Of FerryCounty Commissioners
June 21, 2010
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Bond at 8:00 a.m. with Commissioners Miller and Heath present. Also present was Brian Dansell.
Additions and Corrections to the agenda:
Commissioners Staff Update: Deputy Clerk of the Board Teri Kinney, Maintenance Director Erin McBride, Risk Manager Jill Gates, and Fairgrounds Business Manager Cathy Lindsey met with the Board to give updates.
Prosecutor’s Building Ms. McBride reported that she has received the new doorknobs on the Prosecutor’s building. The Board requested that Ms. McBride include the Prosecutor’s building in her yard work.
No smoking memo Ms. Gates provided the Board with a draft memo to send out to all employees for the no smoking areas around the courthouse. Ms. Gates advised the Board that she will purchase signs to be posted for the designated smoking areas.
Public Records Ms. Gates reported that she has a draft ordinance for the procedure involving public records requests. Ms. Gates has sent a copy to Canfield for their review and they have approved it.
Employee complaints Ms. Gates reviewed the harassment portion of the personnel policy and it is very vague. Ms. Gates has another counties harassment policy and asked Canfield to review it. Canfield reviewed the harassment policy and suggested that it can either be a policy on its own or can be incorporated into the personnel policy. The Board requested a copy of the harassment policy for their review.
Merry Go Round Ms. Lindsay inquired about monies received from the Merry Go Round building use. The Board advised Ms. Lindsay that those monies need to go into the Merry Go Round fund.
Rental Agreement Ms. Lindsay would like to update the rental agreement for the fairgrounds and Merry Go Round building. The cleaning portion of the agreement needs to be made clear as to what is expected from the parties renting facilities at the fairgrounds.
Door Locks Ms. Lindsay has investigated door locks for the fairgrounds office. Ms. Lindsay suggested a combination door lock. The Board approved.
Prosecutor’s Building: Prosecuting Attorney’s office Legal Secretary/Receptionist Bernadette Brandon met with the Board to give an update on the Prosecutor’s Building. Ms. Brandon provided the Board with an estimate on the windows of $8,237. The windows can be here by the 30th. Ms. Brandon provided the Board with estimates for the materials from Haney’s, Home Depot, and Halls Building Supply. The Board approved the estimate from Halls Building Supply to help support local business and the convenience for the local contractor.
Taylor Grazing Act: Treasurer Kathleen Rupp met with the Board to discuss the Taylor Grazing Act. Ms. Rupp advised the Board that the $335.25 has always been given to County Road and feels that it should still go to County Road. The Taylor Grazing Act sets aside a portion of the fees that are paid for grazing on the Bureau of Land Management properties. There are only a few counties that receive the Taylor Grazing funds. A motion was made by Commissioner Miller to give the Taylor Grazing funds to the County Road department until further notice. Commissioner Heath seconded the motion and the motion carried with all in favor.
Access Road:Rose Valley Road resident Bryan Peterson met with the Board to discuss road issues. Also present were Public Works Engineer Bob Breshears and Public Works Director Troy Reynolds. The Board explained that they have received a copy of the court injunction that calls for all work to cease. The Board advised Mr. Peterson that they will not take any action until after a court ruling.
Republic Chamber of Commerce: Dave Blanck of the Republic Chamber of Commerce met with the Board to discuss the Curlew Lake Fireworks display. Also present was Gordon McIntyre and Bobbie Weller. Mr. McIntyre advised the Board that the Curlew Lake Association and Republic Chamber of Commerce would like to use two of the four float docks for the fire works. The Board is concerned that moving the docks may interfere with the operation of our airport. The Board requested the Chamber contact the airport manager and advise him that the Chamber will be using the docks.
Vouchers/Warrants: Funding in the amount of $226,382.17 has been approved for transfer to the clearing fund for payment of warrant/voucher #237428-237614 and void warrant #237464 for the following:
Current Expense in the amount of $50,924.84.
County Road in the amount of $20,148.80.
Veteran’s Relief in the amount of $350.82.
Enhanced 911 in the amount of $7,783.25.
Boating Safety in the amount of $86.74.
Inmate Welfare in the amount of $1,433.41.
Tittle III in the amount of $13,284.97.
Affordable Housing for All in the amount of $625.00.
Recreation Fund in the amount of $67.20.
Law Library in the amount of $1,000.96.
Crime Victims in the amount of $118.43.
Weed Control in the amount of $460.35.
Tourism in the amount of $382.10.
Connections Transportation in the amount of $487.41.
Fair Grounds Management in the amount of $956.22.
Connections in the amount of $9,068.84.
Airport in the amount of $172.53.
County Capital Improvement in the amount of $835.75.
Solid Waste in the amount of $23,775.62.
Post Closure in the amount of $68.48.
Equipment Rental & Revolving in the amount of $87,649.63.
Management Info Systems in the amount of $594.23.
Insruance Fund in the amount of $182.27.
Medical Trust in the amount of $29.19.
Curlew Water District in the amount of $2,287.96.
E.M.S. District in the amount of $3,607.17. (Exhibit 1)
Vouchers/Warrants: Funding in the amount of $(129.95) has been approved for transfer to the clearing fund for payment of warrant/voucher #237427 and void warrant #237351 & 233042 for the following:
Current Expense in the amount of $129.95. (Exhibit 2)
Vouchers/Warrants: Funding in the amount of $49,460.52 has been approved for transfer to the clearing fund for payment of warrant/voucher #18662-18667 and void direct payment advice #105048-105105 for the following:
Current Expense in the amount of $20,593.52.
County Road in the amount of $20,967.00.
Auditor’s O&M in the amount of $300.00.
Enhanced 911 in the amount of $1,600.00.
Weed in the amount of $500.00.
Connections in the amount of $3,250.00.
Management Info Systems in the amount of $1,550.00.
Insurance Fund in the amount of $700.00. (Exhibit 3)
ER&R Funds Transfer in the amount of $53,395.61 to County Road for reimburse ER&R costs for May 2010 & ER&R Shop rental for June. (Exhibit 4)
County Road Funds Transfer in the amount of $61,849.88 to ER&R for Equipment Rental and Depreciation for May 2010. (Exhibit 5)
CE Misc. Non-Dept. Funds Transfer in the amount of $300.00 to Law Library for 2010 CE Contribution. (Exhibit 6)
CE Misc. Non-Dept. Funds Transfer in the amount of $115.00 to Airport for a portion of 2010 Contribution. (Exhibit 7)
Auditor’s O&M Funds Transfer in the amount of $48,940.75 to CE for interfund loan. (Exhibit 8)
Project Drawings & Specifications Approval for Inchelium Safe Routes to School CRP No. 809. prepared and presented as per RCW 36.77.010. (Exhibit 10)
Amendment to Ferry County Profession Service Agreement between FerryCounty and Zia Engineering & Environmental Consultants extending the completion date to September 30, 2010. (Exhibit 11)
2010 Boundary Validation Program Final for the U.S. Census Bureau. (Exhibit 7)
Letter of Interest for FerryCounty Noxious Weed Control Board from Ken Coffland. (Exhibit 12)
Interagency Agreement between Washington State Dept. of Agriculture And Ferry County Noxious Weed Control Board to provide funding for a project to conduct control and eradicate plumeless thistle and longspine sandbur in Ferry County. (Exhibit 13 )
Research Subaward Agreement No. 07-001492-WAS14 between The Regents of the University of California and Ferry County Noxious Weed Board for funding for Weeds Cross Borders Coordinated Weed Management Area 2010 Noxious Weed Tour. (Exhibit 14)
Grant Acceptance Agreement for Ferry County Noxious Weed Board for a support survey to identify class A & B Noxious weeds along Kettle and ColumbiaRivers. (Exhibit 15)
Grant Agreement No. G-2835 between State of Washington Office of the Secretary of State Elections Division and the Ferry County Auditor’s Office amendment 9 for the purchase of computers. (Exhibit 16)
Personal Services Contract between Grove Window Supply and FerryCounty to remove all old windows and install new windows for the Prosecutor’s Building. (Exhibit 17)
Personal Services Contract between North Cascades Contracting and FerryCounty to complete all requested modification in heating duct work to the Prosecutor’s Building. (Exhibit 18)
Resolution No. 2010-18 Auditor’s O&M Fund to Current Expense PBX Fund interfund loan for the Courthouse Phone System. After review and discussion Commissioner Miller made a motion to adopt Resolution No. 2010.18 Auditor’s O&M Fund to Current Expense PBX Fund. Commissioner Heath seconded the motion and the motion carried with all in favor. (Exhibit 19)
Equipment Purchase, Software License and Customer First Program Agreement between FerryCounty and Black Box Network Services for the Courthouse new phone system. (Exhibit 20)
Memo to Department Heads, Elected Officials, and all Employees designating smoking areas around county buildings. (Exhibit 21)
ADA Lift: Prosecuting Attorney Mike Sandona met with the Board to discuss the ADA lift in the courthouse. Also present was Risk Manager/ADA Coordinator Jill Gates. The Board inquired about litigation in regards to the ADA lift. Mr. Sandona advised the Board that he would need an independent engineers report on the lift. Ms. Gates advised the Board that Otis Elevator suggested that the lift be completely rebuilt without the automatic features.
Elections Grant/Phone System: Auditor Dianna Galvan met with the Board to discuss the Elections Grant and the new county phone system. Ms. Galvan advised the Board that she has received an amendment to the agreement for the Help America Vote Act grant. This will provide her office with new computers in her office. Ms. Galvan provided the Board with Resolution No. 2010-18 for phone system inter fund loan along with an amortization schedule. Ms. Galvan advised the Board that she is searching for an archiving grant for her office.
Bid Opening:At 2:00 PM a Bid Opening was held at the Commissioners office for Ferry County Low-Cost Run-Off-Road Safety Improvements at which time bids were publicly opened and read. The Bids were received as follows:
Coral Construction Company$70,777.00
(Exhibit 22)
Frank Gurney, Inc.$46,838.50
(Exhibit 23)
Clerk of the Board Update: Clerk of the Board Debbie Bechtol met with the Board to discuss various issues.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned until June 28, 2010.
ATTEST:Approved 7/6/10
Debbie Bechtol, Clerk of the Board
FerryCounty Commissioner’s
Meeting Minutes
June 21, 2010
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