GeneticsPCB 3063- B51
Florida International University
Fall 2012
Course Time:Monday and Wednesday 2:00– 3:15 PM
Course Location:Glenn Hubert Library 265
Instructor: Helena Schmidtmayerova, Ph.D.
Office:AC I 379B
Office hours: Wednesday 3:30 - 5:30 PM(or by appointment)
Phone: (305) 919-4135
Genetics is a discipline of biology studying genes, heredity, and the variation of organisms.During this course, students will learn the principles of transmission genetics and basic principles of molecular genetics.The course will primarily focus on the general principles of heredity, Mendelian inheritance,and on the molecular mechanisms by which genetic information is transferred. Towards the end of the course, students will learn basic principles of population genetics.
The course is web-assisted via Moodle. You will find all necessary information and class material posted on the class Moodle page.
COURSE GOAL is to translate a fundamental knowledge of genetics and to teach critical thinking. After completing this course, students should be able to:
1. Identify and interpret the basic principles of heredity.
2. Apply principles of heredity to solve genetic problems and predict outcome of genetic crosses.
3. Recognize particularities of bacterial and viral genetics
3. Define and describe the molecular mechanisms by which genetic information is transferred
4. Define how gene expression is regulated
5. Determine practical applications of molecular genetics
6. Recognize and interpret the outcomes of genetic mutations
7. Explain how gene pool of a population shapes
Benjamin A. Pierce. GENETICS: A Conceptual Approach, 4rd edition, W.H. Freeman and Company, New York (ISBN:978-1-4292-3250-0).
GeneticsPortal: When you purchaseBenjamin A. Pierce. GENETICS: A Conceptual Approach, 4th edition, you will get a free access to Genetic Portal. In a case that you get a used book, you can purchase access to Genetics Portal alone. It comes with an eBook, animations, end of chapter problems, and many more very useful resources. I strongly recommend it; it will really help you to master genetics. In addition, you will get en extra credit for working with the Genetics Portal.
The textbook is your basic reference book, Genetics Portal is a highly recommended resource, and in addition, there will be required readings as well. All assigned as well recommendedreadings will be posted on Moodle periodically throughout the semester. Questions from assigned readingswill be included in quizzes.
• • In the case of missed lecture days or impending absences, students are responsible for obtaining lecture notes and in-class announcement information from fellow classmates.
• • All electronic communication equipment (i.e. phones, computers, i-pads) has to be silencedso as to not encumber the learning and thinking process of others.
Disruptive behavior during lectures/exams is deemed inappropriate and will not be tolerated.
• Your grade will be assessed based on your performance in fourquizzes, one final cumulative exam, and an assignment. Quizzes will account for 92% of your final grade (each quiz will account for 23% towards the final grade). The assignment will account for the remaining 8% of your final grades.
Grade Distribution: Quiz 1 - 23%
Quiz 2 - 23%
Quiz 3 - 23%
Quiz 4 - 23%_____
Quizzess total: 92%
Assignment - 8%
• Thefinal exam is not mandatory unless you miss a quiz.
- If you miss a quiz, the final exam is mandatory and will account for missed quiz.
- If you take all 4 quizzes and take the final exam, your lowest grade quiz will be
Assignment:You will have to create a public services announcement on the selected topic and submit it via Moodle-linked Turnitin. I will not accept assignments sent by e-mail or handed in the class. Assignment topics and detailed instructions will be posted on Moodle.
Extra Credits:I will not give individual extra credit assignments. However, you can get up to 5% extra credits towards the final grade forthe practice assignments generated on the Genetic Portal.
Quizzes and final Examination will consist of multiple-choice, matching, and true-false questions answered on computer-graded forms (Scantron). On examination days you are responsible for bringing your student identification card and at least two pencils and an eraser. Your examination will not be graded if you will not have your student identification card or your examination answer sheet is marked incorrectly. Print your name and student identification number on the answer sheet in the appropriate place and then fill in the corresponding circles. Read each question carefully and fill in the circle on the answer sheet that corresponds with the best answer. Make sure you choose only one answer. If you make a mistake, be sure to erase completely. Questions with more than one answer will be counted as incorrect.
Grading scale:A93% - 100%
A-90% -92.99 %
B+88% - 89.99 %
B83% - 87.99 %
B-80% - 82.99 %
C+78% - 79.99 %
C70% - 77.99 %
D60% - 69.99 %
There will be no make-up exams unless circumstances beyond the student’s control arise and are accompanied by the appropriate documentation:
-Death of an immediate family member requires official bereavement statement.
-Student/immediate family member with acute/terminal illness require an officialhospital/clinic notification.
-Traffic accident requires official accident report.
-Jury duty requires county clerk summons.
-Military duty.
Quiz 1 – Monday, September 10
Quiz 2 – Monday, October 1
Quiz 3 –Monday, October 29
Quiz 4 – Wednesday, November 28
FINAL EXAM - Wednesday, December 5th, 12:00 – 2:00 PM
PLTL:You will have the option of participating in the Peer-Led Team Learning (PLTL) sessions. Registered students will have weekly meetings with a PLTL leader along with a small group of students. The PLTL leader’s role as facilitator will guide students through assigned activities that can only enhance comprehension of human biology. If you decide to fully participate in PLTL,your PLTL score will be converted to score added into your final exam or lowest exam score if you opt-out of the final exam.
PLTL score conversion:
99- 100% in PLTL will add 10 %
96- 98% in PLTL will add 9%
93- 95 % in PLTL will add 8%
90- 92 % in PLTL will add 7%
88- 89 % in PLTL will add 6%
86- 87 % in PLTL will add 5%
84- 85 % in PLTL will add 4%
82- 83% in PLTL will add 3%
80- 81 % in PLTL will add 2%
Below 80 % will add 1%
All students are encouraged to utilize the PLTL resources to the utmost.
Florida International University is a community dedicated to generating and imparting knowledge through excellent teaching and research, the rigorous and respectful exchange of ideas, and community service. All students should respect the right of others to have an equitable opportunity to learn and honestly demonstrate the quality of their learning. Therefore, all students are expected to adhere to a standard of academic conduct, which demonstrates respect for themselves, their fellow students, and the educational mission of the University. All students are deemed by the University to understand that if they are found responsible for academic misconduct (e.g. cheating, plagiarism, academic dishonesty), they will be subject to the Academic Misconduct procedures and sanctions, as outlined in the FIU Student Handbook under the “Academic Misconduct” section.”
If found cheating(the unauthorized use of books, notes, aids, electronic sources, or assistance from another person with respect to examinations, course assignments, or the unauthorized possession of examination papers or course materials, whether originally authorized or not) you will receive an “F”, no exception.
(Please be advised that the course syllabus schedule of events is subject to change)
Week / Subject / Assign chapters to read1st week
August 20- 26 / Introduction to Genetics
DNA and Chromosome Structure / 1, 10, 11
2nd week
August 27 – September 2 / Cellular Reproduction
Basic Principles of Heredity / 2, 3
3rd week
September 3 – 9
(September 3 –Labor Day; FIU is closed) / Basic Principles of Heredity: Chi-Square Test and Application Problems / 3
4th week
September 10 – 16 / QUIZ1: Monday, September 10
Sex-linked Characteristics
Extension of Basic Hereditary Principles / 4, 5
5th week
September 17 – 23 / Pedigree Analysis, Genetic testing
Linkage and Recombination / 6, 7
6th week:
September 24 – 30 / Bacterial and Viral Genetics / 8
7th week:
October 1 - 7 / QUIZ 2: Monday, October 1
Transposable elements,
Mechanisms of Bacterial and EukaryoticDNA Replication / 11, 12
8th week:
October 8 - 14 / Mechanisms of Bacterial and EukaryoticDNA Replication
Transcription / 12, 13
9th week:
October 15 - 21 / RNA
Genetic Code and Translation / 14, 15
10th week:
October 22 - 28 / Gene Expression / 16, 17
11th week:
October 29 – November 4 / QUIZ 3: Monday, October 29
Gene Mutation and Repair / 18
12th week:
November 5 - 11 / Cancer Genetics
Genetics and Biotechnology / 23, 19
13th week:
November 12 – 18
(November 12 –Veterans Day observed; FIU is closed) / Student presentations / -
14th week:
November 19 – 25
(November 22-23 FIU is closed) / Student presentations
Population Genetics / -
15th week:
November 26- December 2 / Review of Genetics
Quiz 4: Wednesday, November 28 / -
Date and Time: Wednesday, December 5th, 12:00 – 2:00 PM
Place: Glenn Hubert Library 265