Acronyms and Abbreviations in Telecommunications

Updated 6 December 2000

Other lists of acronyms and abbreviations may be found at:

(These are just telecommunication acronyms – about 1700 entries, which tend to be hardware-oriented.)

(18,000 entries, from all areas. It searches for you. I tried some obscure German acronyms, and found them.)

(primarily, but not exclusively, French)

For help in generating web-related phrases, see

I’ve taken out the diacritical marks, since they generate garbage when transmitted over the net.

2B1QTwo Binary One Quaternary

3-GThird-generation mobile standard

3GThird-Generation licences

3G3P3G Patent Platform Partnership

3GPPThird-Generation Partnership Project

3DThird generation mobile systems

4GLFourth Generation Language

A2Go Applications2Go

AAATEAssociation for the Advancement of Assistive Technology in Europe

AACAugmentative and Alternative Communication

ABMAsynchronous Balances Mode (HDLC)

ACCCAustralian Competition and Consumer Commission

ACCESSDevelopment Platform for Unified Access to Enabling Environments (TIDE project)

ACDAutomatic Call Distribution

ACECAdvisory Commission on Electronic Commerce

AceSAsia Cellular Satellite

ACIFAustralian Communications Industry Forum

ACITSAdvisory Committee on Information Technology Standardisation (SOG-IT)

ACMAssociation for Computing Machinery

ACTEApprovals Committee for Terminal Equipment (EC)

ACTSAdvanced Communications Technologies and Services Satellite

ADAAmericans with Disabilities Act

ADLActivities of Daily Living

ADPCMAdaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation (Digital compression technique used to process audio on DC-ROM CA and CD-I.)

ADSLAsymmetric Digital Subscriber Line

AECMAAssociation Europeenne des Constructeurs de Materiel Aerospatial

AERAssociation for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired

AESAdvanced Encryption Standard

AFBAmerican Foundation for the Blind

AFIMl'Association Francaise d'Internet Mobiles

AFNORAssociation Francaise pour la NORmalisation

AHCIETAsociacion Hispanoamericana de Centros de Investigacion y Empresas de Telecomunicaciones

AIMAdvanced Informatics for Medicine (DG XIII)

ALDICTAccess of Persons with Learning Disabilities to Information and Communication Technologies

ALECAlternate Local Exchange Carrier

AMPSAdvanced Mobile Phone System

ANIAutomatic Number Identification (ISDN)

ANSIAmerican National Standards Institute

APApplication Program

APCNAsia Pacific Cable Network

APDUApplication Protocol Data Unit

APNAccess Point Name

APNGAsia-Pacific Networking Group

APPSNApplication Pilot for People with Special Needs (RACE project)

APRSAutomatic Packet Reporting System

ARCSAstra Return Channel System

ARINAmerican Registry for Internet Numbers

ARLAkamai Resource Locator

ARMAsynchronous Response Mode (HDLC)

ARPANETAdvanced Research Projects Agency NET

ARTAutorite de Regulation des Telecommunications

ASCIIAmerican Standard Code for Information Interchange

ASDLAssymetric Digital Subscriber Line

ASIAlternate Space Inversion

ASICApplication Specific Integrated Circuit

ASLAmerican Sign Language

ASNAInternet Assigned Numbers Authority

ASOAddress Supporting Organization

ASPAdvanced Speech Processor; Applications Service Provider

ASPICApplication Service Provider Industry Consortium

ASRAutomatic Speech Recognition

ASPApplication Service Provider

ATAssistive Technology

ATDMAsynchronous Time Division Multiplexing

ATMAsynchronous Transfer Mode or Automatic Teller Machine

ATRAdvanced Telecommunications Research (Institute)

ATRCAdaptive Technology Research Center

ATTTAfrican Telecommunicatiions Think Tank

ATUGAustralian Telecommunications Users Group

AUDETELAudio Description of Television for the Visually Disabled and Elderly (TIDE project)

AURORAProject to develop safety equipment systems for disabled and elderly persons (TIDE project)


AVMAudio Visual Management

B2Bredbandsbolaget AB


B2CBusiness to Consumer

BABTBritish Approvals Board for Telecommunications

BAICBarring of All Incoming Calls

BAOCBarring of All Outgoing Cells

BAPBandwidth Allocation Protocol

BAPTBundesamt für Post und Telekommunikation

BBSBulletin Board System

BCAPBandwidth Allocation Control Protocol

BCDBinary Coded Decimal

BDTTelecommunication Development Bureau of the ITU

B-ICIBroadband Intercarrier Interface (ATM)

BIOSBasic Input/Output System

BIPTBelgian Institute for Posts and Telecommunications

BISBusiness Intelligence Software

B-ISDNBroadband Integrated Services Digital Network

BLECBuilding (or Basement) Local Exchange Carrier

BLSRBidirectional Line Switched Ring

BMPTBundesamt fuer Post and Telekommunikation

BMSBroadband Management System

BNTGroupe Belge des Normes de Telecommunications

BOTZBuild Operate Transfer

BRIBasic Rate Interface (ISDN)

BRITEBasic Rate Interface Transmission Equipment

BRITE/EURAMBasic Research in Industrial Technologies for Europe/European Research in Advanced Materials

BSCBase Station Controller (Wireless/GSM(

BSCBinary Synchronous Communications (IBM)

BSIBritish Standards Institution

BSICBase Transceiver Station Identity Code

BSSBase Switching System

BTBusiness Telecommunications (as used by ETSI) or British Telecom

BTAMBasic Telecommunications Access Method (SNA)

BTRBritish Telecom Requirement

BTSBase Transceiver Station

BWABroadband Wireless Association

BWLLBroadband Wireless Local Loop

CACertificate Authority

CALEACommunications Assistance for Law Enforcing Agencies

CAMELCustomized Application for Mobile networks Enhanced Logic

CAPSCommunication and Access to information for Persons with Special needs (TIDE project)

CASTCenter for Applied Special Technology

CATVCable Television also Community Antennae Television

CBCitizens Band

CCIRComité Consultatif International des Radiocommunications (ITU-R)

CCITTComite Consultatif International Telegraphique et Telephonique

CcTLDCountry-code Top Level Domain

CDCall Deflection; Compact Disc

CDGCDMA Development Organization

CDMACode Division Multiple Access

CDNContent Delivery Network

CDPDCellular Digital Packet Data

CECCommission of the European Communities

CEE Central and Eastern Europe

CENComite Européen de Normalisation

CENELECComite Européen de Normalisation Electronique

CEPTConference of European Postal and Telecommunications Administrations

CFBCall Forward Busy

CFNRCall Forward No Reply


CICCarrier Identification Code

CISCComplex Instruction Set Computer (i.e., can perform multiple operations per instruction)

CIXCommercial Internet eXchange

CLECCompetitive Local Exchange Carrier

CLICalling Line Identity/Identification

CLIPCalling Line Identity Presentation

CLIRCalling Line Identification Restriction

CLPCell Loss Priority (ATM)

CMCCChina Mobile Communications Corporation

CMRCellular Mobile Radio

CNAECustomer Network Access Equipment

CNCChina Netcom Corporation

CNETCentre National d'Etudes des Telecommunications

CNMCustomer Network Management

COLPConnected Line Identification Presentation

COLRConnected Line Identification Restriction

COMCommon Object Model

COMACCommittee On Medicine And Computers (DG XII)

COMESACommon Market for Eastern and Southern African States

COMETTCommunity Programme in Education and Training for Technology

CopernicusCo-operation in Science and Technology with Central and Eastern European Countries

CORBACommon Object Request Broker Architecture

COREConsensus creation and awareness for research and development activities in technology for disabled and elderly people (TIDE project)

Also: Council of Internet Registrars

COSTEuropean Cooperation in the field Of Scientific and Technical research

CPCommunications Protocol

CPECustomer Premises Equipment

CPICCommon Programming Interface Communications

CPPCalling Party Pays

CPSCarrier Pre-Selection; Communications Service Providers

CRESTScientific and Technical Research Committee (of the EU)

CRMCustomer Relationship Management

CRTCCanadian Radiotelevision and Telecommunications Commission

CSOCommittee of Senior Officers

CSDNCircuit Switched Data Network

CSPConverged Service Provider

CSPDNCircuit Switched Public Data Network

CSSCascading Style Sheet

CT-2Second generation Cordless Telephone, UK

CT1European analogue cordless telephone system

CTIComputer Telephony Integration

CTIACellular Telecommunications Industry Association

CTRCommon Technical Regulation (EU)

CTUCzech Telecommunications Office

CWCall Waiting

CYTACyprus Telecommunications Authority

D-tagDescriptive text link

DABDigital Audio Broadcasting

DACSDigital Access and Cross-connect System

DAIDigital Audio Interface (104 kbit/s)

DAMPSDigital Advanced Mobile Phone System

DANNData Networking Association

DARSDigital Audio Radio Satellite Service

DASSDigital Access Signalling System

DBSDirect Broadcast Service

DCCData Communication Channel

DCN Data Communications Network

DCS Digital Cellular System

DECTDigital European Cordless Telecommunications

DELTADeveloping European Learning through Technological Advance (DG XIII) Consortium

DESData Encryption Standard

DFIDDepartment For International Development

DGPSDifferential Global Positioning System


DiffServDifferentiated Services

DISDraft International Standards

DNSDomain Name System

DNSODomain Name Supporting Organization

DOCSISData Over Cable Service Interface Specification

DOMDocument Object Specification

DPLDigital PowerLine

DRBDigital Radio Broadcasters

DSDirect Spread

DSLDigital Subscriber Line

DSLAMDSL Access Multiplexer

DSRRDigital Short Range Radio

DTD Document Type Definition file


DVB Direct digital Video Broadcasting

DWDMDense Wave (or Wavelength) Division Multiplexing

E&DElderly and Disabled

EARNEuropean Academic Research Network

e-B2Belectronic business-to-business

EBUEuropean Broadcasting Union

ECEuropean Community, European Commissions

ECARTEuropean Conference on Advances in Rehabilitation Technology

ECDCElectronic Commerce in Developing Countries

ECMAEuropean Computer Manufacturers Association

ECOWASEconomic Community Of West African States

eCRMelectronic Customer Relation Management

ECTAEuropean Competitive Telecommunications Association; Eastern Caribbean Telecommunications Authority

ECUMNEuropean Conference on Universal Multiservice Networks

EDFEuropean Disability Forum

EDGEEnhanced Data for GSM Evolution; Enhanced Data rates for Global Evolution

EDIElectronic Data Interchange

EECEuropean Economic Community

EEMAEuropean Forum for Electronic Business

EESSIEuropean Electronic Signature Standardization Initiative

EFEIEuropean Federation of Electronic Industries

EFFElectronic Frontier Foundation

EFTAEuropean Free Trade Association

EFTPOSElectronic Funds Transfer Point of Sale

EHIMAEuropean Hearing Instrument Manufacturers Association

EIAElectronic Industries Association

EIDDEuropean Institute for Design and Disability

EIFEuropean Internet Foundation

EIIAEuropean Information Industry Association

EITAACElectronic Information Technology Access Advisory Committee

EMCElectromagnetic Compatibility

EMIElectromagnetic Interference

ENEuropean Norm (Term within CEN and CENELEC)

ENSOETSINational Standardisation Organisations (ETSI)

ENUMElectronic Numbering

EOTCEuropean Organization for Testing and Certification

E-OTDEnhanced Observed Time Difference

EPEuropean Parliament

EROEuropean Radiocommunications Office

ERPEnterprise Resource Planning

ERPSEnhanced Reference Picture Selection

ESEuropean Standard or End Systems (ETSI TC BT)

ESBEuropean Standardisation Board

ESCEuropean Standardisation Council

ESOEuropean Standardisation Organisation

ESPRITEuropean Strategic Programme for Research and Development

ETANEuropean Technology Assessment Network

ETISEuropean Telecommunications Informatics Services

ETNOEuropean public Telecommunications Network Operators association

ETOEuropean Telecommunications Organization

ETPEuropean Telecommunications Platform (Brussels-based policy monitoring group)

ETR ETSI Technical Report

ETTEuropean Telecommunications and Technology

ETSEuropean Telecommunications Standard

ETSIEuropean Telecommunications Standards Institute

EUEuropean Union

EUREKAEuropean Research Co-operation Agency

EURESCOMEuropean Institute for Research and Strategic Studies in Telecommunications

EuroISPAEuropean Internet Service Providers Association

EVAEconomic Value Added

EVCAEuropean Venture Capital Association

EVUAEuropean Virtual Private Network Users Association

FCCFederal Communications Commission

FEDMAFederation of European Direct Marketing

FDMAFrequency Division Multiple Access

FEIFederation of the Electronics Industry

FIPSFederal Information Processing Standards

FLAGFiberoptic Link Around the Globe

FMCFixed Mobile Convergence

FP6the EU's 6th Framework research Programme

FSSFixed Satellite Service

FS-VDSLFull Service-Very High Speed Digital Subscriber Line

FTPFile Transfer Protocol (IETF)

FTCFederal Trade Commission

FTSEFinancial Times-Stock Exchange

FWAFixed Wireless Access

GAC(ICANN's)Government Advisory Committee

GAITGSM MAP Network/ANSI-41 Interoperability Team

GAMGlobal Account Management

GANGlobal Area Network

GATTGeneral Agreement on Tariffs and Trade

GBDeGlobal Business Dialog on electronic commerce

GEOGeosynchronous Earth Orbit

GGRFGSM Global Roaming Forum

GGSNGateway GPRS Support Node

GISGeographical Information System

GMCFGlobal Mobile Commerce Forum

GMPCSGlobal Mobile Personal Communication Systems (or Services)

GNSGlobal Network Strtegies

GNXGlobalNet eXchange

GPRSGeneral Packet Radio Service

GPSGlobal Positioning System

GPRSGeneral Packet Radio Services

GPSRGeneral Packet Switched Radio

GSAGSM System Area

GRXGPRS Roaming Exchange

GSMGlobal System for Mobile telecommunications

GSPGlobal Service Provider

gTLDgeneric Top-Level Domain (e.g., .com. .edu)

GTSGlobal TeleSystems Group

GUIBGraphical User Interfaces for Blink people (TIDE project)

HACHearing Aid Compatible

HAPSHigh Altitude Platforms

HDLCHigh-level Data Link Control (ISO)

HDMLHandheld Devices Markup Language

HDSLHigh-rate Digital Subscriber Loop

HDTVHigh Definition Television

HDVSHigh Definition Video System

HEARTHorizontal European Activities in Rehabilitation Technology (TIDE project)

HELIOSHandicapped people in the European community Living In Open Society (DG 5)

HFHuman Factor (One of ETSI's Technical Committees)

HKTUGHong Kong Telecommunications Users Group

HSCDHigh Speed Circuit Switched Data

HSCSDHigh Speed Circuit Switched Data

HTTPHypertext Transfer Protocol (IETF)

HVACHeating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (smart homes)

IABInternet Architecture Board

IAHCInternet Ad Hoc Committee

IANAInternet Assigned Numbers Authority

IASPInternet Access Service Provider

IBInternational Bureau (of the FCC)

IBCIntegrated Broadband Communication

I-CANIntegrated Customer Access Network

ICANIntegrated Control of ´All Needs (TIDE project)

ICANNInternet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers

ICCInternational Chamber of Commerce

ICDInternational Classification of Diseases

ICIDHInternational Classification of Impairments, Disabilities and Handicaps

ICTInformation and Communications Technology

ICTAInternational Commission on Technology and Accessibility

IDATEInstitut de l'Audiovisuel et des Telecommunications en Europe

IDNIntegrated Digital Network

IDPInternational Data Post (organization of 17 postal authorities)

iDSNinternationalized Domain Name System

IECInternational Electrotechnical Commission

IEEEInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

IEGMPIndependent Expert Group on Mobile Phones

IETFInternet Engineering Task Force

IFHOHInternational Federation of Hard of Hearing People

ILECIncumbent Local Exchange Carrier

ILETSInternational Law Enforcement Telecommunications Seminar

IMInstant Messaging

IMAPInternet Managed Application Provider

IMPInterface Message Processor

IMSInformation Management System

IMSOInternational Maritime Safety Organization

IMTInternational Mobile Telephony

IMTCInternational Multimedia Teleconferencing Consortium

INIntelligent Networks

INCLUDEInclusion of Disabled and Elderly in Telematics

INMARSATInternational Marine Satellite Organization

INMSInternational Network Management System (DT + 12 Eastern carriers)

INTELSATInternational Telecommunications Satellite Organisation

INTUGInternational Telecommunications Users Group

IOPInput/Output Processor

I/PInternet Protocol

IPInternet telephony Providers; Internet Protocol; Intellectual Property

IPDRInternet Protocol Detail Record

IPLCInternational Private Leased Circuit

IPOInitial Public Offering

IPRIntellectual property rights

IPSNIIntegration of People with Special Needs by IBC (RACE project)

IPv4Internet Protocol version 4

Ipv6Internet Protocol version 6

IP VPNInternet Protocol Virtual Private Network

IrDAInfrared Data Association

IRGIndependent Regulators Group

IRUIndefeasible Right of Use

ISCInternational Switching Centre

ISDNIntegrated Services Digital Network

ISFInternational Sensitivity Forum

ISISInformation Society Initiative for Standardization

ISMIndustrial Scientific-Medical (frequency band)

ISOInternational Organisation for Standardisation

ISOCInternet Society

ISPInternet Service Provider

ISPAInternet Service Poviders Association

ISTInformation Society Technologies

ISTAGIST Advisory Group

ISVsIndependent Software Vendors

ITInformation Technology

ITMInformation/Transaction Machine

ITMCInternational MultimediaTeleconferencing Consortium

ITSIntelligent Transport Systems

ITSPInternet Telephony Service Provider

IT&TInformation Technology and Telecommunications

ITUInternational Telecommunications Union

ITU-RITU Radiocommunication standardization sector

ITU-SITU Standardization bureau

ITU-TITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector

IUDDInfrastructure and Urban Development Department

iVADintegrated Voice and Data

IVRInteractive Voice Response

JAINJave APIs for Integrated Networks

JCGJoint Coordination Group (CEN/CENELEC/ETSI)

JPEGJoint Photographics Expert Group

JTCJordan Telecommunications Company

JUSJapan-U.S. Cable Network

KMKnowledge Management

KPNTelecom formerly PTT Telecom BV

LANLocal Area Network

LANSLocal Area Network Services

LAPLink Access Protocol

LAS-CDMALarge Area Synchronized Code Division Multiple Access

LCNLocal Communication Network

LDAPLightweight Directory Access Protocol

LDSLocation Dependent Services

LECLocal Exchange Carrier

LEOLow Earth Orbit

LIMSLaboratory Information Management System

LMDSLocal Multipoint Distribution System (wireless microwave cable service)

LTLietuvos Telekomas

LRICLong Run Incremental Cost

MACMedia Access Control

MADMMultiple Add/Drop Multiplexer

MANMetropolitan Area Network

MAPManagement Application Protocol

MARTMaximising the Market for Telecommunications-Based Rehabilitation Technology (TIDE project)

MATHSMathematical Access for Technology and Science for visually disabled users (TIDE project)


MCPAMulit Carrier Power Amplifier

MDAMobile Data Association

MDDMedical Device Directive

MDFMain Distribution Frame

MIMEMultipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (IETF)

MLAMutual Legal Assitance

MMACMultimedia Mobile Access Communications

MNOMobile Network Operators

MOBICMobility Of Blind and elderly people Interacting with Computers (TIDE project)

MoUMemorandum of Understanding

MOWLANMobile Operator Wireless LAN

MPEGMotion Picture Experts Group (ISO)

MPLSMulti-Protocol Label Switching

MSDLMPEG-4 Syntactic Description Language

MSNMultiple Subscriber Number; Microsoft Network

MSOMultiple Systems Operator

MSSMobile Satellite Service; Mobile Satellite Systems

MTSMobile Telecommunications Services

MVAMarket Value Added

MVNOMobileVirtual Network Operator

NAFTANorth American Free Trade Agreement

NAFNational Arbitration Forum

NAPTRNaming Authority Pointer

NASSCOMNational Association ofSoftware and Service Companies

NBARNetwwork Based Application Recognition

NCAMNational Center for Accessible Media

NCTANational Cable Television Association

NETNorme Europeene de Telecommunications

NNTHNordic Forum for Telecommunication and Disability

NGINext Generation Integration

NGONon Governmental Organisations

NLSPNetWare Link Services Protocol

NMSINational Mobile Station Identification number

NMTNordic Mobile Telephone

NRANational Regulatory Authority

NSHNor Cooperation on Disability

NSINetwork Solutions Incorporated

NSONational Standards Organisations

NSPNetwork Service Protocol

NTIINational Tele-Immersion Initiative

NTIANational Telecommunications and Information Administration (USA)

NTSNumber Translation Services

NTSCNational Television System Committee

OCNOperational Carrier Number

ODSIOptical Domain Service Interconnect

OECDOrganisation for Economic Cooperation and Development

OECSOrganization of Eastern Caribbean States

OEMOriginal Equipment Manufacturer

OFDMOrthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing

OFTELOffice of Telecommunications (UK)

OHGOperators Harmonization Group

OIFOptical Internet Forum

OLEDOrganic Light Emitting Diode

OMTNOperation and Maintenance for Telecoms Networks

ONAOpen Network Architecture

ONPOpen Network Provision

OOPSObject-Oriented Programming System

OPENOrientation by Personal Electronic Navigation (TIDE project)

ORBITOpen Market Reorganization for the Betterment of International Telecommuinications

OSCEOrganization for Security and Cooperation in Europe

OSIOpen Systems Interconnect(ion) (ISO, ITU-T)

OSRPOptical Switching and Routing Protocol

OSSOperating Support Systems; Operations Systems and Software

PABXPrivate Automatic Branch Exchange

PACProgramme Advisory Committee (ETSI)

PACSPersonal Access Communications System

PAIXPalo Alto Internet Exchange

PATUPan African Telecommunication Union

PBXPrivate Branch Exchange

PCCWPacific Century Cyber Works

PCGPacific Century Group

PCIProgrammable Communications Interface

PCMPulse Code Modulation

PCNPersonal Communication Network

PCSPersonal Communications Services

PDAPersonal Digital Assistant

PDFPortable Document Format

PGPPretty Good Privacy

PHAREPoland-Hungary Assistance on Economic Reconstruction

PHAREalso Programme for Harmonised Air Traffic Management Research in Eurocontrol

PKIPublic Key Infrastructure

PMRPrivate Mobile Radio

POPPoint of Pressure

POTSPlain Old Telephone Service

POSPoint Of Sale (network)

POTSPlain Ordinary Telephone Service

POVESPortable Opto-electronic Vision Enhancement System for visually disabled persons (TIDE project)

PPMPrice Per Minute