Learning and Teaching Plan

This Learning and Teaching Plan forms part of a tutor resource which was developed based on the SQA National Unit specification as at August 2010.

Unit title / Food Preparation Techniques: An Introduction (Intermediate 1)
Unit number / D263 10
SCQF level / SCQF level 4
Outcome / Description / Assessment approaches and conditions
1 / Weigh and measure foodstuffs accurately / Recorded evidence that the candidate uses accurately all three items of weighing/measuring equipment on one occasion.
2 / Use a range of simple food preparation techniques / Preparation techniques: peel; cut; slice; grate; roll out; shape; pipe; mix; whisk; cream.
Evidence is required for all preparation techniques on one occasion.
3 / Identify basic food preparation equipment and cookery terms / Equipment: flour dredger; rolling pin; sieve; cooling tray; electric food processor; hand-held electric whisk; pastry cutter; star tube; fish slice; cook’s knife; plain tube; vegetable peeler; vegetable knife; grater; table spoon; palette knife; piping bag; pastry brush; rotary whisk.
Cookery terms: bake blind, beat, knead, cream, fold, blend, line, coat, whisk.
Evidence requirements
The proposed instrument of assessment is a matching exercise.
Recorded evidence that the candidate:
(a) Can match the names of 17 items of equipment correctly to pictorial examples.
(b) Can match a description of 17 items of equipment correctly to pictorial examples.
(c) Can match the range of seven cookery terms correctly with a list of definitions of their use.
Recommended duration / 40 hrs
Integration with other units
(if applicable) / This Unit has been devised so that it may be delivered along with Food Preparation Techniques: An Introduction (Access 3).
Previous knowledge, understanding and skills required for the Unit / While entry is at the discretion of the centre, candidates would normally be expected to have attained one of the following:
• Standard Grade Home Economics at Foundation level
• access 3 units in Home Economics
• access 3 units or Standard Grade at Foundation level in a relevant subject.
The Unit is also suitable for ‘new starts’ and adult returners with appropriate prior experience.

Outcome 1: Weigh and measure foodstuffs accurately

Key words/concepts

Food, Scales, Spoon, Measuring, Weighing, Jugs

Knowledge, understanding and skills for the stated Outcome:

·  Scales are used accurately to weigh foodstuffs.
·  Measuring jugs are used accurately to measure liquids.
·  Measuring spoons are used accurately to measure foodstuffs and liquids.

Connecting to Curriculum for Excellence

Feature(s) / Making the connections
Learning and teaching approaches / Student-centred, participative and practical.
Encourage students to draw on experience from each other and other practical Units.
The practical activities of this Unit should be relatively simple dishes or recipes such as: the preparation of vegetables for soup; scones; basic sponge; duchesse potatoes; meringues; apple pie; quiche; croquette potatoes; hamburgers. Healthier options for ingredients should be chosen where appropriate.
Hygiene and safety must feature as key practices to be developed in the use of all preparation equipment and throughout preparation techniques. Demonstrations will be required in the use of all equipment and in following each preparation technique. The development of correct working practices must be emphasised. Knife drill will have to be demonstrated and reinforced throughout. Candidates should be given clear specifications for each task to ensure that they are fully aware of what is expected of them.
Assessment / Recorded evidence that the candidate uses accurately all three items of weighing/measuring equipment on one occasion.
Development of capacities
·  Successful learners
·  Effective contributors
·  Confident individuals
·  Responsible citizens / Use Technology for learning
Learn independently and as part of a group – planning activities both individually and with others
Achieve success – pass outcome
Have respect for others – giving feedback
The capacity that has a focus in this Outcome / Successful learners who are able to use technology for learning

Outcome 2: Use a range of simple food preparation techniques

Key words/concepts

Preparation, Food, Equipment, Techniques, Safe, Hygienic

Knowledge, understanding and skills for the stated Outcome:

·  The equipment selected is appropriate to the preparation technique.
·  The preparation technique is carried out correctly without undue waste.
·  Safe and hygienic standards are maintained throughout.

Connecting to Curriculum for Excellence

Feature(s) / Making the connections
Learning and teaching approaches / Student-centred, participative and practical.
Encourage students to draw on experience from each other and other practical Units.
The practical activities of this Unit should be relatively simple dishes or recipes such as: the preparation of vegetables for soup; scones; basic sponge; duchesse potatoes; meringues; apple pie; quiche; croquette potatoes; hamburgers. Healthier options for ingredients should be chosen where appropriate.
Hygiene and safety must feature as key practices to be developed in the use of all preparation equipment and throughout preparation techniques. Demonstrations will be required in the use of all equipment and in following each preparation technique. The development of correct working practices must be emphasised. Knife drill will have to be demonstrated and reinforced throughout. Candidates should be given clear specifications for each task to ensure that they are fully aware of what is expected of them.
Assessment / Preparation techniques: peel; cut; slice; grate; roll out; shape; pipe; mix; whisk; cream.
Evidence is required for all preparation techniques on one occasion.
Development of capacities
·  Successful learners
·  Effective contributors
·  Confident individuals
·  Responsible citizens / Use Technology for learning
Learn independently and as part of a group – planning activities both individually and with others
Achieve success – pass outcome
Have respect for others – giving feedback
The capacity that has a focus in this Outcome / Successful learners who are able to use technology for learning

Outcome 3: Identify basic food preparation equipment and cookery terms

Key words/concepts

Preparation, Techniques, Food, Cookery, Equipment, Terms

Knowledge, understanding and skills for the stated Outcome:

·  Items of basic equipment are identified correctly.
·  The use of each item of equipment is identified correctly.
·  Basic cookery terms are identified correctly

Connecting to Curriculum for Excellence

Feature(s) / Making the connections
Learning and teaching approaches / Student-centred, participative and practical.
Encourage students to draw on experience from each other and other practical units.
All items of equipment used in practical work should be identified correctly and named, and their uses explained. Candidates should be encouraged to identify correctly and use appropriate equipment for each task.
Common basic cookery terms associated with the practical exercise should be explained and practised by candidates.
Assessment / Equipment: flour dredger; rolling pin; sieve; cooling tray; electric food processor; hand-held electric whisk; pastry cutter; star tube; fish slice; cook’s knife; plain tube; vegetable peeler; vegetable knife; grater; table spoon; palette knife; piping bag; pastry brush; rotary whisk.
Cookery terms: bake blind, beat, knead, cream, fold, blend, line, coat, whisk.
Evidence requirements
The proposed instrument of assessment is a matching exercise.
Recorded evidence that the candidate:
(a) Can match the names of 17 items of equipment correctly to pictorial examples.
(b) Can match a description of 17 items of equipment correctly to pictorial examples.
(c) Can match the range of seven cookery terms correctly with a list of definitions of their use.
Development of capacities
·  Successful learners
·  Effective contributors
·  Confident individuals
·  Responsible citizens / Use Technology for learning
Learn independently and as part of a group – planning activities both individually and with others
Achieve success – pass outcome
Have respect for others – giving feedback
The capacity that has a focus in this Outcome / Successful learners who are able to use technology for learning

Outcome 1

Outcome 1: Weigh and measure foodstuffs accurately
What is to be learned / Suggested learning and teaching approaches / Feedback and assessment strategies
Scales are used accurately to weigh foodstuffs. / Demonstration/discussion led by tutor of all techniques prior to candidates participation
Group activity weighing foodstuff using different scales
Individual completion of quiz
VoiceThread of different scales to promote discussion / Observation of practical activity
Observation from group discussions
Observation from discussions on VoiceThread
Electronic quiz on topic
Measuring jugs are used accurately to measure liquids. / Demonstration/discussion led by tutor of all techniques prior to candidates participation
Group activity measuring water
Individual completion of electronic quiz / Observation of practical activities
Observation from group discussions
Resulting dish produced from measuring activity
Electronic quiz on topic
Measuring spoons are used accurately to measure foodstuffs and liquids. / Demonstration/discussion led by tutor of all techniques prior to candidates participation (completed dish produced)
Photo Story of selection of different spoons associated with measuring foodstuffs and liquids
VoiceThread of different spoons to promote discussion / Observation of practical activities
Observation from group discussions
Observation from discussions on VoiceThread
Resulting dish produced from measuring activity
Electronic quiz on topic

Outcome 2

Outcome 2: : Use a range of simple food preparation techniques
What is to be learned / Suggested learning and teaching approaches / Feedback and assessment strategies
The equipment selected is appropriate to the preparation technique. / Discussion led by tutor of all techniques prior to candidates participation including use of mind mapping software
Practical group activity
Individually completed electronic quiz / Observation of activities
Observation from group discussions
Electronic quiz on topic
The preparation technique is carried out correctly without undue waste / Demonstration/discussion led by tutor prior to all techniques on preventing waste / Observation of practical activities
Observation from group discussions
Observation from discussions on VoiceThread
Feedback with the use of an observation checklist
Safe and hygienic standards are maintained throughout / Discussion led by tutor of all safety and hygiene issues prior to candidates participation supported by mind map.
Paper based group activity
Individual activity using VoiceThread of safety issues in relation to preparation techniques / Observation of group activity and presentation to other groups
Consideration of student participation on VoiceThread

Outcome 3

Outcome 3: Identify basic food preparation equipment and cookery terms
What is to be learned / Suggested learning and teaching approaches / Feedback and assessment strategies
Items of basic equipment are identified correctly. / ·  Class discussion led by tutor on the full range of equipment
·  Electronic quiz
·  Paper based activity identifying items of basic equipment / ·  Informal assessment from discussion, paper based activity and electronic quiz
·  Feedback from the electronic quiz and paper based activity
The use of each item of equipment is identified correctly. / ·  Images on VoiceThread of the use of equipment
·  Class discussion led by tutor on the full range of equipment
·  Quiz to text knowledge of equipment/use
·  Class discussion led by tutor on the full range of use of equipment / ·  Informal assessment from discussion
·  Feedback content retrieved from VoiceThread
·  Feedback and assessment derived from results of individual quiz exercise
·  Feedback with the use of an observation checklist
Basic cookery terms are identified correctly / ·  Class discussion led by tutor on the full range of terms supported by a presentation
·  Paper based group activity / ·  Informal assessment from discussion and paper based activity

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