Application form for the PhD degree at Faculty of Health Sciences, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Biosciences, Fisheries and Economics the Faculty of Humanities, Social Science and Education and Faculty of Science and Technology.

Send the application to: UiT The Arctic University of Norway, <the faculty>, 9037 Tromsø, Norway

The admission is as a main rule held continually. Deadline for application to Programme in Humanities and Social Sciences at Faculty of Humanities, Social Science and Education is 1 April and 1 October for applicants who do not have employment as research fellow at UiT The Arctic University of Norway.

1. Personal information
Last name / All first and middle names / Date of Birth DDMMYYYY / Personal identification number (11 digits)
Home address / Postal code / Place / Country
Address during the semester / Postal code / Place / Phone number
Citizenship / Gender / E-mail
Female / Male
2. PhD programme being applied for The PhD programme constitutes 180 credits, in which the academic training component is at least 30 credits, cf. the regulations of the PhD degree § 13 and the relevant PhD programme.
Specialization/department/study field/PhD-school
Working title of scientific dissertation. Enclose description of the project.
Language in which the dissertation will be written. You find information about which language you may use in the relevant PhD programme.
3. Education after upper secondary school – basis of application
Institution / Degree / Discipline / Year / Semester
4. Relevant publications See enclosed guidelines
5. Schedule/plan for financing
Start / Date / Defence of dissertation / Semester / Year
Employment/plan for financing See guidelines
Employer / Type of employment / From / To
Source of funding / Main (M) / Type / From / To
Duties in addition to research (only for students funded by the Research Council of Norway, or by the university) / % / Type / From / To
6. Proposal for individual education plan (academic training component and project) See guidelines
Semester / Planned activity / Credits
7. Required infrastructure See guidelines
8. Required supervision and suggestion about academic advisor(s)
Suggestion about academic advisor(s) / Name / Position / Department/work place
Main advisor
Other advisor(s)
Academic advisor(s) has/have been contacted / Yes / No
9. Plan for dissemination of research results This may be included in the description of the project
10. Plan for association to research society See guidelines
Name of the research society you wish to be connected to / From / To
Name of external institution
11. List of enclosed documents
12. Signature
Place / Date / Signature

Guidelines for completion of the application form

Comments to some of the tables:
4. Relevant publications / Make a list of your publications that are relevant for the PhD project. Please enclose your list with your application.
5. Employment/ plan for financing / Table 5 is to be completed if the information is available at the time of application.
Type of employment may be: research fellow, short-term contract, permanent employment, temporary employment, specific assignment.
Source of funding: If there are several sources, only one should be marked (M)
Duties in addition to research. Relevant only for research fellows working at the University of Tromsø. These duties normally constitute 25 % of total work load.
6. Individual education plan / The PhD programme constitutes 180 credits – three years of studies – in which the academic training component is at least 30 credits, cf. the regulations of the PhD degree § 13 and the relevant PhD programme. In table 6 you write a proposal for your individual education plan - both the academic training component and project – for each semester.
7. Infrastructure / Table 7 must be completed if you need equipment/material beyond ordinary office standards in order to do your research, cf. the regulations § 16. You may include this in your project description, or enclose a separate description.
8. Supervision / Fill in the names if you have suggestions about supervisor(s).
9. Plan for dissemination of research results / This table is primarily relevant for those who plan a dissertation with several papers.
10.Association to research community / Cf. the regulations § 15. State which research community you wish to be connected to while writing your dissertation, and your plans for visits to other research societies – also abroad – during your study.
11.Enclosed documents / The following documents must be enclosed: Diploma(s) documenting your formal competence (master´s degree or equivalent) and a project description, see the relevant PhD programme for requirements regarding description, size etc.
Other enclosures may be CV, confirmations of completed examinations of courses you plan to apply to be approved as part of the training component for the PhD programme, and documentation of any other relevant education or work experience.
Copies of diplomas/confirmations must be stamped and signed by a licensed copying agency or a public office.
12. Signature / The applicant must sign the application personally.

If you have any questions concerning the application form, please contact the relevant faculty:

·  Faculty of Health Sciences:

·  Faculty of Law:

·  Faculty of Biosciences, Fisheries and Economics:

·  Faculty of Humanities, Social Science and Education:

·  Faculty of Science and Technology:
