The ABCs of Fahrenheit 451

For this activity, your challenge is to come up with an item of significance from Fahrenheit 451 that fits EVERY letter of the alphabet! For each letter, you will include the word and a sentence that well explains the importance/significance of that person/object in the novel.


  • You must use EVERY letter of the alphabet and each letter can only stand for ONE or TWO words maximum
  • Each slide must have an accompanying picture/image
  • No repeats or using the same word in a different form (Ex: G is for Guy and M is for Montag)
  • Word choice and connections must make sense and be well-explained in your connecting sentence
  • You must incorporate the 3 short stories read during this unit in some way (“The Euphio Question,” “Harrison Bergeron,” and “EPICAC”). You can use character names, events, or the titles of the story, but you MUST connect that word with something that relates to it in Fahrenheit
  • You must incorporate the 4 themes in some way (rebellion, advanced technology, happiness v. pleasure, and censorship/mind control)
  • You must use at least5 vocabulary words from your 3 Fahrenheit lists

Suggestions for your ABCs




Physical Attributes

Personality traits




*Vocabulary, Key Words

*Characteristics of Science Fiction or Dystopic Societies


Appropriate use of each letter +26 (1 point each)

Connection to Fahrenheit+26 (1 points each)

Accompanying picture/image+13(.5 point each)

Additional requirements listed above+12 points

Correct spelling/grammar used+8 points

Total=85 POINTS

Example (from To Kill a Mockingbird):

L is for Lawyer

Atticus Finch, a main character in this book, is a well-known lawyer in the state of Alabama. It is because of his lawyering skills that Tom’s jury discussed the verdict for many hours instead of only several minutes, and this showed that racism was finally beginning to break down in this particular community.

A is for ______


B is for ______


Cis for ______


Dis for ______


Eis for ______


Fis for ______


Gis for ______


His for ______


Iis for ______


Jis for ______


Kis for ______


Lis for ______


Mis for ______


Nis for ______


Ois for ______


Pis for ______


Qis for ______


Ris for ______


Sis for ______


Tis for ______


Uis for ______


Vis for ______


Wis for ______


Xis for ______


Yis for ______


Zis for ______
