Thursday 19 August 2010
WaterfordHarbour Sailing Club
Adrian EggersTiggy Hudson Mark Whitaker
Frank O’Beirne Mary Crane Joan O’Sullivan
Dennis Paasue Edmund Perrette Ian Dickson
Cliff WaddiloveAlison Eggers Jim McMahon
Tino Hyland Mary Phillips Brian O’Sullivan
Ruth Hyland Judy O’Beirne Sean Roche
Dara Totterdell Jim McGinley Larrie Martin
Aisling MurphyFrank Thompson Desmond McGovern
Oisine HemeryckCeline McGrath Lorna Browne
Vivienne LevieTony Donworth Paul Tingle
Garrett Walsh Brian Connell Donal Browne
Troy Hopkins Nuala Lyden Hugh Mc Cutcheon
OOnagh Breen
Committee Members
Fred Campbell, Michael O’Sullivan, Clare Donnelly, Charlie Bolger, Aidan Staunton, David Delamer, Olive Parker, Marie Cournane, Niamh Hopkins, Tom Crosbie, Jenny Magowan, Jill Sommerville, Finbarr O’Regan, Michael Ruigrok, Michael McCann, Des Flood.
1.Minutes of the 2009 AGM, read and sign.
- The minutes of the 2009 AGM were read, proposed by Mark Whitaker, seconded by Larrie Martin and accepted as an accurate reflection of the meeting.
- President’s Report (Fred Campbell)
- Fred Campbellpresented his president’s report to the Forum which took place just prior to this AGM . The President’s report was proposed by Tom Crosbie and seconded by David Delamer and would be published on the IODAI website.
- Treasurer’s Report
- Michael O’Sullivan delivered the treasurer’s report. (see document attached). Michael explained in his report the resolution of the recent situation of Corporate Governance.
Tino Hyland questioned how a similar situation might be avoided in the future. Michael outlined the possibility of paying a specialist outside company to look
after these matters. Fred Campbell told the Forum that the limited company status of IODAI would be reviewed.
Michael explained that IODAI would aim to get to a position of an annual surplus of approx. 12K euro and that a plan for even distribution of this surplus would be required.
An existing surplus of 40K euro would require similar planning for distribution in a manner beneficial to all.
Finbarr O’Regan suggested the lowering of membership / event entry fees as a means of distributing the surplus fairly.
Frank O’Beirne proposed and Aidan Staunton seconded the adoption of the accounts.
- Nomination of New Committee
- The following committee members retired – Michael Ruigrok, Finbarr O’Regan, Charlie Bolger, Robert Dix, Jenny Magowan and Tom Crosbie.
- The following new committee members were proposed, seconded and duly elected:
- Alacoque Daly TBSC proposed by Jenny Magowan and seconded by Clare Donnelly
Adrian Eggers RStGYC proposed by David Delamer and seconded by Finbarr O’Regan
Fred Campbell explained that while just two new members had replaced the six resigning, the aim was to maintain the committee at an efficient size while also ensuring that every club continued to have a representative at committee level.
Fred especially thanked the six outgoing members of the committee for their time and effort over the past number of years.
There being no other business Fred Campbell thanked the participants and called the meeting to a close.