IMPACT…Intervention and Education Program for Women Who Use Force
Safe Haven, the Domestic Abuse and Sexual Assault Center of Shawano County, Now offersthe IMPACT program which addresses the needs of women who have committeddomestic violence and who have a history of victimization.
Contact Safe Haven at 715-526-3421for more information, to make an appointment, or to make a referral.
Program Information
IMPACT is a 16 week education and skill building group for women who have used violence in the context of intimate partner or family relationships.
□Designed for women who are over 18 years of age who have been arrested for a domestic abuse offense and who are referred by the court, supervising agent, or other referral source.
- Women who have a relationship history or criminal history that indicates they are a predominant aggressor where a victim history cannot be established will be referred to other resources.
□Self referrals are accepted for women who have used violent, controlling and manipulative behaviors and who desire to learn safer, effective coping methods.
□IMPACT is a closed and structured group. The curriculum is adapted from the Vistaprogram created by the JerseyCenter for Nonviolence.
□Upon referral, a free screening is conducted to determine appropriateness for the program. Individuals found appropriate are required to complete intake, assessment, and other paperwork prior to starting group. Individuals must make an appointment for these services.
□Individuals who have AODA, mental health counseling, or other recommendations are required to sign a Release of Information to each provider to ensure compliance while participating in the IMPACT program.
□Fees are paid before the service is provided.
- ScreeningNo Charge
- Assessment(1 x fee)$35.00
- Group Session ($10. 00 per group x 16) $160.00
- Workbook/Other Materials$10.00
- Individual Support Session ( 4 Required)No Charge
□Participants will be allowed to miss and make up one (1) group during the 16- week program. More than one absence may result in the participant beginning their 16-week program over. No credit will be given for past participation or payment of past groups.
□Participants who successfully complete the IMPACT program will be offered on-going support services in the way of women’s support group, family dynamics group, individual support, at no charge and where needed, referral to other community resources.
IMPACT is a closed and structured 90 minute group that meets once a week for 16 weeks. New participants begin group every 4 weeks.
Subjects Included are as follows:
Identifying Forceful Behaviors, Goals and Consequences
Cycle of Violence, Power and Control Wheel - physical, emotional, sexual, financial, and social abuse.
Accountability for thoughts, feelings, and behaviors
Skill building for alternatives to controlling, violent and manipulative behaviors:
Safety Planning
Effects of Addictive Behaviors on Relationships
Mental Health and Wellness
Effects of Family Violence on Children, Family Safety Planning, Effective Parenting Strategies
Planning for Safety and Success
Participants will receive a workbook and journal. Participation in group activities and discussion, completion of journaling assignments, and completion of all assigned work is mandatory for successful completion of the IMPACT program.
The referral source will receive written verification of the participant’s attendance, outcome, date of completion, and recommendations.
Program Facilitator
Marla Rhoads-Etten, MSW, ICS, CSAC Domestic Violence Victim’s Advocate Safe Haven 715-526-3421