DAHA Board of Directors
6:00 pm
Mountain View Ice Arena
Members Present: Ken Wood, Chris Johnson, Marty Fox, Hank McRoberts, Lance Malburg, Lee Hauswirth, Marc Pomroy, Kirk Fortner, Todd Maki, Al Michaud
Members Absent: Chris Johnson
Others Present: Dennis Perpich, Carrie Gunville, Rae Ann & Kevin Seat, Lesley & Wade Dishaw, Paul Burgoon, Tanya Phillips, Tracy DeBidart
Quorum Established: 6:00 p.m.
Motion to Approve Minutes from Previous Meeting: MartySecond: Todd
Motion passed unanimously
Public Comment:Tracey DeBidart expressed displeasure about the Mite team selection and lack of games. She has concern that her son will be a Squirt next year and is not playing with the better team. Marc addressed the concerns and stated that teams had been split according to USA Hockey guidelines. Marc will follow up with Mite coaches on the issue.
Wade Dishaw, Rae Ann Seat, Kevin Seat, Lesley Dishaw & Carrie Gunville spoke about their concerns with the Pee Wee teams this year. The AA team took all of the better players which left the B team without a sufficient talent to compete. The parents are concerned that the B team is not able to compete in games. The parents expressed displeasure about the AA program. Each board member provided a brief response to these parental concerns.
Treasurer Report:
-Chris not present, but provided accounting statements to demonstrate status of DAHA accounts & budget
Motion to Approve Treasure Report: LanceSecond: Lee
Motion passed unanimously
Fundraising Committee(s):
- Texas Hold’Em Poker Tournament – January 31, 2014 – all set to go
- Golf Outing – Looking at Spring date & Marc P. will get date
- Econo Foods Bagging – went well & made money from event, but need more older kids to staff next year
- Econo Foods Receipts – no report
- SCRIP – Deb Davis – no report
- 52 Lotto – winners drawn and checks to be distributed
- Volunteer Hours Recordkeeping – Deb Davis - no report, but Peterson issue was resolved (treated as 2 households for volunteer hours)
- New Fundraising Ideas – none discussed
Tournament Committee – Squirt Tournament went well. No further report
ADM Program – Dennis Perpich – nothing to report
ACE Report – Dennis Perpich – nothing to report
Mini-Mite Marketing – jerseys are out. Santa event went well. A Learn to Skate program in the works.
Scheduler Report – no report. Scheduling is moving forward with Paul Burgoon.
Equipment Committee – Lance Malburg – nothing to report
Registration – Carrie Gunville – discussed exemptions for families with disable parents who are unable to perform volunteer hours. Motion to exempt Sheets family – Lee & Second – Al. Motion passed unanimously. Discussed the Skylar Perry issue.
Concession Stand – no report. Paul Burgoon is working on the sales tax.
Bylaws – no changes
MAHA Report – Tina Martinson – no report as representative not present. Ken Wood will follow up with Tina about upcoming Mite Jamboree
MVIA – no report. We will rotate attendance at meeting.
Website – Hank McRoberts – keep adding requested information
Old Business:
-Team Books to MAHA – Jill Perpich is taking books to Houghton for review
-Status of possible grants – Lee is looking for grants
-Premier Night – no further action
-MVIA Sign – will follow-up
-Scheduling Issues – nothing to report & committee is working on schedule
New Business:
-Squirt coaching change – no action required
-Replacement on Board – only applicants were Paul Burgoon & Jeff Gordon. Ken made Motion for Paul Burgoon & Second by Marty – Motion passed unanimously
-Elections – discussion about moving date for elections & determined to keep the process the same as in the past
-Mite games – issue discussed and addressed
-Refund issue (Brian Scott) – no refund to be given & Marc will discuss with Brian Scott
-New Officer Position – Marty Fox to serve as 1st Vice President – Motion passed unanimously
Next Meeting: Wednesday, February 5, 2014, 6pm, MVIA
Motion to Adjourn:HankSecond: MartyTime: 8:00 p.m.