Northern Territory Government Gazette No. G18, 4 May 2016
Northern Territory of Australia
Government Gazette
No. G18 4 May 2016
General information
The Gazette is published by the Office of the Parliamentary Counsel.
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Northern Territory Government Gazette No. G18, 4 May 2016
Northern Territory of Australia
Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road and Rail
(National Uniform Legislation) Act
Appointment of Officers
I, Melissa Jane Garde, the Competent Authority:
(a) under section23(1) of the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road and Rail (National uniform Legislation) Act and with reference to section44(1) of the Interpretation Act, terminate all appointments of authorised officers in force immediately before the date of this instrument; and
(b) under section 23(1) of the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road and Rail (National uniform Legislation) Act, appoint the people named in the Schedule to be authorised officers and exercise the powers under:
a) sections 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 62, 63, 64, 65, 86, 88, 90, 93, 95, 96 and 99 of the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road and Rail (National uniform Legislation) Act; and
b) regulation 232 of the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road and Rail (National uniform Legislation) Regulations.
The power to amend a notice pursuant to sections 88 and 96 is restricted to minor amendments:
(i) for clarification; or
(ii) to correct errors or references; or
(iii) to reflect changes of address or other circumstances.
Dated 21 April 2016
M. J. Garde
Work Health Authority
Allan Crombie Fischer
Amber Louise Sayers
Andrew James Lucas
Brian Cleary
Brian Wingrove
Bruce Wayne McKinley
Carolynne Murrell
Christos Despotis
Collins Dubere Gipey
David James Mallett
Fred James Munro
Gillian Hylton
Glynn Richard Verity
Jasmine Julia Currington
Joseph Peter Pisani
Karyn Ellis
Ken Charles Johnson
Kerry Lee-Anne Barnaart
Maria Staunton
Maria Rigas
Martin Clive-Griffin
Melissa Jane Garde
Natalie Joan Clifton
Nigel Butler
Rebecca Sue Trimble
Robert Stanley Fereday
Robin Leslie Paget Smith
Shane Victor Thompson
Tanya Geraldine Cosgrove
Legal Profession Act 2006
1. The Law Society Northern Territory pursuant to section 375(2) of the LegalProfession Act 2006 (the Act) and in accordance with the conditions set out in paragraph 3 of this instrument exempts the class of Australian legal practitioners being partners, and employees of TaylorDavidLawyers from compliance with the section 376 of the Act.
2. Pursuant to section 375 (2) of the Act, the period of exemption will be from 4.00pm on 30 June 2016 to 4.00pm on 30 June 2017, unless the instrument is earlier terminated by the Law Society Northern Territory.
3. The exemption is subject to the following conditions:
a) All legal practitioners that are covered by this exemption must maintain professional indemnity insurance with respect to their legal practice, which contains terms and conditions accepted by the Law Society Northern Territory (accepted alternative policy).
b) The accepted alternative policy is Queensland Law Society Incorporated Law Practice Professional Indemnity Insurance Master Policy 2013-2016 offered by Lexon Insurance.
c) The legal practitioners that are covered by this exemption must provide satisfactory evidence to the Law Society Northern Territory that they are covered by the accepted alternative policy.
Dated this 20th day of April 2016
Megan Lawton
Executed by the CEO
pursuant to a delegation from the Law Society Northern Territory under section 647 of the Act
Legal Profession Act 2006
1. The Law Society Northern Territory pursuant to section 375(2) of the LegalProfession Act 2006 (the Act) and in accordance with the conditions set out in paragraph 3 of this instrument exempts local legal practitioners holding or seeking to hold a barrister practising certificate from compliance with the section 376 of the Act.
2. Pursuant to section 375 (2) of the Act, the period of exemption will be from 4.00pm on 30 June 2016 to 4.00pm on 30 June 2017, unless the instrument is earlier terminated by the Law Society Northern Territory.
3. The exemption is subject to the following conditions:
a) All legal practitioners that are covered by this exemption must maintain professional indemnity insurance with respect to their legal practice, which contains terms and conditions accepted by the Law Society Northern Territory (accepted alternative policy).
b) The accepted alternative policy is the Professional Indemnity Insurance Policy for Barristers 2016-2017 offered by Suncorp Insurance.
c) The legal practitioners that are covered by this exemption must provide satisfactory evidence to the Law Society Northern Territory that they are covered by the accepted alternative policy.
Dated this 20th day of April 2016
Megan Lawton
Executed by the CEO
pursuant to a delegation from the Law Society Northern Territory under section 647 of the Act
Legal Profession Act 2006
1. The Law Society Northern Territory pursuant to section 375(2) of the LegalProfession Act 2006 (the Act) and in accordance with the conditions set out in paragraph 3 of this instrument exempts the class of Australian legal practitioners being partners, and employees of Lawlab Pty Ltd from compliance with the section 376 of the Act.
2. Pursuant to section 375 (2) of the Act, the period of exemption will be from 4.00pm on 30 June 2016 to 4.00pm on 30 June 2017, unless the instrument is earlier terminated by the Law Society Northern Territory.
3. The exemption is subject to the following conditions:
a) All legal practitioners that are covered by this exemption must maintain professional indemnity insurance with respect to their legal practice, which contains terms and conditions accepted by the Law Society Northern Territory (accepted alternative policy).
b) The accepted alternative policy is Professional Indemnity Insurance Policy 2016/17 offered by Lawcover Insurance Pty Ltd.
c) The legal practitioners that are covered by this exemption must provide satisfactory evidence to the Law Society Northern Territory that they are covered by the accepted alternative policy.
Dated this 20th day of April 2016
Megan Lawton
Executed by the CEO
pursuant to a delegation from the Law Society Northern Territory under section 647 of the Act
Police Administration Act
Sale of Goods
Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 166 of the PoliceAdministration Act, the following property as shown on the attached schedule has been in the possession of the Officer in Charge, Police Station, Alice Springs, for a period in excess of 3 months and this property will be sold or otherwise disposed of in a manner as determined by the Commissioner of Police, if after twenty-eight (28) days from the publication of this notice the property remains unclaimed.
V. Read
Alice Springs Police Station.
21 April 2016
Alice Springs Police Property List
455758 / Folding camp chair427430 / Shoes
429587 / 3 x torches
450920 / Tree loppers
453190 / Two way radio black 5 watt, GME TX6100
453190 / Two way radio black, 5 watt, GME TX6100
452904 / Quartz men’s watch silver/gold
442682 / Craft Right tool box orange/red
448495 / Maroon pushbike
454197 / Rhythm black BMX
454043 / Norco charger black/red sn AJ20334224
453677 / Southern Cross white/blue
453543 / Scott black/red
453488 / Scott Aspect blue mountain bike
453414 / Raleigh Venture black/blue sn 9nngo14m0098
453193 / Southern Cross purple/pink sn df149203
453186 / Fluid Express purple sn gv31051027
453185 / Southern Star blue/silver sn ko7d021620
453097 / Merida Matts red sn m1071b pl8104229
452645 / Southern Star Kodiak black/red g1307009593
452810 / Southern Star Kodiak black/blue
452808 / Flight Trail white/black
452709 / Southern Star white/blue sn 505046723
452566 / Southern Star white/blue
452462 / General lee orange/black BMX sn u70u01500
452440 / Ladies green/olive
452422 / Southern Star sliver sn g1101092980
452335 / Southern Star black/red
452254 / Southern Star red/black
448495 / Southern Star Kodiak red/black
431528 / White Mitsubishi Magna sedan NT CB57JW
431528 / Keys to vehicle
400750 / White Ford Fairmont sedan NT CA93FK
440408 / Blue Holden Commodore NT CB69FP
440408 / Keys to vehicle
447274 / Green Mitsubishi Magna NT CB44TS
453717 / $20.00Destruction
429587 / Mobile phone453824 / Black safe box
450764 / Washing basket with kitchen utensils
450764 / Various cans of food
450764 / Jerry can
450764 / Shoes
453272 / Mobile phone cover
Aqua coloured Wallet
454074 / Gold cover HTC mobile phone
453989 / Telstra black phone orange/black case
453954 / Telstra grey flip phone
452958 / Uniden System pager Black
453748 / Telstra blue phone
454022 / Telstra black flip phone
453737 / Wallet
453717 / Wallet
453547 / Hoddie Santa Monica brown
453547 / Samsung white phone
453425 / Travel charge black
453187 / Telstra blue/White
453425 / Uniden hand held radio
453407 / Wooden handle knife
453258 / Bag string pull orange
453258 / Drivers licence
453258 / Song black phone
453258 / Wallet black/white striped
453167 / Samsung black/ black case phone
453117 / Huawei black sn 866730021760710
453021 / Butane Lighter
452784 / Testra Nokia black
452784 / Samsung black phone
452659 / Bag of medication
452659 / Samsung white phone
452603 / Black stroller
452603 / Goodlife Health Club blue/grey back pack
452603 / Black Stroller
452577 / Hat Forty-Seven black/red
452539 / T-Shirt white/black
452255 / Iphone purple lifeproof case
452224 / Back pack pink/purple/yellow/white
452224 / HTC phone white
403194 / Wallet black
456528 / Keys car x2
456528 / Pixi phone black
456428 / Phone black nil details
456528 / Documents
Northern Territory of Australia
Heritage Act
Revocation of Provisional Declaration of Heritage Place
I, David William Tollner, Minister for Lands and Planning, under section35(4) of the Heritage Act, revoke the declaration entitled "Provisional Declaration of Heritage Places and Object", dated 2 November 2015 and published in Gazette No.S105 of 3November2015, in relation to the place known as TwinGums Site.
Dated 6 April 2016
D. W. Tollner
Minister for Lands and Planning
Notification of Subordinate Legislation
Notice is given of the making of the following subordinate legislation, effective from the date specified:
Subordinate Legislation / Commencement details / Empowering ActNational Electricity (NorthernTerritory) (NationalUniformLegislation) (Modification) Regulations
No. 17 of 2016 / (1) Regulation 9 and Schedule 3 commence on 1December 2016.
(2) The remaining provisions of these Regulations commence on 1July 2016. / National Electricity (Northern Territory) (National Uniform Legislation) Act
For copies of legislation please direct your request to the Print Management Unit, email or phone (08) 8999 6727
Northern Territory
Associations Act
Notice of Dissolution of Associations
I, Malcolm John Bryant, as a delegate of the Commissioner, pursuant to section65(5) of the Associations Act, give notice that the associations specified in the Schedule are dissolved.
Dated: 27 April 2016.
M.J. Bryant
Delegate of Commissioner
Note: Enquiries should be directed to Malcolm Bryant at Licensing NT, Department of Business, Level 3, NAB House, 71 Smith Street, Darwin. Phone: (08) 8999 1339 or facsimile (08) 8999 1888.
00461c / Tennant Creek Bowling Club Incorporated01196c / Inner Wheel Club of Darwin Combined Incorporated
01724c / Northern Territory Dispute Resolution Association Incorporated
02191c / St Andrew Lutheran School Darwin Incorporated
IA03174 / The Australian Emerging States Rugby League Referees Association Incorporated
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