SEM I LESSON PLAN 3-27 thru 3-30-12 S. Herman

OBJECTIVE: 6.01 Explain the concept of branding.

.WARM-UP: Compose a list of the 10 brands you like the most. Compose a list of the 10 brands you like the least.

DAY TWO AND THREE - 3-27 & 3-28-12

EQ: What is brand identity? EQ: What is brand equity?

Activity 1: Use the 6.01 Notes found on the class website to fill in the blanks below:

A.  Identify the forms of branding.

1.  A brand is a design, name, ______, term, or word that distinguishes and identifies a company and/or its products or services.

2.  A ______brand represents the entire company or organization. For example, Coca-Cola, McDonald’s, Kraft, or Microsoft.

3.  A ______brand represents a specific product of a company or organization. For example, Diet Vanilla Coke, Big Mac, or Windows XP.

4.  A ______brand is also called a store brand. These products are branded under the private distributor’s label. For example, the Radio Shack brand of batteries, or the Lowes Foods brand of Macaroni and Cheese.

B.  Explain the ______of a brand name.

1.  A brand name includes all of the combined ______and experiences associated with a particular company or product. For example, McDonalds makes the customer think about quick food, low prices, and ______service.

2.  Brand identity consists of a ______name and the corresponding design, logo, or symbol. For example, Coca-Cola and the Coke “swirl” or Nike and the Nike “______”

3.  Brand image is the consumers’ ______about the company and/or its goods or services. ______, price, and value may affect a brand’s image.

4.  Brand equity is the ______of added value a product has as a result of its brand name. A highly recognizable brand has a high level of brand equity. Brand equity is an ______perception or memory.

a.  The benefits of brand equity include:

i.  Brand name recognition or awareness

ii.  Customer ______

iii.  Perceived ______

iv.  Strong ______or mental associations

b.  Brand equity can be a valuable asset. The following data shows the perceived value of brand equity for a few of the top companies:

i.  Coca-Cola $69 billion

ii.  Microsoft $65 billion

iii.  ______$32.6 billion

iv.  American Express $17 billion

v.  Ericsson $7 billion

Activity 2

Trademark erosion is a special case of antonomasia related to trademarks. It happens when a trademark becomes so common that it starts being used as a common name and the original company has failed to prevent such use. Once it has become an appelative the word cannot be registered anymore — this is why companies try hard not to let their trademark become too common, a phenomenon that could otherwise be considered a successful move since it would mean that the company gained an exceptional recognition. In the table below I have inserted the description of an item that is typically called by a brand name regardless of whether or not that is the official brand name. See if you can determine the brand name that is frequently used and see if you can add others to the list:

Description / Brand Name or Trademark of:
Game console
Phillips-head screw
Floor covering
Facial tissues / Kleenex
Shatter-resistant polymer glass
Adhesive bandage

Activity 3

ü  People personify things. That’s what we do. We personify pets, cars and boats all the time. We assign human-like attributes to essentially anything with a name — people, places, things, and yes, even products and companies. We rely most often on the one analogy we understand best: what it means to be human..

Current situation: Creating a brand for yourself. Describe your characteristics as if you are a car. Ask yourself if you were a car, what kind of car would it be? Why? Get specific, and define the year, make, model and color. Is it a coupe or sedan? Import or domestic? Convertible? Are you always the safe choice, like Volvo? Or are you aging and conservative, like Chrysler? What kind of bells and whistles would it have? Are you conservative, traditional and a little dated, like a Buick? Or are you practical, affordable and family oriented like a van? Be honest.

Fast forward 10 years: Create the car you would like to be in 10 years and explain why.

Activity 4

If you were an animal, what kid of animal would you be and why? Are you tenacious like a badger? Strong like a lion? Fast like a leopard? Nimble like a cat? Proud and keen like an eagle? If you choose a dog, get specific and clarify the breed. Would you be safe like a Labrador retriever, or something more courageous like a pit bull?

Fast forward 10 years: Do you see yourself still being the same animal or how do you see yourself 10 years from now. Be specific.

This list of adjectives frequently used in marketing will provide some terms which may prove to be helpful when describing yourself:

·  Conservative or progressive?

·  Urban or outdoorsy?

·  Casual or professional?

·  Funny and playful or serious?

·  Big or small?

·  Leader or underdog?

·  Stylish and fashionable or plain and practical?

·  Thrifty or affluent?

·  Outspoken or reserved?

·  Dynamic or stable?

·  Predictable or surprising?

·  Stable or fluid?

Activity 5

Social Media Branding Exercises

Using networks like LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter to brand yourself or your company is becoming very popular these days. Tons of consultancies have sprung up, offering to help you do it effectively. News stories and articles hammer it into your head that if you don't have a presence on these networks, you might as well just close up shop. To a certain extent, they have a point … social media is here to stay and will only increase in significance for businesses. Yet how far do you have to go to stand out and get people – the right people, that is – to notice?

Pretend you are a consultant and provide directions on how launch a campaign on Twitter or on another network such as Facebook to see what kind of potential they have. Be creative on how to promote your product or service.

Sharing of information.

WARM-UP: Students can warm-up on Quia exercises of choice - re: Obj SEM 6.00

DAY FOUR 3-29-12

EQ: What is a trade character?

Activity 1: Use the 6.01 Notes found on the class website to fill in the blanks below:

C.  Discuss the forms of trademarks.

1.  A trademark is a word, phrase, symbol, or design that identifies and distinguishes the company from others. A trademark has legal ______through the United States Patent and Trademark Office.

2.  A service mark is the same as a trademark but for a ______.

3.  When a company claims rights to a trademark or service mark, they may use the “TM” or “SM” ______to indicate ownership of the mark. Once the United States Patent and Trademark Office ______a trademark or service mark, the company may use the â symbol.

4.  A trade character is a ______symbol that represents the brand name. For example, Mickey Mouse for Disney, Captain Fear for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, or STORMY for the Carolina Hurricanes.

D.  Discuss the elements that make a brand successful.

1.  Easy to ______and free from negative connotations. For example, Tide or New Balance.

2.  Short and easy to ______and recognize. For example, Nike or Epic Records.

3.  Describe the products ______and/or benefits. For example, Arcticat Snowmobiles or Goodyear Aquatred.

4.  ______with the image of the product. For example, SnackWells or FedEx.

5.  Must be ______enough to not infringe on any copyrights for other trademarks, should be capable of legal ______and registration.

Activity 2:

ü  Have each student select a sports or entertainment company and have them research the history of the company’s development, pertaining to their trademark, brand name and image. Each report should have at least two pictures and be a minimum of 100 words.

Share information – if time remains – student may practice on Quia activities of choice.


DAY FIVE- 3-30

EQ: What is the difference between licensor and licensee?

OBJECTIVE: 6.02 Discuss product licensing

Activity 1: Student is to retrieve either the notes or powerpoint slides on the class website to match the terms below:

Obj. 6.00A Branding and Licensing
1 / 1.Negative effective of bootlegging / ____ / bootlegging
2 / 2.selling t-shirts without permission (purchasing a license) is / ____ / bootlegging
3 / 3.unauthorized use of brand name / ____ / Brooke is the licensor
4 / 4.In order to put a college logo on a sweatshirt - you must purchase a / ____ / Jay-Z will lose out on royalties when fans burn CDs
5 / 5.Person/group with power to authorize rights / ____ / license
6 / 6.Person/group purchasing rights for logo / ____ / licensee
7 / 7.Warner Bros. will give permission to a co. to use Harry Potter logo / ____ / Licensor (Like the DMV)
8 / 8.Karl pays royalties to Nickelodean to put Spongebob on caps / ____ / Nickelodeon is the licensor
9 / 9.Manufacturer pays royalties to Sesame St. to put Big Bird on clothing / ____ / Seaworld is the licensor
10 / 10.Brooke is the rights holder for the Brooke's Cookie Bakery / ____ / Sesame St. is licensor - the manufacturer is licensee
11 / 12.Seaworld Orlando is the rights holder to Shamu logo / ____ / Warner Bros is the licensor
Obj. 6.00B Branding and Licensing
1 / 1.Giving permission to copy the logo of American Idol / ____ / brand equity (Coke has never let me down)
2 / 2.Russell Athletic pays money to colleges to put their logo on T's / ____ / brand name recognition
3 / 3.advantage for the licensee / ____ / cheaper to advertise because of brand name recognition
4 / 4.advantage for the licensee / ____ / customer will buy Nike products because they like MJ
5 / 5.Advantage of licensing to licensee / ____ / easy to pronounce
6 / 6.DISADVANTAGE to licensing / ____ / enhanced company image and publicity
7 / 7.An advantage of licensing / ____ / ex. Of licensing
8 / 8.Could be a disadvantage to licensing / ____ / in form of royalties
9 / 9.Which is an advantage of licensing to licensor / ____ / increased opp. to penetrate new mkt (sporting events)
10 / 10Which is an advantage of licensing to licensor / ____ / increased profits through royalties
11 / 11Companies typically pay between 5 and 10% of wholesale sales / ____ / Licensing
12 / 12Licensing fees are known as / ____ / ltd. Mfg. costs (lge portion of mfg performed by licensees
13 / 13what is brand equity / ____ / perceived added value because of brand recognition (Coke)
14 / 14benefit of brand equity (relating to merchandise, etc.) / ____ / poor quality (not enough control by licensor)
15 / 15Vanilla Coke has a high level of / ____ / Retailer pays royalties/passes some costs to his customer
16 / 16Benefit of brand equity / ____ / royalties
17 / 17Successful brand name should be / ____ / strong mental assoc. (Coke is a quality product)

ü  Activity 2: Have students respond in one paragraph to the following: “Have you ever purchased an item that was bootlegged?” Give details. How much did you pay for the item? What would be its true cost? Did you feel you were doing something “wrong” by making this bootleg purchase? Whom did you hurt by making this purchase?

Sharing of information.