Naples Middle School

7th Grade Integrated Science

SY 2016-2017

Ms. Debra Marple

Course Overview:

The information covered this year is based on the DoDDS science standards. You can view the standards at the following web address:


Recent changes to the DoDEA science curriculum make it necessary to include many new sources that may not be readily available to students. The science journal students will develop will serve as the textbook for the course. Each student is required to have the journal every period. Developing and maintaining the journal will also constitute a major grade each quarter. Students will also be using a new online science text called iScience. More information will be provided at a later data.

Contact Information:

School Phone: (314) 629-7501 E-mail:

Supplies needed for class:

The teacher WILL NOT provide any materials for students who are missing supplies.

Science journal - Lined composition book. Spirals not allowed. The student’s name must be on the outside of the journal. This journal must be brought to class every day. Lost or damaged journals must be replaced and reconstructed by the student.

Notebook paper – keep a constant supply of college ruled -paper.

Pencils or pens- either is fine. The use of mechanical pencils is discouraged. The only rule is that all lab work must be done in pencil.

Tentative Sequence: Quarter 1 topics especially often take more time than allotted here.

Review –

1. Review elements of scientific methodology, experimental design, and problem solving

2. Laboratory safety and lab equipment; review of the metric system with emphasis on determining

length, mass, and volume.

3. Review of independent and dependent variables, sample size, data collection and analysis,


4. Review of the metric system-length, mass, volume, temperature, relative density

Quarter 1 topics-

1.  The chemical nature of matter; atoms, elements, compounds and mixtures.

2.  The Periodic Table; chemical symbols, formulas, simple reactions, valence number and bonding, behavior of electrons

Quarter 2 topics-

1.  pH, acids and bases- determine their relative pH.

2.  Physical properties of matter, (including melting, and boiling point, density, and color). Reactivity

2.  Chemical and physical changes of matter

3.  Cells and Heredity - structures and functions of plant and animal cells and their organelles

4.  Bacteria and protists; structure, function. Use of the microscope

Quarter 3 topics-

1.  Pathogens and communicable disease; introduction to microbiological techniques

2.  Mitosis and meiosis; the structure of DNA

3.  Genetics and heredity; terms genes, chromosomes, inherited traits, genotype, phenotype, dominant traits, and recessive traits.

4.  Punnett squares and monohybrid crosses.

5.  Genetic diseases – major project required.

Quarter 4 topics –

1.  Levels of organization of the human body

2.  Skeletal and muscular systems

3.  Circulatory, nervous, respiratory, digestive, and excretory systems

4.  Noninfectious diseases

5.  Ecology: biotic and abiotic environments

6.  Levels of organization within ecosystems , habitats, niches, biomes.

7.  Energy flow in food chains, watersheds, pollution, resource management

Grading System:

All grades are based on a total points scale. The average grade will be calculated by GradeSpeed as percentages. The number of points available/earned will vary each quarter.

A = 90 – 100 B = 80 – 89

C = 70 – 79 D = 60 – 69 F = 0 – 59

Major exams, the journal, projects, and lab write-ups will be worth more points than daily grades such as class work and homework, routine quizzes, etc.

Movie Policy:

Instructional videos are sometimes used to augment important concepts. These are high-quality documentaries such as those produced by National Geographic, Discovery Channel, PBS, BBC, Nova, Bill Nye, etc. These videos are all appropriate for general audiences. By signing and returning this syllabus, you are granting permission for your student to view any and all classroom videos appropriate for general audiences. It is also possible that PG or PG13 movies may be shown during class or after school. In this case, parents will be notified well in advance and students will be required to return a signed permission slip before they will be allowed to watch the movie. Students whose parents choose not to provide this permission or students who neglect to return the permission slip will be offered alternative assignments to replace the video/movie.

Late Work Policy:

For full credit, all work must be turned in exactly when it is due. Students are encouraged to complete their work on or before the due date. Late homework will incur a 10% deduction every school day (not class periods) until no points remain. After that, it will not be accepted. Continuously submitting late work may lead to difficulty understanding the concepts, a lack of success in class, and/or a referral for academic intervention. Students will always have sufficient time to complete assignments outside of class.

It is solely the student’s responsibility to request make-up work from the teacher after an absence. Work that was previously assigned while a student was present and was due during the absence must be turned in the same day the student returns to class. This policy also applies to advanced-absence notifications, field trips, and absences due to approved school activities.


Student Signature Parent Signature

Classroom Administration:

To facilitate a smoothly running classroom, the coupon of merit system will be used. Coupons will be given at the beginning of each quarter. They may also be given for outstanding work and at other times, at Ms. Marple’s discretion. Coupons may be exchanged for privileges (water fountain trips, locker trips, etc.), or saved to use in place of low or missing daily grades (they may NOT replace an exam grade). They may also be used for other tasks, as directed by the teacher.

Classroom Management Expectations:

1.  Be in class on time. Come to class with all required materials and completed assignments. The teacher will not loan students any items they may be missing. Students MUST bring their science journals to class each day unless they are told IN ADVANCE not to do so.

2.  Use your planner to copy assignments posted on the board. All 7th graders must have a planner.

3.  Respect the teacher’s right to teach and students’ right to learn without interruption or distraction.

4.  The safety of all students is critically important in a science classroom. Any behavior which jeopardizes anyone’s safety will not be tolerated.

Disciplinary Actions:

1.  Verbal warning/loss of coupon/”naughty slip”/seat change

2.  Lunch detention/ parent contact

3.  Conference with parent, student. Other 7th grade teachers may also attend.

4.  Administrative disciplinary session

* Severity clause – if situation warrants it, procedures 1 – 3 may be skipped.

If your child needs help with assignments or in understanding material, or if she/he has concerns about the class, please encourage your child to see me during seminar, before or after school, or any other time. I look forward to working with you and your child this school year. Please feel free to call or send an e-mail if there are any concerns throughout the school year.

Thank You,

Debra Marple

7th Grade Science Teacher


I, ______have read and understand Ms. Marple's classroom expectations and

(print student name)

I agree to abide by them.

Date: ______

Student Signature

Parent Signature

Parent E-mail address ______