Registration Form for The Academy at Oakland Ballet Company
Please complete one registration form for each child you would like to enroll and return the form(s) via email to Bat Abbit at .
Oakland Ballet Company
2201 Broadway, Suite LL17
Oakland, CA 94612
You may also call 510-893-3132 to make a tuition payment via credit card.
If you are enrolling in the middle of a semester, your tuition will be pro-rated based on the number of classes remaining in the semester. You will be invoiced for the balance due according to your start date.
Student’s Name
Student’s Age
Birth Date// (Month/Day/Year)
Requested Class Level(s)
Number of Days/Week (applies to Levels 3 and 4 only)
Dance Training To-Date
Parent’s Name
Street Address
CityZip Code
Oakland Ballet Academy Registration Form
Oakland Ballet Company communicates primarily via email. If you give us your email address it will be added to our mailing list. The emails we send are sent only from the studio regarding studio/class information and updates. We do not sell or give your email to outside groups.
Emergency Contact
Thank you for telling us how you learned about The Academy at Oakland Ballet Company:
Refund Policy: During the school year you have four classes to decide if the class is suitable. If you decide not to return, you will pay $15/class for the classes that your child attended. The balance will be refunded to you as soon as possible. After the fourth class, there are NO REFUNDS.
Missed Classes may be made up in any appropriate class while the child is fully enrolled in the school. Advance notice of at least 24 hours is required. Classes are not transferable. There can be no adjustment to tuition for classes missed. Three makeups are permitted per semester.
Iparent/guardian responsible for payment of tuition, have read and agree to The Academy at Oakland Ballet Company policies set forth on the OBC website and in printed materials.
Media Release Form
Oakland Ballet Company strives to share images that reflect our dance studio and community. We may take photographs or video during class, rehearsal or performances for inclusion in a variety of media. These media include but are not limited to: printed performance programs, area newspapers, television broadcasts, advertising and promotional materials (brochures, posters, fliers, website, e-blasts, etc.) and virtual media.
As a student of The Academy at Oakland Ballet Company, I hereby irrevocably consent to release all rights to photographs, videos, or other recordings taken of me by Oakland Ballet Company during rehearsals, classes or performances. All negatives and positives together with any and all prints now and in the future shall constitute Oakland Ballet Company’s property solely and completely. I understand that I may not videotape any class, rehearsal, or performance without prior consent.
Student’s Name (Please Print)
Parent/Legal Guardian Name (Please Print)
Parent/Legal Guardian Signature