Riddles about Trees and Plants
What tree rustles without any wind?
(Аn aspen-tree.)
Nobody frightens it, but it is always trembling.
(Аn aspen-tree.)
In winter and in summer
They stand both in one colour.
(А fir-tree and а pine.)
It is curly, it is white, and it stands at my gate.
(А birch.)
What trees has fire no effect upon?
(Ashes, as when burned, they are ashes still.)
Примечание. Игра слов: 1. ash – вяз, 2. ashes – пепел.
In spring you're glad to see me,
In summer I keep you cool,
In autumn I give you food,
In winter I keep you warm.
(An apple-tree.)
It is red and sweet,
It is good to eat.
(An apple.)
If a tree were to break a window, what would the window say?
(Tree, mend us!)
Примечание. Игра слов: сходное звучание 1. Tree, mend us! – Дерево, почини нас!, 2. tremendous – ужасно.
The outside is a shell,
The inside is meat,
It grows in a tree,
And is good to eat.
(А nut.)
I'm a house with two boarders
(Sometimes one, but rarely three).
Break my walls, eat my boarders,
Throw away the rest of me.
(A peanut.)
As soft as silk, as white as milk,
As bitter as gall, a thick wall
And a green coat covers me all.
(А walnut.)
I sit in a tree, round as a ball, red as blood, sweet as honey.
(А cherry.)
At first I am green and small,
Like a little ball.
Then grow I red and bigger still.
And when I blacken in the sun,
You say I'm ripe and eat me up.
(А cherry.)
In what tree does a crow sit, when it is raining?
(In а wet one.)
What house is built without hands or an axe?
(А nest.)
What shoots without a gun?
(А plant.)
It's a golden sieve with many black houses in it.
(The sunflower.)
It is not a bee, but stings.
What is it?
(А nettle.)
The funny fellow's on the watch, he doesn't sleep by day,
He stands in our garden, and frightens birds away.
(А scarecrow.)
Take a moustache and a leg, and there you have a body.
(Аn ear of corn.)
There grew a house in the field, full of gold grain. The walls of the house are gilded, but the shutters are nailed up.
(Аn ear of corn.)
I know a little creature in a green bed,
With softest wrappings all round its head.
When it grows old, it is hard and cannot feel,
So they take it to the mill, and grind it into meal.
A child clinging half-way up a little tree, he wears many of green coats, and a hat with a long red tassel.
(An ear of maize.)
This tree has thousands of leaves. It grows bigger and bigger without any branches, without any root.
(А haystack.)
Golden hills grow in summer.
What are they?
(Ricks or stacks.)
I am tall and green. I am in the garden.
(A tree.)
What goes around and around the wood, but never goes into the wood?
(The bark of a tree.)
What kind of room has no windows or doors?
I got it in a forest, but didn't want it.
Once I had it, I couldn't see it.
The more I searched for it, the less I liked it.
I took it home in my hand
Because I could not find it.
What was it?
(A splinter.)
I am born green, and I die yellow in large and small gardens.
I'm a little country lad
In a fine red coat, you see.
When they meet me, folk are glad
And always bow low to me!
(А wild strawberry.)
I'm a yellow little fellow.
When I'm old, I'm grey.
If you shake me
You can make me
Sail far away.
(A dandelion.)
(A dandelion)