Called to Order:
The AAUW State Assembly was called to order by President Julia Triplett at 2:30 p.m. at the Marriott Hotel in Columbia, MO. Julie announced that Patt Braley will be the official timer for the meeting.
Credentials Report:
Yvonne Morrison reported that ten branches, 42 members and two guests were present.
Yvonne Morrison moved “On behalf of the Credentials Committee, I move that the roll of members and the list of branches represented be the official credentials of the convention. MOTION CARRIED.
Yvonne Morrison moved “On behalf of the Credentials Committee, I move the adoption of the Standing Rules of the convention as presented in the convention packet be adopted. MOTION CARRIED.
Diane Ludwig moved that the minutes be approved. MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED.
Stefanie Hatfield and Marcia Block will review the minutes of the May 5, 2012, meeting and distribute them to the members.
Linda Tinker will assume the role of Secretary as approved by the Board to replace Diane Krizek who submitted a letter of resignation.
Finance Chair Report:
Carol Davis McDonald reported that the 2012–2013 budget was approved by the Board at the previous night’s meeting. See the attached budget.
Carol Davis McDonald moved that the budget be adopted as approved by the Board. MOTION APPROVED.
Bylaws Committee Report:
Yvonne Morrison reported that the mandatory bylaws changes will be reviewed by Sue Barley and Yvonne Morrison. State presidents received a check list to use in the review of the individual changes. Those changes will not occur until the end of the year. Eight bylaws are approved and submitted to National.
College/University Relations Report:
Debbie McWard and Jane Biers reported that there are 17 partner members and 96 student members in Missouri. They are targeting an additional 13 – 15 more. UMSL University and Lindenwood College are on the brink of starting a student organization.
Areas where Debbie and Jane are working are:
Some college/university representatives have not been responsive to working with AAUW. Debbie and Jane will attempt to correct that. There is a concern about universities in locales where there is no AAUW branch. A need to improve a branch’s role in working with college/university student organization. A need for more attractive package to include in folders distributed to colleges and universities.
They need ten more folders.
Some of the benefits to branches from a relationship with a college/university are: Potential members from faculty and staff; potential use of facilities; students are the future of AAUW. Every college has a free membership, and when they graduate, each graduate can receive a free grad membership.
Public Policy
See report.
Presentation of Awards
Mission in Action awardees are: St. Charles, Maryville, Kirkwood/Webster Groves, Independence, Creve Coeur, Columbia, and Ballwin-Chesterfield.
Galaxy awardees are: Ballwin-Chesterfield and Independence
Outstanding member recipients are: Gloria Bandstra, Grace Butler,
Carol Davis McDonald, and Betty Takahashi
There are 129 Century Club members
The amounts given to AAUW Funds by each branch were read and branches were presented with certificates
Thank you
Julia Triplett thanked Pat Shores and Diane Ludwig for their efforts to insure a successful convention.
Woman of Distinction Award Nominees and Awardee
Nominees were: Gloria Bandstra, Kansas City Branch; Betty Takahasi, St. Charles branch; and Julia Triplett, Ballwin-Chesterfield branch.
The 2011-2012 AAUW Missouri Woman of Distinction is Julia Triplett.
Sue Shear Institute
The Sue Shear Institute is a nonpartisan entity that supports any woman who wishes to be active in public life. It also trains women college leaders, tracks women's participation at various levels of government in Missouri, and encourages women to seek public office among other activities. It is an important part of the civic landscape in Missouri and has had wonderful accomplishments since its inception. In light of the current legislation before the Missouri legislators to abolish the Sue Shear Institute, Debbie McWard made the following motion:
MOTION: AAUW MO opposes the amendment to HB 1731 that would eliminate the funding for the Sue Shear Institute for Women in Public Office and recommends the defeat of any legislation that eliminates such funding for the Institute or any similar entity. MOTION SECONDED AND APPROVED.
Diane Ludwig requested members to return the completed convention evaluation sheet before leaving.
Shirley Breeze informed members that the Regional Convention will be in Oklahoma City June 8 and 9.
In response to concerns about the lack of AAUW Fellowships awarded in Missouri this year, Lynne Roney, a member of the Career Development Grant panel, said thatfew if any applications were received from Missouri. She suggested that members and branches encourage potential applicants and work with them on their application forms.
Retiring officers
Ellen Johnson, Membership Chair, Carol Davis McDonald, Finance Chair, and
Julia Triplett, President.
Officer Installation
Kathleen Cha, AAUW Board member, installed the following new officers:
Pam Burke, Vice President-Membership, Carol Davis McDonald, Finance Chair.
LAF 50/50 Drawing
A total of $211 was collected in the 50/50 drawing, and $105 of it went to the winner, Pam Burke.
Meeting adjourned at 3:30 p.m. Saturday, May 5, 2012.
Linda Tinker, Secretary