(September 2010)

One of the conditions of our funding awards is that projectteams will produce a final report. It is only upon receipt and approval of the final report that the finalpayment will be made.

The final report should consist of six parts:

1. A top line summary

150-200 word summary of the findings of your research which we can put on your project page to attract readers to your report.

2. A project overview detailing:

  • background to the project and its aims
  • methodology including any changes made
  • results
  • project impact
  • both short and long term
  • on students and/or staff
  • within yourinstitution and/or the extended education community

3. Outputs

Detail of project outputs: what they are e.g., good practice guidelines, discussion paper(s), conference or seminar presentations, journal articles, briefingdocument(s); where and when they will be made available.

Please remember that on any outputs from this project ESCalate should be named as the funding body and where appropriate our logo should appear

4. Details of any future planned dissemination activities

List any articles, conference presentations, workshops (internal or external) that are planned todisseminate the work.

5. Expenditure profile

A final budget sheet outlining major costs associated with the project

6. A300 word (approx) summary in journalistic style – suitable for the ESCalate Newsletter or Bulletin

To include (as a guide)

  • (in brief) the project’s aims, methodology, results
  • statement about (and link to if appropriate) project resources
  • what has been learned through the project that may be of interest to other course teams, managers etc who may wish to adopt a change in their own learning, teaching or assessment practice, e.g.:
  • What factors have been critical to success or otherwise?
  • What constraints have there been?
  • What changes have been made (within your department and externally) as a result of the project?

For writing guidelines or further help with any of the points above please contact .