Head Teacher: Mrs. H.L. Palmer
Assistant Head Teacher: Miss L Colclough
Bursar: Mrs. A. Smith
Telephone 01606 288010
Fax. 01606 862842
September 2014
Dear Parent, Carers, and Pupils
Welcome to Grange Community Primary School. I hope you will find this prospectus a helpful guide to our aims, routines and procedure. Please keep it as a reference whilst your child is at our school. You will receive updated information as the need arises.
All staff and Governors of Grange work together to provide a supportive, secure and positive environment in which your child will be valued and given the opportunity to grow and develop. You, as parents and carers are highly valued members of this partnership. Effective education involves a continuous dialogue between families and school. This support and encouragement is particularly important in the areas of reading, homework and issues of behaviour and attitude.
We also hope you will support the school and attend the various events planned throughout the year to enrich your child’s education. You are urged to come along to any of our meetings and fundraising events.
We are very proud of our children at Grange and the quality of teaching and learning opportunities we provide for them. Be assured that we have your child's best interests at heart at all times and embrace all aspects of Every Child Matters (ECM Agenda).
I look forward to meeting you and hope your association with the school will be happy and rewarding one.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs. H.L. Palmer
Headteacher – Mrs. H.L Palmer
Assistant Headteacher –Miss L Colclough
Teaching Staff;
Management Responsibilities / Specific Responsibilities(Curriculum)
Miss. M Cheek / Reception. (FS2) / FS Manager / EcoSchool
Miss C Folksman / Nursery (FSl)
Miss J Taggart / Year l / Geography/History
Miss L Colclough / Year 2 / Assistant Head Teacher,
KS1 Manager. / G & T, Assessment, Literacy, Subject Leader and Behaviour.
Ms. D Warner / Year 3 / Pupil Voice, School Council and PHSE.
Miss J Stubbs / Year 4 / Science/DT
Mrs H Savory / Year 5 / Creative Curriculum.
Mr M Highton / Year 6 / KS2 Co-ordinator, Numeracy andICT.
Mrs. H.L. Palmer / Head Teacher / Health & Safety Child Protection. / Child Protection/Safeguarding. NQT mentor. RE.
Mrs. G. Rogerson
Mrs. V. Brittles (p/t) / Teacher
Reading Support Teacher / Inclusion Manager / SENCO, Gifted and Talented and MFL.
SENCO Support/Reading
Mrs. M Stacpoole / Teacher / PE
Mrs G Savidge Teacher
Your child will also have contact with other members of staff:-
Mrs. A. Smith - School Bursar
Mrs M Mitchell Family Support Worker.
Mrs. A. Lamb Teaching Assistant - First Aider(KS1/KS2.) (Learning Support)
Mrs. J. Mawson Learning Support Assistant (KS2) – Speech & Lang. (Y4 support)
Ms. M. Partridge Teaching Assistant (KS1 Support) (First Aider)
Miss A.Konca Teaching Assistant (SEN Statemented Pupil) (KS2)
Mrs. F. Waring Teaching Assistant (Foundation Stage)
Mrs M Banton Teaching Assistant (KS1 Support)
Mrs M King Teaching Assistant (First Aider) (Foundation Stage)
Mrs A Howard Teaching Assistant (KS1 Support)
Mrs J Leavy Teaching Assistant (Nursery Support)
Mrs S Martin Teaching Assitant (KS2 Support)
Mr. C Walsh Site Maintenance Officer.
Mrs. K. Rimmer Cleaner (p/t) / Breakfast Club(Catering)Midday Assistant
Mrs. J. Tomkins Clerical Assistant (Office) / Senior Midday Supervisor/ First Aider
Mrs. D. Simpson Midday Assistant (First Aider).
Mrs. D. Stubbs Breakfast Club/Midday Assistant
Mrs. H. Done Midday Assistant
Miss S Moreton Midday Assistant
Miss. J. Harrison Midday Assistant
Mrs. K. Whitney Midday Assistant
Mrs. C. Williams Cook In Charge
Mrs D Blyth Kitchen Assistant.
Mrs K Fogg Kitchen ASsistant
The Governors have responsibility for issues relating to the school premises, budget, personnel, curriculum and disciplinary procedures.
Governors meetings are held at least once each term. School Governors are elected every four years.
Sub-Committees also meet once a term. They have responsibility for Teaching Standards, Building and Safety and Leadership and Management.
Chair : Mrs E. Healey
Vice Chair: Mr. D. Beckett.
Appointed By:-The Local Authority / Parent Governors
Mrs. D. Dobson
Mr. M Hodgkinson
Mr. D. Beckett
Staff Governors
Community Governors / Mrs. H.L. Palmer
Mrs. E. Healey / Mrs. A. Smith
Mrs. D. Gribbin
Ms. C. Watson
Mrs. A. Clarkson
Contact with the Governing Body may be made through the school:-
Grange CommunityPrimary School
Brindley Avenue
Cheshire. CW7 2EG
Telephone : (01606) 288010
The Chair of Governors, Mrs E Healey
Grange Community Primary School, Brindley Avenue, Winsford Cheshire CW7 2EG.
GrangeCommunityPrimary School
Ethos Statement:
The school is at the heart of a mixed community and strives to make learning fun and successful.
“Everyone is given equality of opportunity, irrespective of race, culture, religion, gender or ability. Such an approach maximises and develops the strength of the primary objective in Education. This is namely to grow as an inclusive school community where values of caring, respect, learning, enjoyment and achieving are promoted by all.
GrangeCommunityPrimary School
Aims of the School:
The school aims to:
Provide a safe, enjoyable, stimulating, creative and caring environment in which all children can reach their full potential for growth.
Be a community in which everyone interacts in a caring way, irrespective of age, gender or other situations.
Encourage respect for self and others and provide a framework for mutual support.
Encourage children to participate by recognising all forms of achievements and contributions.
Develop self-confident, independent learners and the skills of co-operation and collaboration.
Promote all aspects of child/adult development: physical, emotional, spiritual social, aesthetic and academic.
Encourage parental and community support and involvement in all aspects of children’s learning.
A normal school week comprises for KS1 22.5 hours to 25 hours for KS2 teaching time:-
7.50. a.m. to 8.50 a.m. / Breakfast Club (School Hall)8.50 a.m. / School Doors are open and pupils allowed inside.
8.50 a.m. / All pupils arrive by this time
9.00 a.m. / Registration and Lessons.
A l5 minutemorning break. Milk is available for the Key Stage One pupils free of charge. The school actively promotes a healthy life style which includes healthy snacks and meals. (CBS Catering) provide healthy snack options between 10.15 – 10.30 a.m. each day for KS2 pupils.
12.00 noon – 1.00 p.m. Lunch Infant (KS1)
l2.15 p.m. - l.00 p.m. Lunch Juniors (KS2)
l.00 p.m. - Registration and Lessons.
3.00 p.m. – finish
We regard good time keeping as very important. Children who arrive late require a note or telephone call from their parents offering an explanation. A verbal reason will be excepted from parents.
Every absence needs to be covered by a signed note or telephone call from a parent explaining the reason. Where a pattern of lateness or absence seems to be developing, we shall inform parents and invite them into school to discuss the situation. The Family Link/Support Work will also be in contact.
School holidays are not permitted during term time and a fixed Penalty Notice fine of £60.00 will be issued for each parent of each child.
(Provided By CBS Catering)
Children who bring packed lunches are supervised by Mid-Day Assistants. Should a child forget his/her packed lunch, and we are unable to contact a parent, the school will provide a meal, which would have to be paid for.
Children having a school lunch eat in the School Hall and are supervised by Mid-Day Assistants. The cost of a school lunch at present is £2.15 per day (£10.75 per week).
All dinner money is collected on a MONDAY morning for the complete week and should not be paid daily. This should be placed in a clearly marked envelope or money bag, giving the child's name, class and amount etc. Money paid daily will be accepted.
If a child is absent on a Monday, dinner money should be paid on his/her return to school for the remainder of the week.
Any credits for illness may be carried over to the next week or refunded at the end of each half term.
Details concerning assistance with the cost
of school meals are obtainable by calling the:-
Free School Meals Helpline – 0300 123 7031
At Grange we are most concerned that your child should settle into school life quickly, look forward to coming into school and enjoy his/her time here.
Separate booklet provided.
Parent and teacher relationships take time to build. It is hoped a strong relationship will develop between the children, you and staff members. It is important that children who have any problems or worries are able to discuss them with the staff. A quick word before or after lessons is often adequate and no appointment is necessary. If you feel the issue requires a more detailed discussion or also requires the attention of the Headteacher, then an appointment should be made and the request will be dealt with as a matter of urgency.
As your child grows older he/she will inevitably change teacher. 4 x day transition is booked for May. The local E-ACT provides the same facility. The new teacher will discuss and receive a comprehensive set of records outlining the work your child has completed and his/her strengths and needs. This transfer of information coupled with the open friendliness of the school, where children frequently meet staff who will eventually teach them, enables a continuity and smooth progression from one class to the next.
The school has links with several High schools, details of that are included at the back of this folder. Details of transfer arrangements for children in Y6 will be given to parent/carer in the last academic year, but parents, carers, & pupils are asked to decide on High school preferences during , but parents, carers, & pupils are asked to decide on High school preferences during Year 5.
Effective schooling requires a partnership between child, teacher and parents. Consequently your involvement is highly valued. Should the need arise the school will contact parents concerning curricular or behavioural problems.
Teachers at Grange work in close co-operation with a number of support agencies:-
Educational Welfare Services, Social Services, School Medical Service, the Police and the Educational Psychological Service, local Community Services and Extended Services.
Parent/carers evenings are held during the Autumn and Spring Term with an informal session at the end of Summer Term (if appropriate). All parent/carers are invited. This provides an opportunity to discuss your child's progress and report with the class teacher. This is in addition to the general 'open door' policy, which enables parent/carers to view their child's work, see the class teacher or headteacher for a brief consultation at any convenient time outside lesson times or to make appointment if a longer consultation is deemed necessary.
Parent/carers are also invited to attend a number of functions that occur during the school year. These might include events such as a Christmas Concert, Special Assemblies e.g. Harvest Festival, the Annual Sports Day, class works and special class presentations and focused meetings (school organisation or curriculum developments).
It is hoped that in most instances complaints or concerns can be dealt with in informal discussions with teachers and the Headteacher. However, there may be cases where concerns cannot be resolved informally. In such cases the complainant should write to:-
The Chair of the Governors,
Grange Community Primary School,
Brindley Avenue,
CW7 2EG.
who will then make the necessary arrangements or advise the complainant about what steps to take.
Copies of the complaints procedure are available at all Public Libraries,
CWAC Education Office, County Maintained Schools and County Hall.
Grange has very few medical facilities, so it is important that any child known to be unwell should not be sent to school. This may save further absences and prevent the spread of illness.
Five of our staff are trained in first aid should an emergency arise. It is essential that we have an up-to-date contact number to enable us to contact you in an emergency during the school day. You will have supplied this information already on the admission form, but you should notify the school immediately of any change. The school also requires the name of each child's doctor for use in an emergency. Please notify the school of any change in doctor.
We have links with the School Medical Service. Medical, optical and dental checks are arranged by this service.
The admission form asks for details of any previous serious illness or medical condition. Please notify us of any changes to our original information. We do have a special security cabinet for essentialmedication (pupils). Authorised by Headteacher
It is helpful if you let the teacher know if your child is taking any form of medication including any devices for the treatment of asthma attacks.
For safety reasons we would prefer to avoid administering medication during school hours, however, should this be unavoidable The Head Teacher should be contacted and a school medical permission form is required to be filled out bythe parent/carer stating clearly the times and dosage, i.e. 4 or more doses per day, please hand the medicine, in a clearly labelled package, to the Headteacher or Administration Staff in the school office.
The school does not make a specific charge for visits that take place during school hours. Unfortunately, the school is not able to provide the money, and therefore parents are asked for 'voluntary contributions' towards the cost of a visit (where appropriate)
Although there is no obligation to contribute, a visit cannot realistically go ahead if total contributions fall short of the total cost of the visit. In some circumstances school does make a contribution to travel costs. (via School Fund or School Budget allocations).
Grange Community Governors reserve the right to withdraw the privileges for children to attend a trip for poor behaviour or language use. Particularly where the health and safety of others would be compromised. In this instance parents will be informed and not reimbursed any monies paid.
The school's code of conduct has been prepared and
by the Governors and is currently available to be viewed in school and on the school website:-
All pupils are expected to behave reasonably and sensibly and follow the agreed school/class rules.
School rules are kept to a minimum and centre around creating a safe and well ordered community enabling learning and teaching to take place effectively.
The use of physical force and fighting amongst children is taken very seriously, as is any form of bullying. The school has a detailed policy on combating bullying approved by the Governors.
Children are expected to walk on the left-hand side, inside the school building
Chewing gum and bubble gum are not allowed at all and sweets are not allowed in the classroom.
Consumption of food is permitted only at 'snack time' and dinnertime.
Jewellery, except for watches, is considered inappropriate for school wear and may constitute a safety hazard. Any child with pierced ears may only wear gold stud-type earrings, not 'sleepers'. Also for safety reasons children must not wear rings or necklaces of any sort for school.
Any child behaving unreasonably, or failing to complete work, is subject to the following sanctions:-
Teacher disapproval (use of a class ‘Consequence Ladder’
Loss of break time (if appropriate to complete work)
Loss of privileges
Parents Contacted.
In cases of persistent unreasonable behaviour a child will:-
Be placed on school report for a specified period of time.
Have behaviour recorded on his/her record file.
Parents and possibly external agencies contacted for advice and support.
Where there is no improvement, the School Governors will be consulted and a child might be excluded in line with the Local Authority's official procedures.
We aim to promote positive attitudes and good behaviour and recognise the crucial role parents play in shaping their child's attitudes and behaviour in school. We encourage parents to maintain contact with the school and we ask for parental support in all matters of behaviour and discipline.
This enables the child to realise that both the school and the home are united in their efforts to provide the best for him/her.
More information and guidance is available from school through:
School Behaviour Policy
Guidance To Good Behaviour
We also value parent/carers involvement in class activities, class trips etc.,
We also run and organise training workshops, curriculum base training for parents/carers in conjunction with Family Learning Initiatives in school.
Lead Co-ordinator:
All members of this school are valued equally.
Whether / child or adult,Different ethnic backgrounds
Whatever / they look like,
house they live in,
Religious faith and beliefs
However / they speak,
Wherever / they were born (cultural backgrounds).
When talking to each other, we should show respect for each other as individuals.
Racist and sexist comments, name-calling and bad language are unacceptable, as is unkind teasing and bullying.
Violent behaviour is unacceptable at all times.