Please find enclosed details of the following training courses that will be delivered by the Schools HR Consultancy this academic year:

  • Dealing with misconduct
  • Attendance management
  • Managing poor performance
  • Workforce planning – redundancy handling
  • Pre retirement course – school staff
  • Safer recruitment

How to book a place

In order to book a place on any of these training courses, please visit the Schools Portal A-Z where you will find information under each course title or alternatively together under 'Human resources training'.

You can also contact Chris Gateley on 01772 533510 or at to book a place or for any further information on any course.

Cancellations Policy

In the event that you cancel a place on a course, cancellation charges will apply as follows:

  • Cancellation 10 working days or less, prior to a course start date will be charged at full price unless replaced by another person
  • Non-attendance on the day – the full price for the course will be charged
  • Leaving early on the day of any course will also incur the full charge for the course

Additional training requirements

The Consultancy is willing to consider requests for delivery of these courses or any additional bespoke training requests from individual establishments or clusters of establishments, providing that there is a minimum of 15 delegates. Such training would be provided at a reduced rate in cases where the venue, training facilities and refreshments are provided by the host establishment. If you would like to discuss your training requirements, please contact Jeanette Whitham, Head of Human Resources (Schools) on 01772 530436.


(1 Day Course)

The Schools HR Consultancy are offering a one-day training course for Headteachers and other school managers who are looking to equip themselves with the necessary skills and confidence to deal with misconduct issues in the workplace. Such issues can range from minor problems such as poor time-keeping to much more serious events such as Child Protection related allegations.

You may already be experiencing problems with a member of staff and this course will assist you in tackling issues before they become a much wider problem. On the other hand, whilst you may be lucky enough not to be facing on-going issues you will no doubt be mindful of the fact that a case of serious misconduct could always arise in any school at any given time.

Our course will assist you in being able to deal with problems in those crucial early stages and to know when and how to apply formal procedures.

In addition, by the end of the day you will:-

  • Know what behaviours/actions constitute misconduct
  • Know how to decide if any problems are a capability or disciplinary issue
  • Know what action to take should a serious issue (such as Child Protection) occur
  • Know when it may be necessary to suspend a member of staff.
  • Know what skills and techniques are necessary to conduct a thorough investigation into allegations of misconduct
  • Know where to go to for help
  • Have had an opportunity to discuss live issues

Delegates will also be provided with a pack of information to take away, including standard letters

Who is the course designed for:

Headteachers, Deputy Headteachers, SLT Members and School managers

Course Dates:

Thursday, 13 October 2011 Westleigh Conference Centre, Preston

Monday, 20 February 2012 Woodlands Conference Centre, Chorley

Friday, 18 May 2012 Northbridge House, Burnley




(1 Day Course)

Management of employee attendance continues to be a key issue for headteachers and managers to have to deal with. Aside from the financial cost, there is also the knock-on effect on colleagues throughout the rest of the school. In response to these issues, the team is delivering a one-day Managing Attendance training course, which will equip headteachers and managers with the necessary skills and confidence to effectively manage attendance in the workplace.

You may already be experiencing problems with attendance and absence and this course will assist you in tackling these issues. If you are lucky enough not to be facing on-going attendance issues, you will be mindful of the fact that employee absence could become a problem in any school at any given time. This course will assist you in being able to deal with problems in those crucial early stages and to know when and how to apply formal procedures.

The course will cover the following:-

  • How to manage short-term absence, including formal monitoring and the issuing of warnings
  • How to manage long-term absence
  • Information about ill-health retirement processes
  • Activities to develop the necessary skills and knowledge for managing absence, including conducting ‘Return to Work’ interviews and ‘Sickness Review’ meetings.
  • Input from Lancashire’s Occupational Health Unit
  • Advice on the Equality Act 2010

Who is the course designed for:

Headteachers, Deputy Headteachers, SLT Members and School managers

Course Dates:

Tuesday, 15 November 2011Northbridge House, Burnley

Wednesday, 14 March 2012Westleigh Conference Centre, Preston

Thursday 21 June 2012 Woodlands Conference Centre, Chorley




(1 Day Course)

Managing poor performance is a key issue for headteachers and other school managers to deal with.

Not only does poor performance have a detrimental effect on teaching and learning, it has a negative impact on colleagues throughout the school. In response to these issues, the Schools HR Consultancy is delivering a performance management training course as part of our suite of courses on HR issues.

This is a participative course designed to meet the following objectives.

At the end of the module you will be able to:

  • Outline the roles and responsibilities of the Governing Body, Headteacher, School Effectiveness Advisor and Human Resources in the context of the competence procedures for teachers and support employees
  • Explain the relationship between the Competence (teachers) procedure and Performance Management
  • Implement the procedure effectively and fairly

Delegates will also be provided with information, including standard letters, checklists and a handbook for managing poor performance.

Who is the course designed for:

Headteachers, Deputy Headteachers, SLT Members and School managers

Course Dates:

Tuesday 11 October 2011 Westleigh Conference Centre, Preston

Tuesday, 18 January 2012 Woodlands Conference Centre, Chorley

Wednesday, 13June 2012 Northbridge House, Burnley




(1 Day Course)

The financial context which schools work in is complex and fluid. Increasingly schools are grappling with fluctuating/falling pupil numbers, changes to funding steams and funding formula all of which contribute to a complex picture. The bottom line for many schools is an annual struggle to balance the school budget.

Unfortunately, this can lead to potential redundancies, which has a negative effect on morale in school which in turn is not beneficial to pupils.

A new policy and procedure on Workforce Planning, Redundancy Policy and Procedure is scheduled to be included in the Autumn Governing Body agenda. This brand new course aims to take you through the provisions of this document in a practical way.

By the end of the course you will be able to:

  • Demonstrate a clear understanding of workforce planning
  • Devise a workforce plan for your school
  • Explain the provisions of the Redundancy Policy and Procedure to Governors and employees within your school
  • Identify ways in which potential redundancies can be avoided
  • Demonstrate a commitment to consultation with employees and recognised Trade Unions/Professional Associations
  • Apply the provisions of the Redundancy Policy and Procedure effectively and fairly in your own school setting

Who is the course designed for:

Headteachers, Deputy Headteachers, SLT Members and School managers

Course Dates:

Thursday, 24 November 2011 Woodlands Conference Centre, Chorley

Wednesday,21 March 2012 Northbridge House, Burnley

Wednesday, 28June 2012Westleigh Conference Centre, Preston




(1 Day Course)

These courses are delivered by the Schools HR Consultancy along with other specialist speakers. They have been designed for all Staff in Schools who are considering or approaching retirement. There is never a right or wrong time to go on a Pre Retirement course as each individual views their retirement planning differently; however we do recommend that you attend the course within 5 years of your anticipated retirement date.

It is also possible if you wish to bring along a partner as we know that Retirement Planning involves them too.

The following issues will be addressed on the courses

  • Ensuring financial security for retirement
  • Tax efficient savings and investments
  • Money management
  • Investment for growth/Income
  • State Retirement and other Benefits
  • Occupational Pension Benefits (Teachers Pension Scheme and Local Government Pension Scheme)
  • Relationships and Health Issues

The courses provide many answers to your questions about retirement but also make you aware of issues that you may need to consider in drawing up an effective retirement plan.

As the courses are delivered by HR you will meet staff who are there to assist you through your retirement planning to your retirement day

Who is the course designed for:

All Staff in Schools who are considering or approaching retirement

Course Dates:

Thursday, 10 November 2011Northbridge House, Burnley

Monday, 28 November 2011Woodlands Conference Centre, Chorley

Thursday, 2 February 2012Woodlands Conference Centre, Chorley

Thursday, 15 March 2012Oswaldtwistle Mills Conference Centre

Friday, 23 March 2012Woodlands Conference Centre, Chorley

Friday, 11May 2012Woodlands Conference Centre, Chorley

Thursday, 17 May 2012Woodlands Conference Centre, Chorley

Monday, 11 June 2011Woodlands Conference Centre, Chorley

Monday, 18 June 2012Woodlands Conference Centre, Chorley


£75 per employee

£50 per partner


(1 Day Course)

Safer Recruitment is an important strand of safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children. This course is co-delivered by the Schools HR Consultancy and LCC Safeguarding Unit.

From 1 January 2010, it became a mandatory requirement that recruitment panels appointing school staff shouldinclude at least one personwho has been trained in safer recruitment.

Ofsted will request evidenceas part of their inspections thateach recruitment panelmeets this requirement.

During the course you will:

  • Examine the context within which safer recruitment and selection in schools has come into prominence
  • Consider some of the key issues around the way in which adults who abuse or who seek to abuse children operate
  • Identify the key features of staff recruitment to deter or prevent the appointment of unsuitable people
  • Consider policies and practices that minimise opportunities for abuse or ensure its prompt reporting
  • Be helped to begin to review your own organisation's policies and practices with a view to making them safer

To ensure that participants achieve the level of understanding required by the Children's Workforce Development Council, there will be a short assessment at the end of the module. It is therefore essential that delegates remain present for the whole of the session.

Who is the course designed for:

Any school representative who could be required to participate in a recruitment and selection panel

Course Dates:

Monday, 7 November 2011 Westleigh Conference Centre, Preston

Wednesday 14 March 2012 Towneley CLC , Burnley

Wednesday, 23 May 2012Woodlands Conference Centre, Chorley



Jeanette Whitham
Head of HR (Schools) / Tel: 01772 530436 / 07917 521916
Alison Burns
HR Officer / Tel: 01772 536343 / 07810 266210
1, 2, 4 / Steve Lewis
Principal HR Manager
Karen Tracey
HR Manager / Tel: 01772 531776 / 07887 831691
Tel: 01772 535175 / 07825 116267
6 / Claire Neville
Principal HR Manager
Karen Tracey
HR Manager / Tel: 01772 530435 / 07917 521915
Tel: 01772 535175 / 07825 116267
7, 8, 9 / Vic Welch
Principal HR Manager
Jennifer Turner
HR Manager / Tel: 01772 531814 / 07778 769075
Tel: 01772 536940 / 07500976709
11 / Claire Neville
Principal HR Manager
Wendy Hindle
HR Manager / Tel: 01772 530435 / 07917 521915
Tel: 01254 220770 / 07917 627392
12, 13, 14 / Anne Sutton
Principal HR Manager
Wendy Hindle
HR Manager / Tel: 01772 534928 / 07766 785355
Tel: 01254 220770 / 07917 627392