Foodservice Employee/Manager Level Entry
Each year, FSNA honors school foodservice nutrition professionals with the Innovative Idea Award. It recognizes and acknowledges ideas benefiting the school foodservice program and/or fellow employees as well as Association members. Ideas could be within the areas of equipment placement, equipment usage or design, recipe variation, increased employee participation in association activities,special community participation, energy conservation, or self-improvement projects, etc.
Innovative ideas, often developed by school foodservice nutrition employees and managers, are developed in solution to challenges presented to our industry. This award was developed to recognize those school foodservice nutrition professionals who have excelled at it.
Who May Apply
Innovative Idea (Foodservice Employee/Manager level) applications must be school-based developed and implemented by an individual member during the current or immediate past school year (not submitted previously). Applicants must be a member of FSNA and the local Association. Districts may submit more than one Innovative Idea Award application for judging.
Even if you have submitted an award in the past, do not start until you have read the General Information and Procedures, Award Application Process. This is important in making sure you are following the criteria required for the award process and they may have changed from the previous year.
Selection Procedure
The application must be postmarked on or before February 1 of each year and sent to the FSNA Scholarships and Awards Chair.All documentation must be neatly bound in a 1” or smaller folder/binder, on one-sided 8 ½” x 11” paper with the completed entry form serving as the cover page for all documentation.
The state winner will receive recognition and a matted, framed certificate at the FSNA Annual State Conference.
Elementary Double Entrée
District: BrowardSchool: Peters Elementary
Resume of Project:
Mr. Oscar Godwin, Principal, and Mrs. Doris Perry, Cafeteria Manager, have through their foresight, introduced a new dimension to the School Foodservice Program in Peters Elementary which is now being used in other schools in Broward County. As food shortages began to occur, they became concerned over wasted food in schools. The school staff, cafeteria personnel, and county staff explored the possibility of a choice-entrée program in elementary schools that would reduce plate waste, increase participation, and not increase labor costs. The results have exceeded expectations and have resulted in other elementary schools offering the same type of programs to their students. This also prepares older elementary students for Middle School Foodservice, which is a complete choice program. Mr. Godwin received a Meritorious Service Award from the Broward County School Board for this project.
Member doing the project:
Street or PO Box:
City:State:Zip Code:
Home #: Work #: Cell #:
Chapter Name: Chapter Number:
District: School:
Street or PO Box:
City:State:Zip Code:
Signature of Applicant: ______
This project was created, developed, and implemented by the above association member.
Signature of Local Chapter Scholarships & Awards ChairDate
Signature of District Foodservice Director or District SupervisorDate
Further comments from the District Office:
Title of Project:
Project: What did you do?
(add additional pages if necessary)
Purpose: Why was your idea useful?
Results: Did you share your idea? With whom did you share your idea? What responses did you receive resulting from your efforts?
Foodservice Employee/Manager Level Entry
Checklist of Person Entering Award
This is for use by person preparing and submitting award. Its use is strictly optional and must not be submitted with the award.
Activity to complete award entry / date completed or checked / commentsMet General Qualifications
- Copy of FSNA Current Membership Card included
- Signatures
- Spelling and Grammar Checked
Award Qualifications
- Year of Award
- New Award (Not previously submitted)
- Award sent to S & A Chair postmarkedon or beforeFebruary 1
Requirements for Award
- Official format used and all sections completed
- Project description included
- Project purpose defined
- Project results defined
- Innovative idea shared with whom
- Define responses from those that innovative idea was shared with
- Neatly bound in a 1” or less folder/binder (one-sided)
To be filled out by Scholarships and Awards judges only
Name of Entrant/Nominee______
County______FSNA Region______
School______Small ___Medium __Large __N/A
FSNACurrent Membership______
SNA Current Membership______
Binder no larger than 1”______
Postmark Deadline______
Note: Review the award for qualifications and check appropriately. A “no” in any required area abovemay disqualify the entry.
Judging Scale:
None = 0Fair = 1Good = 2Very Good = 3Outstanding = 4
Documentation (pictures, news articles, etc.)...... ______
Quality of content...... ______
Specific goals and objectives stated and achieved...... ______
Involvement of stakeholders (students, parents, etc.)...... ______
Promotes and achieves purpose of award...... ______
Total Score (possibility of receiving 20 points)...... ______
Judge’s Comments: ______
Judges’ Initials______Date______