ATTENDEES / Suzanne Hackshall (Practice Manager), Kerrie Evans (Deputy Practice Manager), Ann Cole (Reception Manager), Christine Monks, David Covell, Philip Smales, June Collinson, Mavis Harrison
APOLOGIES / Stuart Monks, Janet Turner, Mike Thompson, Donald Harrison, Dr Javali (GP Partner),
1. / Welcome and apologies
Suzanne welcomed everyone to the meeting and apologies were noted. It is noted that June Collinson has sent her apologies when unable to attend.
2. / CCG Presentation
Suzanne presented to the group a presentation that highlighted the changes to the NHS and the impact of this locally. A copy of the presentation is enclosed with the minutes for information
2. / Update on Practice Developments
The revised patient leaflet was shared with the group. This would be made available to all new patients registering with the practice, copies would be available in the waiting room and on request. There was a discussion as to whether the practice leaflet could be made available in other languages and Braille. Suzanne would discuss this with the PCT communications department who have the expertise to undertake this. The group discussed the information contained in the leaflet and suggested more elaboration on the clinic times and interpreter services, Suzanne would look at the wording on the next publication of the leaflet.
Flu vaccinations had been delayed this year due to an issue with the supplier and the batch of vaccines. This has been a national problem that has affected many surgeries. The reception team had tried to contact as many patients of the 1800 that were expected for flu vaccinations as possible to inform them of the delay. The practice has now obtained flu vaccinations and flu appointments are available.
The quarterly newsletter would be being produced in the next couple of weeks and suggestions for content were asked for. There was a suggestion that information on the new Electronic Prescribing Scheme (EPS) be included. This was included in the summer newsletter but would also be included in the Autumn newsletter. / SH
3. / Patient Survey
The group had a long discussion around the content of the practice survey and what should be included in this year’s survey. It was agreed that the majority of questions would be included with additional questions asked to gain more information and views. As part of the new CCG (Clinical Commissioning Group) practices have been asked to include four questions around hospital services and the group were happy to include these also.
Suzanne agreed to produce the survey and distribute to the group in the first week of November for group members to comment and feedback. It is hoped that the survey will then be distributed to patients from mid November.
4. / Patient Groups
Mavis Harrsion asked if any member of the group would be interested in attending other patient groups being run around the district. There are currently consultations on services provided by the hospital and the proposed changes. The next network meeting is being held on 5th December @ 10am for anyone that would be interested in attending.
Date of next meeting: Monday 14th January 2013 at 6pm.