Site 1:(dull,strait forward and slightly repeatitive)
This is an atom:
Each atom has a different amount of parts. But all of them are compossed of 3 basic parts:
Protons,Nutrons and Electrons

Helpful and much better site:
The neutron of an atom is in the nucleas(middle),the proton is along side the neutron. The electron isnot near the two though. The electron circles thenucleas of the atom at a "far" distance.
Vocab ya need to know:
...Just kidding! (btw-definition of those words in order=1:one who eats frogs,*all of france!* +_+,2: one who sells wood,3: one who smiles fakely/falsely)

Words You Should Know!:*=read on/see bellow

Matter:anything that has mass and volume...ANYTHING THAT TAKES UP SPACE!

Element: a substance that cannot be broken down into simpler substances

Example: 5+3x=26.3x=21.x=7. cannot be further broken down

Particle Model= "[states] that each element is made up of tiny particles of matter known as atoms" ~created by John Dalton

Atom: (derives from the Greek "atamos":invisible)smallest part of an element that has all of the properties of that element

*Proton: located in the nucleus of an atom, contain a + charge,

*Neutron: particles located in the nucleus of an atom, NEUTRAL charge

*Electron: negatively charged particle that orbits the nucleus at high speeds, contains almost no mass, location can not be determined

*Atomic Number: the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom

*Mass Number: number of protons,AND neutrons in the nucleas of an atom

Isotope: atoms with the same number of protons but different number of neutrons

...sorry no example or way to further break down!

Compound: Substance that contains 2+ atoms that are chemically combinded(and therefor can be seperated)

Salt is an example.itis Chlorine and Sodium.
You CANNOT physically break apart compounds.
You can only physically break apart mixtures.

Mixture: two or more substances that can be separated by physical means

Mud. Water,dirt. They can be reseperated from one another physically.
Ion: an atom in a "charged condition", positive=cationand negative called=anion

Molecule: smallest part of a compound that still has all of the characteristics of that compound. Contains at least two atoms

A way to easily remember this(although akWORDly): Shrimp are small-but they are still fish type things and have fishie traits. If you think of a really nice shrimp you can think of how it would need at least 2hearts(btw: their hearts are in their head) to be so sweet!(I know it's a crazy analogy but I could'n't think of anything else!)

Further Broken Down:

Proton + positive charge...happy friend

Neutron0 no charge...... "mayo" friend

Electron - negitive charge...emo friend

Structure of Atom:(follow links! They are very helpful!) (wordy but good info!)

"short simpl sweet":


Well...I know this is a lot shorter than usual but I think this is all we need to know...

This Friday team 8-3has a Sceince test on this stuff and as for the rest of ya....well this happens all the time so ya'll should be used to myStudy Guides,and MESes,and all that so ,ya.

If ya got any questions don't hesitate to ask!(Although I may not know the answer I'll find it!)

*P Cyclopes says :


canadian bacon *cough*HAM *cough*



Meline Rosales

PS: Almost forgot!

3Classes of Matter:Elements,Compounds, Mixtures. 3forms of Matter: Solid Liquid Gas

To findatomic # and Mass # and stuff see above diagram.
