City of London Academies Trust – Probation Policy
Aims: /
  • To ensure staff know what is expected of them from their probationary period
  • Managers are provided with guidance to ensure the appropriate and necessary support is provided in order for staff to perform their job effectively with minimum or no supervision (depending on duties and responsibilities of the role)
  • To ensure the Trust achieves excellence in the way we manage people
  • To ensure staff deliver excellent service to all at the Trust and the wider community
This will be achieved by:
  • Staff and their managers to meet and communicate expectation from probationary period to ensure they are suitable to the role for the Trust.

Outcomes /
  • Satisfactory completion of probationary period
  • To allow new employees to adapt to the role and demonstrate that they are compatible with the requirements of the role and aims of the Trust.
The probation procedure provides a consistent and fair framework for:
  • monitoring and reviewing the performance of new staff in relation to:
-Quality of work and understanding of role
-Attitudes and motivation
-Conduct and Attendance
-Compliance with all policies and procedures particularly those relating to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people
-Health and safety
  • providing formal feedback and opportunity for discussion
  • dealing with inadequate performance, and misconduct issues
  • If issues of conduct, poor performance or sickness arise during the probation period, the probation procedure will normally be used to address such matters

Definitions /
  • The policy applies to all new staff employed by the Trust regardless of their permanent, fixed-term, full- or part-time status.
  • To provide a fair, equal and consistent approach to probationthrough effective communication between the Principal, Line Managers and employee in a structured assessment process

Roles and Responsibilities:

All staff will /
  • Demonstrate they are committed to achieving excellence by completing the probationary period
  • Communicate at the earliest opportunity support needed
  • Be assessed in a range of tasks appropriate to the position and must be performing at a fully satisfactory standard
  • Attend relevant training sessions
  • Will undergo a lesson observation conducted by the appropriate Headteacher/Principal within 3 months of employment (new teachers only)

Team Managers will: /
  • Explain the purpose of Probation
  • Identify training needs
  • Assess performance at regular intervals during the first 6 months
  • Agree job plan and objectives in the first 2 weeks following commencement of employment
  • Ensure probationer understands the importance of probation
  • Hold regular review sessions with probationer
  • Complete 3-month and 5-month probation forms with probationer, agree and sign form
  • Recommend whether probationer should be confirmed in post or not

Headteacher/Principal will: /
  • May extend probation period
  • If performance is satisfactory, probationer will be confirmed in post in writing
  • If a recommendation is made by the line manager to dismiss, there will be a formal meeting with the Principal/Headteacher at which the Principal/Headteacher and the probationer, who may be accompanied by a trade union representative or a work place colleague, will have the opportunity to state his/her case, before any decision is made concerning his/her employment. The Principal/Headteacher will write to the individual confirming the decision. There is right of appeal against a decision to terminate employment.

Related Docs
/ Probation form
Performance Management and Appraisal form
Responsibility: / Chief Financial Officer
Approved by Board: / April 2017
Next Review Date: / April 2018