Thursday 5 June 2014 at 7.00 p.m.

1 Church Walk, Holmes Chapel

1. Attendance / Cllr D Savage
Cllr WA Ashworth
Cllr JA Clowes
Cllr MJ Street
Mrs N L Clarke - Clerk of the Council
In attendance: Glyn Chambers, Project Manager, Holmes Chapel Partnership and Phil Hargreaves, Holmes Chapel Partnership.
2. Chairman / RESOLVED (a14/15/01) to elect Cllr Savage as Chairman for 2014-15.
3. Apologies / RESOLVED (a14/15/02) to receive apologies from Cllrs P Cotton and S Ranger
4. Declarations of Interest / None
5. Minutes / RESOLVED (a14/15/03) to approve the minutes of the Committee meeting held on 1 May 2014.
6. Matters Arising / All matters were dealt with in the course of the agenda.
7. Planning Applications / The Committee considered the applications listed below and RESOLVED (a14/15/04) to comment as follows:
14/2492C / 3 Station Road, CW4 7AU
Side and rear extension
No objection
14/2507C / 6 Chester Road, CW4 7BH
Extension to front porch
No objection
14/2397C / 2 Oakfield Rise, CW4 7DY
Two storey rear extension
Concerns about this and a decision will be deferred until after TS committee
14/2499C / 30 London Road, CW4 7AJ
Modification of application previously granted
No objection
8. Dane Meadow / 1. Cllr Clowes as Project Leader reported on the following:
·  All work has now been completed except the tarmac on the bridleway and some snagging;
·  Work is continuing on the water leak near the disabled car park;
·  'Friends' have been asked to bark the area underneath and around the picnic benches;
·  a large branch has fallen near the steps to the river: CEC are aware;
·  Final invoices for the project should be in soon so a breakdown can be provided to the next Dane Meadow Programme Board;
·  A couple of complaints have been made about the height of the bird hide openings.
2. The committee discussed the proposal to wind up the Dane Meadow Programme Board and timescale.
RESOLVED (a14/15/05)
·  that the report be received.
·  to recommend to Full Council that the Programme Board be wound up, probably after the July meeting, and to agree to the 'Friends of the Dane Meadow' taking on some of the enhancement and maintenance of the area.
·  to ask the Friends to send regular reports to Amenities committee.
9. Elm Drive Play Area and Youth Facilities / 1. The Clerk reported on a meeting with Charlie Griffies and Marianne Hodgkinson about the play area and the reorganisation of CEC and formation of the trust Ansa which is causing delays in moving the project forward.
2. The committee discussed the implementation of the Project board (to renovate the play area) and invited comments from Glyn Chambers and Phil Hargreaves.
3. The committee reviewed the amended Terms of Reference for the Project Board and suggested changes as shown at Appendix 1.
RESOLVED (a14/15/06) that:
·  David Topping is approached to ascertain CEC permission
·  To recommend to Full Council the implementation of a Project Board and approve the Terms of Reference as set out in Appendix 1.
10. AP Club / The committee Chairman reported on activities taking place and reminded members of the Public meeting taking place at the Vic Club on 25 June at 4.30 and 7.30 p.m.
11. Leisure Centre / Cllr Savage reported on a new draft Joint User Agreement based on the old agreement. He asked the Clerk to ask for the item to be put onto the agenda for the next User Group meeting on 19 June 2014.
RESOLVED (a14/15/07) that
·  the Clerk contact Mark Wheelton to ask for an agenda item.
·  Cllr Savage to send a revised copy of the Agreement to the Clerk for distribution.
12. Health Services / The committee suggested that the Practice Manager is invited to the next Amenities committee meeting.
RESOLVED (a14/15/08) the Clerk to invite the Practice Manager to the next meeting and ask for any questions from the Parish Council.
13. Police / 1. The Clerk reported that monthly reports from the PCSO are in abeyance due to problems with data protection.
2. The committee considered a letter from the Police & Crime Commissioner on Community Remedy
RESOLVED (a14/15/09)
·  The Clerk write to Sgt Jones and Inspector York reminding them that a monthly report forms part of the agreement.
·  That Council members make their own views known about Community Remedy through the website questionnaire.
14. Chairman’s and Clerk’s Reports / The Clerk reported on the following:
·  A short wreath laying ceremony will take place in Holmes Chapel to mark the D Day commemoration.
·  A church service will take place on 9 August 2014 at 1.30 p.m. to mark the start of WW1
·  The chairman of the council has been invited to attend the FAB festival in Middlewich.
The meeting closed at 8.30 pm.
These minutes will be submitted for approval at the next meeting scheduled for 17 July 2014. Until approved they are draft minutes.

Signed as Chairman of the Committee as a true and accurate record:



Appendix 1

Elm Drive Play Area Project Board

Terms of Reference (Draft)

1. Land affected:

Play Area to the north of Elm Drive, Holmes Chapel - accessed by the path between 27 and 29 Elm Drive, or via Ash Close (for maintenance / mowing)

·  Registered Proprietor Cheshire East Council (CEC)

2. Name of the project:

Elm Drive Play Area Improvements Board

3. Membership and Meetings:

·  The initial membership of the Project Board will comprise:

o  Two members appointed by Holmes Chapel Parish Council (HCPC) at its Annual Meeting held in May each year

o  Two members of Holmes Chapel Partnership (HCP)

o  One Ward Member of CEC

o  A Project Manager

Subsequently members of Holmes Chapel community interested in aspects of the project may be invited to join the Board when necessary or appropriate and have voting rights

·  Meetings shall be held, at a minimum, every six weeks.

o  Officers and members of CEC, HCPC, HCP or grant funders may attend meetings as and when deemed necessary but with no voting rights

4. Scope and Objectives:

Scope of the Project:

Within the area of the existing play area situated

·  to provide a new imaginative, physically challenging and coordinated play experience for the children and young people of Holmes Chapel and others, replacing the existing play area.

·  to create inspiring play spaces that will please, excite, challenge and stimulate the children’s imagination both of their own self development as well as the surrounding environment.

·  to promote positive attitudes to children and young people in the community through play opportunities and providing a safe environment for play as part of our approach to a sustainable community in Holmes Chapel

·  to recognise the importance of village and community life for children growing up in Holmes Chapel

Project Objectives

Project Objectives

Primarily to incorporate the 10 Principles for Designing Play Spaces as outlined in ‘Design for Play’ published by Play England for the Department for Culture Media and Sport specifically that successful play spaces…

·  _ are ‘bespoke’

·  _ are well located

·  _ make use of natural elements

·  _ provide a wide range of play experiences

·  _ are accessible to both disabled and non-disabled children

·  _ meet community needs

·  _ allow children of different ages to play together

·  _ build in opportunities to experience risk and challenge

·  _ are sustainable and appropriately maintained

·  _ allow for change and evolution.

1.  To consult local residents, children and young people on the opportunities and play facilities within the existing play spaces.

2.  To create exciting, fun and safe places for children’s play.

3.  Without compromising or unduly hindering the development of the play area, minimise impact on adjoining residents.

4.  Create a play area incorporating the responses to the key findings generated through the consultation with local residents, children and young people.

5.  Consider maintenance, inspection and insurance regimes

6.  Where possible to involve children, young people and parents in the development and construction of the play spaces.

7.  To work in collaboration with existing groups e.g. Holmes Chapel Primary Schools, Scouts, Cubs, Beavers, Brownies, Guides.

8.  To use locally sourced and sustainable products wherever possible

9.  The Project Manager to explore possible funding opportunities.

10.  To respect the character and sense of place that is ‘Holmes Chapel’

5. Governance arrangements:

The project is jointly sponsored by HCPC, CEC and HCP. The sponsors have lead responsibility for the project and are responsible for complying with all statutory legislation and other requirements imposed by the Principal Authority (CEC), all other statutory agencies and grant funders.

1. The Project Board will have responsibility for the overall direction and monitoring of project and will receive progress reports and exception reports from the project delivery teams.

2. The Chairman will be elected by the members immediately after the formation of the Project Board by simple majority; each member will have one vote.

3. The quorum for meetings will be a minimum of three Board members, one of whom must be from the Parish Council, and one from the Partnership.

4. Each member of the Board will be entitled to nominate a deputy in case of


5. The Project Board's main responsibilities will be:

·  Provide overall direction and guidance to the Project.

·  Take a strategic high level approach to the programme focussing on cross cutting issues.

·  Monitor and report progress against specified outputs.

·  Help unblock any issues affecting performance against targets.

·  Be the focal point of contact regarding resource including financial issues and will manage the budget within the control limits.

·  Resolve project disputes at the project planning phase

·  Review and assess risk impact ensuring corrective action is taken by project teams as necessary

·  Ensure a co-ordinated approach to publicity

6. Empowerment and Reporting:

As provided in paragraph 5 above (Governance) the Board will be entitled to act independently subject to the following qualifications:

·  Any change to the Project which involves changes to the scope and / or funding must be referred back to the relevant sponsors for approval.

·  The Board must keep full records of its activities and, without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, must keep files to include all correspondence whether by letter or email, minutes and notes of meetings

·  Members and officers of HCPC, HCP, CEC and Grant Funders shall be entitled to inspect all files which will be archived by HCPC

·  All parties shall have the power to withdraw from the Board by resolution of their Governing body.