Ms. Geissler’s tips on how to be
successful inSCIENCE
Ok, now you realize how important it is to study for science class. The next step is learning HOW to study to get the most out of your time…
- Make flashcards for new vocab words. Whenever you get 5 spare minutes, look over the flashcards. Also, have someone else quiz you - this forces you to answer without looking at the back for the answer. Try to do this every day!
- Flashcards should include definitions, examples, pictures, formulas, and important relationships to other vocab words.
- READ over your CoMPASS notes
- Revisit CoMPASS or any of the reading excursion websites to clarify concepts that are incomplete or confusing in your notes
- Once you have done this several times, turn the paper over or close your eyes and repeat it out loud
- Log on to CoMPASS and “scientifically play” with the two simulations, inclined plane and rollercoaster. Change a variable, predict what will happen, and then test to see if you are correct! Do this out loud, or share with someone at home.
- Rewrite answers to questions on another piece of paper
- Analyze each data table to find pattern and write these on another piece of paper (or your flashcards that you already made with the basic info)
- Use multiple sources to ensure your answers are correct, including your own DATA TABLES, CoMPASS, peers, and your teacher!
- When provided, complete and use review packets…use the topic list to write down notes for each topic AND answer the practice questions. DO NOT write the answer unless you are 100% sure it is correct!
FINALLY…During the quarter…
- GET INVOLVED in the labs! When you take a leadership role, you'll greatly increase the amount that you learn in class, which may mean less time studying out of class!
- PARTICIPATE in group and class DISCUSSIONS! This is IMPERATIVE to understanding the topic, even if you ask questions instead of sharing knowledge or data
- ASK FOR HELP IMMEDIATELY when you get stuck! Don't wait - when the next lesson builds off the old lesson, you'll find yourself missing double the content if you delay getting help. Use your resources - texts, peers, and teachers!
- ALWAYS ask yourself WHY and HOW - you know this will be asked on assessments - make sure you can answer these types of higher level questions BEFORE the test