Gonzales Middle School

1502 West Orice Roth Road

Gonzales, Louisiana 70737



Lori Charlet, Principal


Positive Behavior Support

Policies & Procedures Handbook


Table of Contents
After-School Behavior Clinic / 11-12
APSB Policy on Bullying / 21
APSB Prohibition of Sexual Harassment Policies and Procedures / 18-21
Behavior Coaching / 31
Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) / 32
Behavior Reports / 8-9
Behavior Report is Written – What Happens Next? / 28-29
Big Dog Bucks / 34
Big Dog of the Week / 33-34
Bulldog Bucks / 32
Bulldog Bucks Bonanza / 33
Bulldog Pledge / 4
Class Tardies – Procedures for Entering into Spreadsheet / 17
Confiscation of Items Belonging to Students / 9
Creating a Positive Environment for All Students / 7
Dress Code / 15
Dress Down Days / 15-16
Emergency Preparedness Plan / 7
Golden Tickets / 33
In-School Suspension Program (ISSP) / 12-13
Major Classroom/Campus Infractions / 23
Mandatory Expulsions / 14
Mentoring / 31
Minor Behavior Referrals - Infraction System / 22-23
Minor Infraction Behavior Referral Consequences / 24
Morning and Afternoon School Tardies / 16
No Infraction Movies and Dances / 33
Out-of-School Suspension (OSSP) / 13
Parent Conferences / 9-10
PBS Triangle / 26
Peer Mediation / 10-11
Peer Mediation Referral Process / 11
Positive Behavior Reports / 33
Providing Proper Supervision / 7
Re-Entry Contract / 14
Removal from School Functions / 15


Responding to Problem Behavior / 25
Responding to Problem Behavior by PBS Levels / 27
Saturday Detention / 12
Schoolwide Positive Behavior Support / 4
Sending Students to ISSP / 8
Staff Attendance Incentive / 34
Staff Expectations – Schoolwide Procedures / 6
Staff Incentive Programs / 33-34
Student Expectations – Schoolwide Procedures / 5
Student Incentive Programs / 32-33
Students Out of Class / 8
Student Support Team (SST) / 29-30
Student Tardies / 16
Suspension Log / 13
Team Questionnaire / 30
Weekly Infraction Analysis / 30
Appendix / 35

Schoolwide Positive Behavior Support

Ø  Gonzales Middle School has implemented a system of teaching all students schoolwide procedures and rewarding them with incentives known as Positive Behavior Support (PBS).

Ø  PBS is a broad range of systemic and individualized strategies for achieving important social and learning outcomes while preventing problem behavior with all students.

Ø  Students who behave appropriately and abide by the school rules will receive Bulldog Bucks, which can be used to “purchase” rewards and privileges.

Ø  Students will be introduced to the Schoolwide Expectations (Bulldog Pledge) on the first day of school and will recite them each morning during morning announcements. The schoolwide expectations are as follows:

Bulldog Pledge

As a Gonzales Middle School Bulldog,

I pledge to

Be Positive

Be Prepared

Be Respectful

Be Safe and Orderly

Be the Best I Can Be!!


Student Expectations - Schoolwide Procedures

Be Positive / Be Prepared / Be Respectful / Be Safe & Orderly
Classroom / · Greet teachers at the
door as you enter class
· Choose a positive attitude
· Make good choices
· Give your best effort / ·  Prepare immediately for the lesson
·  Do not ask to leave the room for any reason at the beginning of class / · Be alert for signals from the teacher at the appropriate times; at the signal, respond & become immediately focused on the teacher
· Be an active listener & participant / ·  Enter classrooms orderly & quietly
·  At dismissal time for each class, remain seated & quiet; the teacher will lead you to your next class
Hallway / · Choose a positive attitude
· Make good choices / ·  Have all materials needed for next class
·  You must have a hall pass to leave the classroom / · When on errands to
another class:
1. Knock & wait for
permission from the
teacher to enter the
2. Direct questions,
comments & requests
only to the teacher / ·  Line up quietly & orderly against the designated wall during change of classes
·  Keep hands, feet & objects to self
Cafeteria / · Choose a positive attitude
· Make good choices / ·  Know cafeteria lunch number & have payments ready / · Say “please” & “thank you”
· Empty food trays in
the garbage can & place
them properly on the cart / ·  Your teacher will escort your class; walk
·  Use a moderate voice in the cafeteria & at recess
·  Avoid extremes in behavior (screaming, pushing, shoving, running, etc.)
Bathroom / · Choose a positive attitude
· Make good choices / ·  Use facilities at appropriate times & in the appropriate way / · Dispose of all materials
properly / ·  Avoid all loud & boisterous behavior
·  Do not stand around, visit, or wait for others
·  Report any problems

Staff Expectations – Schoolwide Procedures

Be Positive / Be Prepared / Be Respectful / Be Safe & Orderly
Classroom / · Choose a positive attitude
· Give your best effort
· Greet students at the door
as they enter your class
· Smile!
· Acknowledge student
· Carry Bulldog Bucks visibly / ·  Follow LP guidelines as set forth by APSB
·  Prepare learning activities that keep students meaningfully engaged / · Value the ideas & opinions of students
· Always be fair, firm, & consistent with discipline
· Refrain from arguing with a student
· Give an appropriate consequence only to the student(s) whose behavior warrants such / ·  Be prompt
·  Establish orderly routines & procedures
·  Provide adequate, proper supervision for all students at all times
·  Maintain accurate records
·  Follow all directives as set forth by Gonzales Middle School
Staff Meetings/
Professional Development / · Choose a positive attitude
· Offer solutions to
problems / ·  Have all needed materials requested (APCC, LPs, etc.) / ·  Value the ideas & opinions of others
·  Be an active listener & participant
·  Stay on task / ·  Be prompt
·  Follow through with all assigned tasks, activities, assignments, etc.
Parent Conferences / · Choose a positive attitude
· Reassure parent(s) that
their child can be
· Remain nonjudgmental / ·  Have all needed materials (grade book, attendance book, infraction charts, etc.)
·  Have a designated room to meet / ·  Be polite & always begin on a positive note
·  Listen carefully to parents’ concerns & other points of view
·  Refrain from diagnosing behavior / ·  Be prompt
·  Document all conferences
SBLC/IEP Meetings / · Choose a positive attitude / ·  .Have all needed materials (grade book, attendance book, infraction charts,
etc.) / · Value the ideas & opinions of others
· Be an active listener & participant / ·  Be prompt
·  Follow through with all decisions (modifications, accommodations, interventions, etc.)


Creating a Positive Environment for All Students

(Refer to Appendix for Best Practices in Establishing a Classroom System of Positive Behavioral Supports)

Ø  It is the job of every staff member to create a POSITIVE ENVIRONMENT for all students.

Ø  All students must feel welcomed each day that they attend Gonzales Middle School.

Ø  All students must feel that they have the same opportunities to experience success as any other student at Gonzales Middle School.

Ø  Students who are meaningfully engaged in learning activities and who are accustomed to established, orderly procedures and routines are less likely to cause problems in the classroom.

Ø  The following guidelines may be helpful in establishing a positive classroom environment:

o  Always be fair, firm, and consistent.

o  Assert your point clearly and expect the student to respond appropriately. If he does not respond appropriately, follow through with a proper consequence. Never argue with a student.

o  Give an appropriate consequence only to the student(s) whose behavior warrants such.

Providing Proper Supervision

Ø  All staff members are responsible for providing ADEQUATE, PROPER SUPERVISION for all students at all times.

Ø  Staff members are never to leave students unattended for any reason. If assistance is needed, staff members are to either call the front office using the intercom or send a student to the front office with the request.

Ø  Staff members are not to place students outside of the classroom and leave them unattended for any reason.

Emergency Preparedness Plan

(Refer to Appendix for Emergency Preparedness Cards)

Ø  Gonzales Middle has an Emergency Preparedness Plan in place that addresses a variety of emergency situations. All staff members receive a set of Emergency Preparedness Cards at the beginning of the year. Please hang these on the nail near your classroom door.

Students Out of Class

Ø  Students who are out of class for any reason must have their agenda/hall pass with a staff member’s signature on it.

Ø  Staff members are to let students out of class only for emergency reasons.

Ø  If a student is ill or has an emergency, he/she should be sent to the office so that someone can be called to pick the student up.

Sending Students to ISSP

Ø  Staff members are expected to implement various intervention strategies with students who do not respond to the infraction system.

Ø  Staff members should only call upon another staff member for assistance in disciplining their students as a last resort. By having other adults discipline their students, the staff member sends a message to the students that they cannot “handle” the students, thus creating more problems for the staff member.

Ø  Students should only be sent to ISSP for such cases as fighting, extreme disrespect to a staff member or another student, or any such situation that must be handled IMMEDIATELY.

Ø  Staff members who send students to ISSP must send a behavior report immediately (with another student) so that the ISSP Presider is aware of the reason the student has been sent to ISSP.

Ø  Staff members are never to use any form of corporal punishment.

Ø  Staff members are never to physically handle a student unless it is to protect another person.

Behavior Reports

(Refer to Appendix for Behavior Report Form)

Ø  Behavior reports are written for students who commit major classroom or campus infractions . (See p. 23)

Ø  It is vital that all required information on the behavior report be completed.

Ø  Describe only the behavior exhibited in factual terms that prompted the referral.

Ø  Avoid the use of words such as “always”, “constantly”, etc., on behavior reports.

Ø  If a student is written up for using profanity or demonstrating a particularly crude or offensive behavior, write “See attachment” by “Remarks.” Use a separate sheet of paper to record exactly what the student said or did.

Confiscation of Items Belonging to Students

Ø  Staff members who confiscate an item from a student are personally responsible for the confiscated item until it is brought to the office and locked in the vault

Ø  Staff members who confiscate an item from a student are to adhere to the following:

o  Place the confiscated item in a brown envelope or Ziploc bag

o  Label the envelope with the following:

§  Student’s name

§  Staff member’s name

§  Date of confiscation

o  Enter the information in the Item Confiscation Log on the counter in the front office

o  Notify Ms. Meades or Ms. Wilson that there is an item to be locked in the vault, they will accompany the staff member into the vault to place the item in the appropriate box.

Ø  Confiscated items are held in the vault for a minimum of three school days and must be signed for by the student’s parent or guardian.

Parent Conferences

Ø  Staff members who schedule parent conferences are to notify Ms. Wilson in the front office of the date, time, and location of the conference so that Ms. Wilson knows where to direct the parent when he/she arrives at school.

Ø  Staff members are encouraged to use parent conferences as an opportunity to get to know the parent in a positive manner and to reassure the parent that the staff will do everything in its power to enable the child to succeed.

Ø  Staff members cannot diagnose behavior. They are to report any behavioral concerns, as well as what happens in the classroom as a result of that behavior, to the student’s parent.

Ø  Staff members are not to attempt to explain why a student is behaving in a particular manner. Instead, the parent should be invited to discuss what he/she thinks may be the cause of the behavior.

Ø  Staff members who have experienced problems with particular parents in previous parent conferences are to request an administrator’s presence at any additional parent conferences with the particular parent(s).

Ø  Staff members are only to address the concerns about the student. Matters not related to school will not be discussed.

Ø  Staff members are to document all parent contacts/parent conferences in the student discipline records.

Ø  Helpful guidelines for conducting parent conferences:

o  Team leader introduces each team member.

o  Go over what your expectations/guidelines are for the conference (Team Leader).

o  Give each team member a few minutes to speak about the student. Prepare an agenda of what will be discussed. Each team member should begin with something positive.

o  Ask parent to share his/her concerns.

o  Bring the student in after you have addressed the parent. (10 min.).

o  If the conference becomes hostile, call for an administrator and end the conference.

Peer Mediation

Ø  Peer Mediation is voluntary.

Ø  Peer Mediation is used as a preventative measure, not a punitive one.

Ø  Students who participate in Peer Mediation are taken through the following process by the

Peer Mediators:

o  Agree to mediation rules:

§  Be honest

§  Listen without interrupting

§  Show respect

§  Be willing to solve the problem

o  Take turns telling events and feelings.

o  Restate what the other person said.