Chairperson, Mr. Alex Lionetti, called the regular meeting of the Stamford Golf Authority to order at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 21, 2017


Hank Anderson Richard Swatland € Paul Grillo

Stan Friedman Patricia McGrath € Michael Golden

Alex Lionetti Angela Aulenti

Brien Malloy Sally E. Sheck

Michael Miller Carolyn Sierra’ Rios

Anthony Tarzia

Mr. Malloy made a motion to approve the minutes from the October 17, 2017 meeting, seconded by Mr. Anderson, motion carried with 2 abstentions; Mr. Miller and Mr. Friedman.

Public Participation: None

Financial Report: Carolyn Sierra’ Rios presented the Financial Report for October 2017.

The Financial Report needs to be revised and will be voted on at the next meeting.

Check Register: Mr. Malloy made a motion to accept the October 2017 check register as presented, seconded by Mr. Freidman, motion carried.

Committee Reports:

House & Range – None

Greens – Michel Golden said the Drainage project is complete. The Greens are starting to heal up. The drainage process is only step one and the process will take a few years. The Maintenance Department is getting ready for snow and will protect the greens and will try to get more sunlight on the greens. There will be no tee markers this winter.

Personnel – None

Finance & Legal – None

Executive Director:

·  Revenue update for October 2017 and the

·  first 21 days of November 2017.

·  Drainage complete and on budget.

·  Liability Insurance & D&O came in with a slight 2% increase.

Board Meeting -2- November 21, 2017

·  Open on Thanksgiving day, both the Range and Ticket Office.

·  Draft Budget will be handed out at the next meeting.

·  Last rent check for 2017 went to the City of Stamford this month.

·  New Website is up and running. Minor modifications left to do.

Old Business: None

New Business: Nomination of Officers: The following are the nominations for 2017:

Chairperson: Mrs. Patricia McGrath

Vice Chairperson: Mr. Stanley Friedman

Treasurer: Mr. Alex Lionetti

Secretary: Mr. Anthony Tarzia

2nd Vice Chairperson Mr. Hank Anderson

3rd Vice Chairperson Mr. Brien Malloy

4th Vice Chairperson Mr. Michael Miller

5th Vice Chairperson Mr. Richard Swatland

Mr. Anderson made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Miller, motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Mrs. Patricia McGrath


As prepared by Sally E. Sheck