Forms and Resources Table: Individual Problem Solving (Tier 3)
Title ofForm/ Resource
(Chronological) / School-Level “Keeper” / Purpose / When it is Used
School-Level Individual Problem Solving Team (Tier 3) Calendar 2014-2015 / IPST Facilitator
IPST Minutes Taker
IPST Data Analyst /
- Outlines key monthly tasks and expectation for school level teams
MTSS Coaches Calendar
(Middle School Only) / Middle School MTSS Coaches /
- Outlines training topics for Middle School MTSS Coaches
Roles Table / IPS Team /
- Outlines the roles of IPS Team Members to alignment of roles with individual’s skill set
TIPS Preparation Step 1 / IPST Coach /
- Outlines step-by-step instructions for updating team member names by role
Table Tent / IPST Facilitator /
- Folds to make a Table Tent with “TIPS Problem Solving Mantra” on one side and the “TIPS Model” on the other side- including guiding questions.
Site Based Data Accessibility Worksheet / IPST Data Analyst
IPST Coach /
- Identifies persons within school who have access to data that will be needed throughout the year
- Completed by mid-September
Site-Based Content Specialists Worksheet / IPS Team
IPST Coach /
- Helps teams identify people within the building who have the most knowledge and skill sets needed to address individual student needs in the areas of Reading, Math and Behavior
- Completed by mid-September
Site-Based Content SpecialistSelf Assessment / IPST Coach /
- Completed by the three content specialists at the school site (Math, Reading and Behavior).
- Coach enters name of each specialists in Google Doc
- Coach communicates with school team and district regarding training and material needs
- Evaluation tool for content specialists to identify what materials and strategies they have access to, as well as, identification of needed training and materials
- Completedmid- September
TIPS Agenda & Meeting Minutes / IPST Coach
IPST Minute Taker /
- Captures current and next meeting dates, including assigned roles; members present; agenda items; Administrative/General Information and Issues; New and Old Problems. Provides quick check on meeting effectiveness and how to improve
Sample CC Griffin: School-Level Agenda & Meeting Minutes / IPST Coach
IPST Minute Taker /
- Provides an example of how one school adapted the Agenda and Meeting Minutes to work for their school-site, while including all necessary components
TIPS Meeting Minutes Guidance Form / IPST Minute Taker /
- Provides a snap-shot of how to use the TIPS Agenda & Meeting Minutes Form- a quick reference
Individual Problem Solving Team Form / IPST Minutes Taker /
- Guides and documentssteps in Individual Problem Solving (IPS) meeting
- Stored electronically*to allow accessibility to team members, including student’s teachers (*Refer to School-Level Individual Problem Solving Team (Tier 3) Calendar. Tasks completed between September-November. Task number 2.)
Site Based Observation Specialists / IPS Team /
- Helps teams to identify which staff members have the training or understanding to use various observation tools.
- Completed by the end of November
Individual Problem Solving Process / IPSTeam /
- Guides your team through cyclical steps of problem solving process
School-Wide Universal Screening Analysis / IPST Coach
IPST Data Analyst /
- Outlines data sets to use when identifying which students are appropriate for IPST (top 5% off track)
- Completed by end of November, January/February and June
Form O
(Vision/Hearing/Speech Screening) / Student’s IPS file /
- To be submitted and received prior to students first IPST meeting
Teacher Input / Student’s IPS file /
- Captures concerns of student’s teacher (s) in regards to student
- Helps team with problem identification process
- Gathered before first IPST meeting
Parent Invite to Individual Problem Solving Team Meeting / IPS Team /
- As the Team builds their skill sets for engaging parents in IPS Team meetings, this form would be used
Parent Notification / Student’s IPS file
(Copy to Student’s IPS file) /
- Informs parents on concerns, describes additional information that will be gathered and explains IPS process
- Includes a request for parent to complete Parent Input Form
Parent Input / Student’s IPS file /
- Gathers specific information from parent / caregiver which will provide team insight into problem.
- Ideally, this form is received by school prior to first student meeting and utilized during problem identification; however absence of the Parent Input Form does not stop process
TIPS II Team Roles and Responsibilities Defined / IPST Coach
IPST Facilitator, Data Analyst, and Minute Taker /
- For each role, one-page document capturing the work of the role before and during meeting
Needs List for Coaching / IPST Coach
IPST Facilitator, Data Analyst, and Minute Taker /
- Facilitator, Data Analyst, and Minute Taker complete quick check to rate themselves in readiness for before and during meeting responsibilities. (Quick check includes role/# items: Facilitator /13 items, Data Analyst/ 5 items, and Minutes Taker/ 11 items)
Helpful Tips for Minutes Taker using Microsoft Word / IPST Minutes Taker / Outlines various ways to copy, paste etc. for a Minute Taker using the TIPS Agenda & Meeting Minutes
Parent Communication of Team Meeting / IPST send home to parent
(Copy to Student’s IPS file) /
- Informs parentthat meeting was held, next steps and next meeting date
Parent Permission For Additional Screening / IPST send home to parent
(Copy to Student’s IPS file) /
- Some data tools require parent permission in order to be used (see Data Tools and Parent Permission Status)
- If you are planning to use a tool requiring parent permission,you must receive the Parent Permission For Additional Screening Form with parent consenting,before disseminating the tool(s).
- After consent given Parent Permission For Additional Screening Form received, then signed form is given to trained staff to disseminate the tool, e.g., School Psychologist, School Counselor, School Social Worker.
Data Tools and Parent Permission Table / IPS Team /
- Lists various data tools that teams may consider when gathering student data for the purpose of narrowing the focus from primary problem to precise problem statement.
Observation Tools / IPS Team /
- Provides a framework for selecting observation tools based on type of behavior (i.e., necessary when moving from primary to precise problem statement, narrowing the team’s focus)
- Tools should be chosen based upon best match between tool use and student need
- Observations must be conducted by trained staff
- Note- some tools require parent permission
Hypotheses to Explore During Problem Solving / IPS Team /
- Outlines different best guesses to why a problem may be occurring
- Critical to alignment with intervention
Information Gathering Matrix / IPS Team /
- Provides different sources of information that maybe collecting during the problem analysis
Updated 8/28/14