April 17, 2008
11:00 AM
Asher Science Center 112
Ellen Emerick, Faculty Chair, called the meeting to order. There was a quorum.
Emily Stow led in prayer.
Rosemary Allen made several announcements and acknowledgements. Thanks were given to retiring professors Paul Redditt, Patricia Cooper, and Frank Wiseman, for their distinguished service to the college.
Capital Campaign
Dan Miller spoke about the Capital Campaign.
Minutes of the Previous Faculty Meeting
A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes of the March 27, 2008. Motion passed.
Standing Committees
Academic Policy Committee: Ben Oldham, on behalf of the Academic Policy Committee, moved acceptance of their report. Report accepted.
Annual Reports
Standing Committees
Academic Support Committee: Steve Carter, on behalf of the Academic Support Committee, moved that faculty accept the report of the committee as shown on the faculty meetings website.
Admissions, Scholarship and Financial Aid Committee: Barbara Burch, on behalf of the Admissions Committee, moved that faculty accept the report of the committee as shown on the faculty meetings website.
Curriculum Committee: Cliff Wargelin, on behalf of the Curriculum Committee, moved that faculty accept the report of the committee as shown on the faculty meetings website.
Curriculum Enrichment Committee: Sheila Klopfer, on behalf of the Curriculum Enrichment Committee, moved that faculty accept the report of the committee as shown on the faculty meetings website.
Faculty Committee: Jana Brill, on behalf of the Faculty Committee, moved that faculty accept the report of the committee as shown on the faculty meetings website.
Faculty Development Committee: Bryan Crawley, on behalf of the Faculty Development Committee, moved that faculty accept the report of the committee as shown on the faculty meetings website.
Honors Program: Homer White, on behalf of the Honors Program, moved that faculty accept the report of the committee as shown on the faculty meetings website.
Retention Committee: Pete LaRue, on behalf of the Retention Committee, moved that faculty accept the report of the committee as shown on the faculty meetings website.
Other Reports
Budget Committee: Zahi Haddad and Todd Coke, on behalf of the Budget Committee, moved that faculty accept the report of the committee as shown on the faculty meetings website.
Standing Committees, Continued
Curriculum Committee: Cliff Wargelin, on behalf of the Curriculum Committee, moved approval of the following:
· New Course MAT413 – Motion was voted on. Motion passed.
· New Course KHS216 and Revision to Athletic Training Major -- Motion was voted on. Motion passed.
o Point of Information - May Term Approved -- THE380 At Movies with Bill
Faculty Committee: Jana Brill, on behalf of the Faculty Committee, moved approval of the following change in the faculty handbook.
Motion from the Faculty Committee: Faculty Handbook; page 50 section 3
That the following words be removed from Article 3, Section 3, of the faculty bylaws
“any full time staff who are teaching at least one catalogue course that semester”
Section 3. The voting faculty consists of the President of the College, the Provost, tenured and tenure-track undergraduate and graduate faculty (including those on sabbatical or leave), the tenured and tenure-track librarians, any full-time staff who are teaching at least one catalogue course that semester, and—if they do not otherwise qualify—department chairs, program coordinators of majors and minors and dual degree programs, the director of the honors program, and the director of the Oxford program.
Although they are not considered to be voting faculty, all administrative and student members of a regular faculty committee presenting a report to the faculty may vote on the matter of that report.
This motion removes from the list of voting faculty people who are essentially staff members rather than the faculty. When the faculty revised parts of the handbook in 2006-07, a rewording of the bylaws to remove visiting professors from the voting faculty inadvertently qualified some staff members as voting faculty.
Since this is a policy change, the motion is tabled until the next meeting.
Old Business
Academic Policy Committee: Ben Oldham, on behalf of the Academic Policy Committee, moved to remove from the table the following motion. The motion voted on. Motion to remove from the table passed.
“While the Academic Policy Committee affirms the value of the Equine Scholars program we move that Other than academic coursework, hours and grades, only Academic Dean’s List, Academic Honors, and/or Honors Program achievements shall appear on the official transcript.”
If approved by the faculty this will appear on page 197 of the 2008-2009 catalogue and references to the Equine Scholars program being noted on the official transcript will be removed (page 26 last paragraph). As with prior changes, the catalogue in effect for a particular student will be the one used to apply this policy.
Motion was voted on. Motion passed.
Faculty Committee: Jana Brill, on behalf of the Faculty Committee, moved to remove from the table the following motion. The motion voted on. Motion to remove from the table passed.
Page 58, paragraph 3: Graduate Council (additions/changes in bold text)
The Graduate Council serves both as the governing and advisory board of the Graduate Education Program. The Graduate Council admits or rejects candidates to the Master of Arts in Education Program and to degree candidacy, recommends program changes, and evaluates the Graduate Program. The Council also serves as a review board in student academic matters and approves new courses, programs and policy changes. The Graduate Council is composed of the Associate Dean of Graduate Education, the Provost, three K-12 classroom teachers, two school administrators or their designated representatives, two graduate students recommended by the Graduate Faculty, and three faculty members who teach in the Graduate Education Program. The Dean of Education serves as a non-voting ex-officio member.
Rationale for Change:
· New requirements of the KY Education Professional Standards Board for Master’s programs require extended collaboration with arts and sciences faculty and P-12 partners.
· Because of increasing enrollments in graduate education, the administrative structure of the Education Department has changed in recent years. The Dean of Education is responsible for overseeing all programs and has always attended Graduate Council meetings as a non-voting ex-officio member.
Motion was voted on. Motion passed.
Faculty Elections
The following faculty were elected to positions for the 2008-2009 academic year.
· Faculty Chair – Brad Hadaway
· Faculty Secretary – Andrea Peach
· Faculty Parliamentarian – Roger Ward
· Member at Large – Institutional Effectiveness – 1 Year Term –Will Harris
· Budget Committee of the College – 2 Year Term – Dr. Zahi Haddad
· Committee on Committees – 1 Year Term – 3 Members -- Barbara Burch, Ed Smith, Emily Stowe
A motion was made to extend the faculty meeting by 5 minutes. Motion seconded and voted on. Motion passed.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:05 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Andrea Peach, Faculty Secretary