Destiny Discover Workshop
Online library catalogs are expanding the results of their searches to include multiple searches beyond the books in the school. Follett has tried doing this through its “One Search” tab and “Digital Resources” tab, but this was a rather clunky way of locating information from other information resources. This past fall, Follett introduced Destiny Discover as part of its online catalog, Destiny. Today’s workshop will be learning how to access GPHS’s online catalog and to learn how to use Destiny Discover.
I Accessing Destiny Discover from the LMC home page
From the LMC home page, which is found within the school’s website, click on the Catalog link. This will take you to the home page of Destiny.
From the Destiny home page, you can access Destiny Discover either by clicking on the Destiny link on the left side of the screen, or if you want to save your work you can log in (found in the upper right hand corner).
Today, we are going to log into Destiny, so click the Log In link. Patrons are asked to log in using their first name dot last name (e.g., peter.mohn) and the password is their school’s ID number. For staff, your log in is your first name dot last name and your password is ______.
When you click on the Log In button you will be taken to the Destiny home page. On this page click on the Catalog tab.
On the Catalog page, you will see the Destiny Discover on the left side of the screen. Also, notice your name appears in the upper right side of the screen. Click on Destiny Discover.
II Destiny Discover
The home page of Destiny Discover has a search window, which defaults to Keyword searches. You can also search by title, author, subject, series, etc. In addition, you get a listing of recently added titles to the library, a list of popular titles, and listing of ebooks.
Today, we are going to do a keyword search on World War I.
The results of our search show us World War I books in our collection, eBooks in our collection, results from our school’s Databases, and Open Educational Resources (these are web sites selected for K-12 education students). Also, each result section only shows the first five results, so you need to click on See all to get a listing of all resources for each section. At the bottom of the screen you will see a listing of all the books in the LMC by scrolling down the page. Students can add Holds for specific titles and mark books as their favorites which will be saved in their bookbag. Students can click on their bookbag to see all the books they have selected as favorites. The bookbag is not available to students unless they sign into Destiny.
Lastly, students can filter their results page by availability, author, subject, format, Lexile score, interest level, reading level, series, publisher, pages, and language.
Let’s click on See all Books:
The results will show you whether the book is in by showing a green triangle in the upper left corner of the book image. If it doesn’t have this green triangle, then the book is checked out and unavailable at this time. Again, a student may place a hold on the book and mark the book as a favorite.
eBooks (Digital)
By clicking on the Digital tab, students will get a listing of all the World War I eBooks. Students may open the eBook to access the materials in these books. Also, they can add these ebooks as favorites in their bookbag.
By clicking on the Databases tab, students will see alist of free databases and premium databases. I still find using our premium database search engines to be a superior search over Destiny Discover, but Destiny Discover also accesses free databases which have been selected by Follett and me. By clicking on the Show Resources, it will take students to the results pages on these web sites.
Let’s click on the Internet Archives button. If a student finds an article they like they can save it as a Favorite. The results allow students to cite this website into their works cited page in either MLA8, ARA or Chicago formats. They can directly copy this citation into their paper, or export it to their free EasyBib account.
Open Educational Resources
By clicking on the Open Educational Resources tab, students are given a listing of websites on their topic. From this result listing of websites, they can open articles on their topic. Unless, the website selected has their own citation tool students will need to create their own citation for their work cited page. Also, this page doesn’t allow students to add their favorite website to their bookbag.