Plan of attack with a graded reader

Annika Bautz and Johnny Riquet

Text: The Island of Dr. Moreau

Vocabulary: around 1000 words

Lesson 1
Introduction /
  • Watch a film clip of the beginning of The Island of Dr. Moreau. What do you think this film will be about? Genre? Story?
  • Read chapter 1 in class what do you think now? Why are your anticipations different? Compare film and text.
  • Who is speaking to us? Why do you think he is speaking to him? Do you like him? Why (not)?
  • Imagine what may havehappened before the text begins (that we don’t learn from the text)?
  • Possibly (otherwise in lesson 2): Look at pictures of real islands. What are the ideas, fantasies and dreams (or nightmares) typically associated with islands?
  • Homework: Read chapters 2 and 3

Lesson 2 /
  • Summarise chapters 2 and 3
  • Film clip: Lost (beginning) – compare the „landing“ on the island with the Prendick’s shipwreck and his landing on the island
  • Discussion: What other texts/films that take place on an island do you know? Why do these stories take place on islands? What is the role of the island?
  • Discussion: What could Moreau be doing on the island?  They should come up with as „wild“ speculations as possible
  • Homework: Read chapters 4 and 5

Lesson 3 /
  • Look at pictures of mythical creatures (half-man, half-animal)  what do you know about them? Why are there so many fantasies about creatures that are half-animal, half-man?
  • Discussion: What do you think Moreau’s goal is? Why does he do his experiments?
  • Discussion about the characters – who do you (not) like? Why? How would you describe the characters?
  • Homework: Read chapters 6 and 7

Lesson 4 /
  • Summarise chapters 6 and 7
  • Look at short articles and pictures about animal experiments  discuss
  • Do you think animal experiments are justifiable? If yes, under what conditions? Pro-and-contra discussion in two groups.
  • Read chapter 8 in class
  • Role play: In the caves with the “beast folk”. Improvise a conversation between Prendick and the “beast folk”. Try to include some successful communication and some communication that just doesn’t work.
  • Think about similar situations where communication doesn’t work (cross-cultural communication etc.)
  • Read chapters 9 and 10. Does it sometimes happen that human beings are referred to as animals? Why and when? (Keep the last activity in mind)

Lesson 5 /
  • Summarise chapters 9 and 10
  • Discussion about homework: Eurocentrism, racism...  How can we see this in the text? (Moreau’s white hair, M’lings blackness etc.)
  • Moreau’s death: Why do the “beast folk” suddenly start behaving differently?
  • How do you interpret Dr. Moreau’s role (as “God”, political leader, tyrant, dictator...)?
  • What are the similarities between humans and the “beast folk” in The Island of Dr. Moreau? What are the differences?
  • Look at pictures of a number and maybe short texts of headlines about animals showing human traits (gorillas, dogs, parrots, dolphins, bees, ants etc.)  discussion: is there an absolute difference between humans and animals or not?
  • Begin to write a possible ending for The Island of Dr. Moreau
  • Afterwards: Read the actual ending

Lesson 6 /
  • What do you think about the ending? Would you prefer a different ending? Why?  Tell the class your endings (first in small groups, then in the entire group)! Discussion.
  • Look at the ending from a film version of The Island of Dr. Moreau
  • Do you think Prendick has changed? How and why?
  • Clip from a science fiction film (eg. Starwars).
  • Discussion about The Island of Dr. Moreau as a science fiction text. What other science fiction texts do you know? What do they share with The Island of Dr. Moreau? What do you think is the function of science fiction?
  •  Human wishes/dreams or fears/nightmares: Both are important for science fiction. What do you think is dominant in The Island of Dr. Moreau? (eg. wish of creating/changing life, fear of ultimately being just a kind of animal etc.)
  • Wrap-up: Did you like the book? Why (not)? What did you (not) like about the book?