Statistics Syllabus 2014 – 2015
Teacher Information
Teacher Name:Melissa ShearerRoom #: 504 Phone #: (502) 845-8670 ext. 7504
Course Content
Weeks 1 and 2Ch. 1Nature of Probability and Statistics Jan 7th – Jan 23rd
Weeks 3 and 4Ch. 2Frequency Distributions & Graphs Jan 26th – Feb 6th
Weeks 5 and 6Ch. 3 Data Description Feb 9th – Feb 20th
Weeks 7 – 11Ch. 4 Probability Feb 23rd – Mar 27th
Weeks 12 – 15Ch. 6/8 Normal Distribution/Hypothesis Testing Mar. 30th – May 1st
NOTE: This is a tentative schedule. It is subject to change.
Course Materials
You will need to bring the following items with you to class each day:
Binder / Dividers / Pencils/Pens / Notebook PaperGraph Paper / Colored Pencils/Markers / Calculator
*Note: If you come to class without a pencil you may borrow one with trade, or buy one for $0.25.If you borrow something from the table please be responsible and put it back before you leave class. Also, the supplies are there for everyone to use, so do not take all of the paper. If pencils start disappearing quickly, then redirects will be used and you will be encouraged to start buying pencils.
The calculator can be a scientific calculator or a graphing calculator. There will be a class set of calculators for use and you will be assigned a specific calculator that you will be responsible for during the class period. If the calculator is not in its spot after you leave class and it becomes missing you will be charged for the calculator. Also, if you have an android phone, you will be given instructions on how to download a graphing calculator app, which is free of charge.
Course Policies
Absences/Make-up Work: When you return from an absence you will be responsible for getting your make-up work. You will need to see the teacher and initial the attendance sheet indicating that you have received the make-up work. If you had homework that was due the day you were absent it needs to be turned in the day you return. After you receive your make-up work the teacher will let you know how many days you have to turn the materials in.
Class Participation: Everyone needs to participate in class. During group work all members need to be active. During class discussions, if a question is asked to the class, make sure that you raise your hand and wait to be acknowledged before shouting out an answer. We will also be using popsicle sticks to call on students for participation.
Class Rules/Expectations
-Be responsible for your work. Bring supplies and homework to class every day. Make sure that it is your work and not someone else’s. If you cheat or decide to turn in someone’s work with your name on it, it will result in a zero and a phone call home.
-Be responsible with technology. There will be times that you can use it but most of the time you will not need it in class. Cell phones, iPods/mp3 players, or tablets should not be charging in the classroom. These devices should be charged at home over night. If you decide to charge them or have them out at inappropriate times they will be confiscated and given to Mr. Hunsaker.
-Be responsible for your time. You have time between classes to take care of personal things. For example: 1) Hair and make-up should be done between classes not in the classroom and 2) You should see other teachers or counselors, or go to the office between classes. If you should happen to be late make sure that you bring a note with you regardless of who you are coming from.
- Be responsible for listening. It is important that you listen to all announcements. In order to do that you must be silent. All details should be heard.
-Be respectful. Do not ask to move seats or to have a “free day”. You have assigned seats for a reason and free days should be rewards for major achievements.
The Discovery Program – The Discovery Program is a district approved teaching tool to help students to learn positive and cooperative behaviors. This program is implemented in varying degrees throughout the district and throughout the school. Several parts of the program will be utilized throughout the school: Attending skills, the Six P’s, and Tribal Rules with Group and Team Skills.
Attending Skills – Attending skills are part of the district approved Discovery Program. Attending skills include: being in the moment, appropriate body language, appropriate eye contact, appropriate feedback, and questions to clarify or validate.
Being in the Moment – Students are expected to be actively engaged in lessons, discussions, and group activities. Actively engaged means the students are focused and listening: their minds are not wandering to what is for lunch or what to do when they get home. Actively engaged means staying in your seat and paying attention. Any problems or issues are “left at the door” so that students can concentrate solely on the subject being discussed. If you are not on task and are asked to get back on task, do not tell the teacher to “hold on.” You will be redirected or sent to ICE if you do not comply immediately. During class, we will work until the bell. Please do not pack up early.
Appropriate Body Language – Student posture is very important to attention and listening skills. There are five points to listening positions: 1. Sit up straight – feet on floor under desk, chair pulled in, and all four feet of chair on the floor, 2. Empty hands on desk (unless taking notes), 3. Eyes on the speaker – student or teacher, 4.Quiet mouths, 5. Listening ears.
Appropriate Eye Contact – Eye contact is appropriate in communication. Appropriate eye contact is not “staring down”, rolling eyes, or looking around. Appropriate eye contact is eye to eye, or, in the very least, eye to face or lips.
Appropriate Feedback – Appropriate feedback means the student responses are on topic, students raise their hands, comments are genuine and authentic, and responses are the student’s best effort.
Questions to Clarify or Validate – The questions should be inquiries, not stories. It is the student’s responsibility to state when they are unclear about a topic.
The Six P’s – The Six P’s are part of the District approved Discovery Program. The Six P’s stand for: Prompt, Prepared, Polite, Positive Mental Attitude (PMA), Participate, and Produce.
Prompt – You are expected to arrive to class on time, return to class from the restroom in a timely manner, transition quickly from one activity to the next and turn work in on time.
Prepared – Students are expected to come to school ready to learn. Students need to bring all necessary books, notebooks, assignments, and supplies to class. Students are expected to prepare their bodies with proper sleep, hygiene, and food.
Polite – Students are expected to treat all students and staff respectfully. Polite words include “please”, “thank you”, “excuse me”, “I’m sorry” and “pardon me.” It also includes calling other by their proper name and raising your hand and waiting to be called upon. Being polite also means respecting items that belong to others, such as class materials, computers, calculators, and white boards. Bullying, gossip, and any other dehumanizing or demoralizing behavior will not be tolerated.
Positive Mental Attitude – Students are expected to maintain a positive attitude in class. Every attempt should be made to leave issues and problems at the door and walk into class committed to trying your best. Sometimes, though, life gets in the way. If you are just having one of those days … please let the teacher know.
Participate – You will be expected to actively participate in classroom discussions and partner or group work. You will be expected to always try your best and ask questions.
Produce – You will be expected to complete and turn in all assignments required. You will be expected to always turn in your best product. There will be opportunities to correct work.
Tribal Rules (with group or team skills) – Tribal rules are part of the district approved Discovery Program. The tribal rules of desks touch, introduce self, use names, attending skills, and wah space will be used in conjunction with group or team skills. The group or team skills are negotiating, listening, having empathy, having tolerance, persevering, maintaining and work ethic, and understanding group dynamics.
Homework Policy – Homework will be assigned almost every school day (including over weekends) to allow you to explore and practice what you are learning. Unless otherwise specified, homework will be due at the beginning of the period the following school day.
Grading Policy
Grade distribution –
Projects and Exercises – 30% Writing Assignments – 10%
Quizzes – 30% Tests – 30%
Types of Assessments – Tests will be given at the end of each unit. Quizzes will be given often throughout the unit. You will be notified ahead of time if there will be a quiz. For most assignments, I will provide the rubrics or explain the expectations. Several projects will be assigned throughout the course of the year. Rubrics and additional expectations will be provided and explain for assignments.
Writing Assignment - There will be an on-going writing assignment throughout the year. Tentative due dates for the assignment will be given later.
Computer Assignments – Periodically throughout the course we will do computer activities and calculator activities to reinforce what we do in class.
Homework – Every homework assignment will be worth 5 points. To receive the 5 points the assignment must be completely finished, legible, and organized. It does not have to be completely right but a good effort to finish must be made.
Course Procedures
Work Requirements – A heading should appear in the upper right-hand corner of the page and should consist of the following:
-Your name
-Class name and period number
-Title (page number and assignment or name of assignment) – this can go on the left side of the page. If there is no title on your work it will not be graded.
Class Notebook: You will be required to keep a binder containing notes (including definitions), handouts, projects, quizzes, tests, and a journal. Your class binder will be checked periodically to make sure you are keeping up with your assignments. It should be clearly organized, with each section labeled clearly. For the dividers, I would label them with the titles of the units and place papers in as we do them.
When we take notes in class it is recommended that you put the date on the page. If you are absent and missed notes make sure that you get the notes from someone. You will not be able to keep your binders in the classroom.
Additional Information
Extra Help: Get extra help when you need it. There is a calendar on the wall where you may sign up to stay after school or come in before school. Remember to let me know a few days in advance if you are intending to stay. If for some reason you sign up to stay and cannot, let me know as soon as possible.
If there are any sporting events you would like for me to try to attend or birthdays that you would like me to know about, you may write those on the calendar as well. Make sure this is done before the bell rings or after class.
There will be a blog this year on my teacher page where you can post questions or concerns about anything that we are learning in class. If you need help and cannot ask me directly, please take full advantage of the blog.