by invite only. Email Jennifer Redell () or Brian Heeringa () to register.

LODGING: Discountedhotel room rates expire March 8, 2017.Be sure and book your room prior to that date to receive the special conference rate.

  • A block of rooms is held at the nearby Lowell Center until March 8, 2016. Discounted room rate will be for April 5-7, 2016 at $82+taxes (single with $12 each for up to three more people). There is also a $10 per car per night parking fee. Book your room by calling and requesting the room block for the 'Midwest Bat Working Group', Register with Valerie Marking, 608-256-2621 Ext 1133, 608-262-5445 (fax), .
  • The Lowell Center is located 1 block from the Pyle Center at 610 Langdon St., Madison, WI 53703. (


  • Driving Directions: For detailed directions to the Pyle Center, Lowell Center and parking, please see: For those not parking at the Lowell Center, public parking is available at the public State Street Campus garage two blocks away, at 415 N. Lake St. Madison, WI 53715. Cost to park at the garage is $1.30 per hour ().
  • Flights: The closest airport is the Dane County Regional Airport - MSN. See for more information.
  • Airport to hotel transportation: Cabs await you at the airport and the Lowell Center can provide a $2/off coupon for your return to the airport.


  • The Memorial Union is less than a block away at 800 Langdon St. and has several restaurants available for lunch: There are also food cards on nearby Library Mall and many restaurants located on State Street a block away.
  • In addition, there are many restaurants, local breweries, and even distilleries located in the downtown Madison area: and


(Subject to change)

Wednesday, April 5th

Early Bird Social - get together for those of you arriving the night before (Location TBD but likely local bar with good food and drinks)

Day 1 – Thursday, April 6th

8:00-10:00am – Registration and Breakfast

8:00-9:30am – Board of Directors Meeting (Block-O Room on Lower Level)

10:00am-10:10pm – Welcome

10:10am-11:10pm – Keynote: Curt Meine (Conservation Biologist, writer and Aldo Leopold Biographer.)

11:10am-12:30pm – Session

12:30-2:00pm – Lunch (on your own) – STUDENT-PROFESSIONAL MIXER (pre-registration required)

2:00-3:30pm – Session

3:30-3:45pm – Break

3:45-5:00pm – Session

5:30-8:30pm – Poster Session and Social (cash bar and heavy hors d’oeuvres)

9pm -'After-the-Social' Social (Location TBD but likely local bar with good food and craft beer)

Day 2 – Friday, April 7th

7:30-9:00am – Registration and Breakfast

9:00am-11:30pm – Session

11:30-1:00pm – Lunch

1:00-3:00pm – Session

*Note: This schedule is generalized and provided to help plan your travel. The final agenda will be available in late March after all abstracts have been received and processed.

Thank you! We look forward to seeing you in Madison, Wisconsin in April 2017!

Registration/Dues Form


Pyle Center, University of Wisconsin – Madison, WI, April 6-7, 2017

Name (as you want it on your nametag):
Address: / City, State, Zip:
Phone Number: / Email:

Are you willing to be a Student Oral Presentation Competition Judge? Yes _____ No _____

Are you willing to be a Student Poster Presentation Competition Judge? Yes _____ No _____


Payment Method (Check one) - Credit Card (online) ______Check ______

Credit card payments online (nominal fee required) at:



Make checks payable to MWBWG or Midwest Bat Working Group

Fee Type / Professional / Student / AMOUNT PAID
Registration (by March 15, 2017) / $55.00 / $35.00
MWBWG Annual Dues
(April 2017 – April 2018) / $25.00 / $15.00
Donation to Student Award Fund / Fill in any donation at right
TOTAL / Fill in TOTAL at right

Mail completed registration form and payment to:

Brianne Walters, Indiana State University, Dept of Biology, 600 Chestnut St., Terre Haute, IN 47809

(credit card payments: please e-mail registration information to )


Presentations and Posters (Abstracts will be accepted until March 1, 2017).

Submit abstracts and complete authorship information electronically in Microsoft Word format to:

with “MWBWG abstract” in subject line using the format described (last page) and at

Please circle if you intend to present an Oral Presentation or Poster Presentation

If the presenter is a student, do you wish to compete for the student awards? (yes or no)

Vendor Registration Form


The Pyle Center, Madison, WI

April 6-7, 2017

Contact Person:
Address: / City, State, Zip:
Phone Number: / Email:
Vendor Options / Fee / AMOUNT PAID
  • Includes 1 registration and 1 vendor space
  • Logo on program
/ $100.00
Bronze Sponsor
  • Sponsor break food
  • Name/logo displayed at break
  • Includes 1 registration and 1 vendor space
  • Logo on program and website
/ $300.00
Silver Sponsor
  • Sponsor breakfast
  • Name/logo displayed at breakfast
  • Includes 2 registrations and 1 vendor spaces
  • Logo on program and website
/ $500.00
Gold Sponsor
  • Sponsor poster session
  • Name/logo displayed at poster session
  • Includes 4 registrations and 2 vendor spaces
  • Logo on program and website
/ $1000.00

Make checks payable to: "MWBWG" or "Midwest Bat Working Group". Please send checks and this completed form to: Brianne Walters, Indiana State University, Dept of Biology, 600 Chestnut St., Terre Haute, IN 47809.


Each vendor space will include a table and 2 chairs. Please indicate if you will need electricity or more chairs.

Please fill out a registration form even if your registration will be covered by the vendor fee. Indicate registration is covered by the vendor fee on the registration form. Annual dues are separate from registration fees.

Please email logos to J. Paul White at by February 10, 2017.

Vendors may set up at 7 am on Thurs. April 6th. Break down must be done by 3:30 pm on Fri. April 7th.


Abstracts for presentations and posters will be accepted until March 1, 2017. Abstracts should include name, organization, address of authors, and title. Underline the name of the author who will be presenting the paper. The Abstract should (1) state the principal objectives and scope of the investigation, (2) describe the methods employed (briefly), (3) summarize the results, and (4) state the principle conclusions. The abstract should be < 300 words. Indicate whether the preferred presentation is oral or poster.

Follow the format guidelines below when preparing your abstract (see example below):

  • Title should be in all capital letters, bold, and centered at the top of the page.
  • Include names and current addresses of authors after the title (and underline presenter’s name).
  • Italicize addresses of authors.
  • Use 12 point Times New Roman font.
  • Use 1-inch margins on all sides.
  • Left justify authors and text only.

Submit abstracts electronically to Heather Kaarakka () with “MWBWG abstract” in the subject line and the abstract as an attachment to the email in Microsoft Word format.




Michael T. Mengak, Steven B. Castleberry, and W. Mark Ford. D. B. Warnell School of Forest Resources, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602 (MTM, SBC); USDA Forest Service, Northern Research Station,Newtown Square, PA (WMF)


A total of 15 minutes will be allotted for presentations, including time for answering questions (3 min). All oral presentations must be in Microsoft PowerPoint. All presenters should bring a copy of their presentation on a flash drive to the meeting.


  • No larger than 36 inches tall x 48 inches wide.
  • Readable from a distance of 2 meters.
  • Title should be capitalized with lettering at least 20 mm high (e.g., 72 pt).
  • Authors and institutional affiliations should be in upper- and lower-case lettering at least 11 mm high (e.g., 42 pt).
  • Text lettering should be at least 9 mm high (e.g., 36 pt) with a line thickness of at least 1 mm.
  • Text for Literature Cited section can be smaller if space is limited (e.g., down to 20 pt)
  • Information should be well organized and concisely presented. Most posters include the following sections: Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusions, Literature Cited.
  • Keep written text to a minimum (remember the rule of thumb “less is more”). “Bullets” and short phrases are effective. Consider using no more than six illustrations (large graphs, flow charts, diagrams, and photographs). Keep captions and legends short and informative.

Thank you! We look forward to seeing you in Madison, Wisconsin in April 2017!