Maine’s ESL Summer Academy – June 27, 28 and 29, 2016

A three-day residential training held at the University of Maine

Registration for ESL 2016 Summer Academy

The English Language Teacher as Leader: A Facilitator’s Retreat

The goal of the three-day ESL Summer Academy is an intense exploration of the WIDA’s Essential Actions, so that participants leave with confidence to lead collaborative discussions to meet the needs of English learners (ELs). Participants will complete a needs assessment using WIDA’s Essential Actions. Based on the needs assessment, participants will then have opportunities to engage in activities that support facilitation for a variety of audiences. Participants will be provided with resources to develop a plan to meet the professional development needs of their school/district.

At the end of the workshop, participants will be able to describe and explain in order to provide facilitation on:

·  The assets, potential, and contributions of ELs and factors that influence language acquisition;

·  Language analysis of content areas;

·  Understanding proficiency levels to target supports for ELs;

·  Leading discussions with educators to create language rich environments; and

·  Collaborative structures that support shared responsibility of ELs.


Teacher Leaders, Coaches, and Facilitators with experience with linguistically diverse students

Successful candidates for this workshop will have:

•  a strong foundation in second language acquisition;

•  a willingness to serve as a leader to support the needs of ELs; and

•  an articulated pathway to delivering PD in their local context (through e.g., staff meetings, Personal Learning Community (PLC) time, planning time, scheduled workshops)

What to Bring:

1)  ACCESS for ELLs Scores (if available):

·  If you are a classroom teacher, bring your Student Roster Report.

·  If you are not a classroom teacher, bring scores from a classroom you support.

·  If you do not have the actual Student Roster Report, bring student scores in whatever format you have **Bring the proficiency level scores for all domains (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) and the overall composite proficiency level.

2) A computer to record your work and to access on-line resources you will use in the workshop.


June 27, 2016 Day 1

7:00am-8:00am Housing check-in at DTAV Community Center for Patch Residence Hall

7:00am-8:30am Breakfast available in Hilltop Commons (included in academy fee)

(Note: Breakfast on June 27th is not available to those staying off campus)

8:30am-9:00am Opening and Working Agreements

9:00am-9:30am Overview of Framework and Resources for Facilitation Website

9:30am-10:00am Facilitation Guide and Needs Assessment

10:00am-10:15am Break

10:15am-Noon Essential Action 1: Capitalize on Resources and experiences of ELs;

Essential Action 5: Focus on influences on second language acquisition.

Noon-1:00pm Lunch

1:00pm-2:45pm Essential Action 2: Analyze the language demands of the content areas,

Essential Action 4: Connect language and content;

Essential Action 6: Blending of standards; Plan for language teaching within content.

2:30pm-2:45pm Afternoon Break

2:45pm-3:30pm Continue afternoon work


June 28, 2016 Day 2

7:00am-8:30am Breakfast available in Hilltop Commons (included in academy fee)

8:30am-10:00am Opening and Overview

Essential Action 3: Understanding of Proficiency Levels;

Essential Action 8: Provide Opportunities for all ELLs to engage in higher level thinking;

Essential Action 7: Language within a Sociocultural Context;

Essential Action 12: Use of instructional supports

10:00am-10:15am Break

10:15am to Noon Continue work from morning

Noon-1:00pm Lunch

1:00pm-2:15pm Essential Action 9: Creation of Language Rich Classrooms;

Essential Action 10 Language analysis;

Essential Action 13 Integration of domains/modalities

2:15pm-2:30pm Break

2:30pm-3:30pm Continue afternoon work.


June 29, 2016 Day 3

7:00am-8:00am Housing check-out at DTAV Community Center for Patch Residence Hall

7:00am-8:30am Breakfast available in Hilltop Commons (included in academy fee)

8:30am-10:00am Essential Action 14: Coordinate and collaborate for planning;

Essential Action 15: Shared responsibilities.

10:00am-10:15am Break

10:15am-Noon Planning for facilitation. Identification of audience, time frame, rough draft of planning.

Noon-1:00pm Lunch

1:00pm-1:30pm Strategies and Revised Can-Dos Share out.

1:30pm-2:15pm Work Time (Break on own time)

2:15pm-3:15pm Practice on Facilitation in small groups

3:15pm Closing and on-going support

3:15pm-4:30pm Housing check-out at DTAV Community Center for Patch Residence Hall


Presenter: Troy Dassler, Professional Development Outreach Specialist, WIDA

Troy Dasslerhas 17 years of experience in ESL/Bilingual Education. He has done unit and lesson plan development work funded through the National Science Foundation on bringing cutting-edge science to all students in k-12 formal and informal settings. He is also part of the national implementation team for the Next Generation Science Standards.Read more

Academy Fee:This is an outstanding opportunity close to home, and the full cost of $125, which includes lodging, all meals, materials and much more – is an uncommon, terrific value.

$125per person includes: / $100 per person includes:
(find your own off campus lodging)
·  3nights lodging (on-campus at UMaine, (6/26, 27 and 29)
·  Meals (eight meals combination of breakfast, lunch and dinner)
·  Academy materials, and
·  On-campus parking decal / ·  Meals (seven meals combination of breakfast, lunch and dinner) (Breakfast on June 27th is not available to those staying off campus)
·  Academy materials, and
·  On-campus parking decal

Please note: Mileage is not included in the Academy fee; no travel reimbursement is provided by Maine Department of Education or Project Reach. In order to maximize the experience the number of participants is limited; early registration is suggested and encouraged.

Registration and Payment: Registration for ESL 2016 Summer Academy

Registration information will be sent to the MDOE and Project Reach. However,full paymentmust be received in order to be registered. If payment isnotreceived, you arenotregistered. Academy space is limited and based on a first come basis with full payment. Payment may be made by Check or Purchase Order. Payment must be made to: Treasurer, State of Maine and sent to: Nancy Mullins, Maine Department of Education, 23 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333-0023. Please note on payment, “2016 MDOE ESL Summer Academy.”

Cancellations and Refunds: Cancellations with full refund will be permitted with written notice of cancellation received beforeJune 10, 2016. No refunds will be provided for cancellations received on or after June 10, 2016.

On-Campus Lodging: A single room is provided in a shared suite with a shared bathroom in an on-campus residence hall. Each suite has three or four single bedrooms (twin bed, desk, dresser) off a common sitting area with kitchen and one shared bathroom. Residence hall check-in begins Sunday June 26 at 5:00 p.m.; meals for Sunday are not included in the Academy fee.

Continuing Education Units (CEUs):2.1 CEUs are available through the University of Maine, details will be included in theacademymaterials.

Sponsored by: Project Reach in collaboration with theMaine Department of Education ESL/Bilingual Programs