BROWNUNIVERSITY–SPRING 2018 ITALIAN110(Intensive ElementaryItalian)

A view of Bologna.


Italian 110 is an intensive elementary language course for students who have not studied Italian but know another romance language.

Italian 110 covers all the material of Italian 100 and 200 in one semester.

This course is structured around listening and speaking activities like role-playing exercises and interactive grammar exercises. Class work will be supplemented by weekly homework assignments on Connect. The course will provide you with many opportunities to speak, since the greater part of time spent in class will be used working in pairs or in groups. You will be exposed to short texts to develop your reading skills; you will also work on your writing skills.

By the end of this course, you will have acquired a wide range of vocabulary, enabling you to engage in conversations in Italian. You will use the language in hypothetical situations, stating suppositions, agreeing and disagreeing with opinions, explaining your point of view, and expressing doubt. You will develop reading strategies which will help you infer meaning from context and feel confident reading texts written for native speaker. You will be able to write in different tenses and build complex sentences.


Aski-Musumeci, Avanti! Beginning Italian Textbook (fourth edition)

Aski-Musumeci, Avanti! Beginning Italian Connect Plus access code

Other reading materials will be available on Canvas. Over the course of the semester you will be watching two movies. The movies are mandatory and you will be tested on them in quizzes/exams.


Attendance: Attendance is fundamental for all language courses and is therefore required for this course. Roll will be taken on a daily basis. You are allowed a maximum of four absences during the semester. For each additional unexcused absence one point will be deducted from your final grade. If you are absent it is your responsibility to find out the assignment for that day and be prepared for the next class.

Be punctual. Two late arrivals will be considered the equivalent of one absence.

Class Preparation: Daily preparation of assigned work using Avanti- Textbook and Connect- Online Workbook is essential. You should also keep your own personal list of words and expressions that you want to memorize. You can expect to do up to two hours homework for every hour in class.

Homework: All homework is mandatory and must be handed in on time. Homework will be accepted late only if you are sick.


20% three exams (no make-ups are allowed)

20% eight quizzes (no make-ups are allowed, you can drop one quiz with the lowest score)

5% one group presentation

10% class attendance and participation

15% Connect and other assignments

20% five essays (you can drop the lowest grade)

10% final project

Study Abroad: Brown University encourages study abroad opportunities for its students. For information about the Brown in Bologna program, visit: or contact Cristina Abbona-Sneider ().

24 - 26 gennaio / Capitolo 1. Greeting people and introducing yourself. Asking people their name and where they are from. Asking people how they are. / a) Alphabet and pronunciation,
b) Gender and number
c) The verb to be / Venerdì 26, Connect 1
29 - 2 febbraio / Capitolo 2. Expressing likes and dislikes. Describing people, places and things. Expressing your age.
Capitolo 3. Asking and telling time. Saying what you like to do in your free time. Talking about your daily activities. / a) Articles
b) adjectives
c) the verb Piacere
d)the verb to have
e) present regular verbs
f) idioms with have
g) irregular verbs / Venerdì 2 febbraio
Quiz 1
Connect 2-3
5-9 febbraio / Capitolo 4. Talking about your family.
Capitolo 5. Inviting someone to do something. Declining an invitation. / a) More irregular verbs
b) possessive adjectives
c) the comparative
d) the superlative
e) prepositions / Venerdì 9 febbraio
Quiz 2
Connect 4-5
12 - 16 febbraio / Capitolo 6. Making polite requests. Asking permission. Describing your clothes. / a) The partitive
b) object pronouns
c) present progressive
d) reflexive verbs
e) adverbs / Venerdì 16 febbraio
Quiz 3
Connect 6
Scrittura 1
19 - 20 febbraio / Weekend lungo / Ripasso
21-22-23 febbraio / Capitolo 7. Asking what happened. Talking about your weekend activities. / a) the present perfect
b) the present perfect of irregular verbs
c)negative expressions / Mercoledì 21 febbraio
Esame 1
Venerdì 24 febbraio
Connect 7
26 -2 marzo / Capitolo 8. Talking about Italian holidays, celebrations, and traditions.
FILM 1 / a)reflexive verbs
b) reciprocal verbs
c) the present perfect of reciprocal and reflexive verbs / Venerdì 2 marzo
Quiz 4
Connect 8
Scrittura 2
5-9 marzo / Capitolo 9. Talking about education and professions. Describing how things used to be.
Capitolo 10. Expressing regret, sorrow and making apologies. / a) the imperfect
b) the future
c) the future of probability / Venerdì 9 marzo
Quiz 5
Connect 9 -10
12-16 marzo / Capitolo 11. To describe houses and furniture.
Capitolo 12. About Italian cities, past and present. / a) object pronouns
b) indefinite pronouns
c) the relative pronoun "che"
d)the comparative and how to compare people or things using migliore (better ) or peggiore ( worse)
e) absolute perfect / Venerdì 16 marzo
Quiz 6
Connect 11-12
Scrittura 3
19-23 marzo / Capitolo 13. Talking about vacations. / a) formal and informal imperative
b)relative pronouns
c) how to make a request using the present conditional / Lunedì 19marzo
Esame 2
Venerd` 23 marzo
Connect 13
24 -1 aprile / Spring break
2-6 aprile / Capitolo 14. Talking about Italian society / a) Si + verb
b) The Subjunctive
C) Verbs and expressions followed by subjunctive / Venerdì 6 aprile
Quiz 7
Connect 14
Scrittura 4
9-13 aprile / Capitolo 15. The languages of Italy. / a) The past subjunctive
b) The subjunctive vs. the Indicative
c) b)Hypotheticals of possibility / Venerdì 13 aprile
Quiz 8
Connect 15
16-20 aprile / Capitolo 16. Talking about historical people and events.
FILM 2 / a) Ripasso / Venerdì 20 aprile
Connect 16
Scrittura 5
23 - 27 aprile / Presentazioni finali e Ripasso / Venerdì 27 aprile
Esame 3

Figure 1