Website: www.sunburyheightsps.vic.edu.au

Newsletter No: 1

7th February, 2013

Get involved this term !

Monday 11th / School Assembly
School Council Meeting 6.30pm
Tuesday 12th / Swimming Carnival Gr 3-6
Little Hands Playgroup
Thursday 14th / Breakfast Club
Friday 15th / Understanding Prep Literacy
On The Rise Playgroup
Sunday 17th / Working Bee
Monday 18th / School Assembly
Thursday 21st / Breakfast Club
Parent Teacher exchange of information session Grades 1-6- 2.00pm -6.40pm
Prep BBQ and open classroom 5.00 pm - 6.40pm
Friday 22nd / Gr 3-6 Athletics
On The Rise Playgroup
Education Sottware Demo 7.15pm-9.30 pm
Monday 25th / Parents and Friends Coffee and Chat
School Assembly
Thursday 28th / Parent Teacher exchange of information session Grade 5P 2.00pm -6.40pm
Monday 4th / School Assembly
Let’s Read Program
Tuesday 5th / Little Hands Playgroup
Thursday 7th / Breakfast Club
Friday 8th / On The Rise Playgroup
Monday 11th / Labour Day Holiday
Tuesday 12th / Little Hands Playgroup
Thursday 14th / Breakfast Club
Friday 15th / School Photos individual, family and class
On The Rise Playgroup
Monday 18th / School Assembly
Tuesday 19th / Curriculum Day
Thursday 21st / Breakfast Club
Friday 22nd / On The Rise Playgroup
Riddell’s Creek Bakery Hot Cross Buns delivered
Smiling Minds Workshop 7.15 - 9.30pm
Monday 25th / School Easter Assembly, raffle draw and Hat Parade
Wednesday 27th / Cartoon Workshop grades 1-6
Thursday 28th / Breakfast Club
Term 1 ends.2.30pm
Friday 29th / Good Friday
Monday 15th / Term 2 commences

Welcome to our first edition of the Sunbury Heights Community Newsletter. The newsletter will be sent home as a separate document so that so that everyone is aware of all that is happening at Heights. We hope you find it informative and it encourages you to join in with school life wherever you can.

Sharon Ramunno Sharon is our Community Liaison Coordinator. Sharon has four children. Her eldest is twenty one and her youngest Christian is seven and in grade 1 at our school. Over many years Sharon has been involved in the life of Sunbury Heights Primary School and has a good understanding of ways that parents can be involved in the school and how much each child receives when their parents are. Sharon runs the Community Hub and coordinates the various programs that operate. Sharon also works in conjunction with community agencies and services. Sharon is your first point of call if you want to be involved in the school or know what is happening around the school. She can also point you in the right direction if you need support to link in with community agencies. Sharon can be contacted on 97443377 or at

Hours Open The Hub is available for parents use every day between 8.30 and 3.15 or by arrangement with Sharon. Parents are welcome to pop in and have a cuppa and a chat when they are either dropping off or picking up children. If Sharon is not there please call in to the office and see Karen for the key. All we ask is that because it is a communal space people are responsible for ensuring the hub is left neat and tidy.


Playgroups are a great chance for parents to form friendships and a support network.

On the Rise Playgroup 9 am -11am Fridays

If you are looking for an opportunity to meet for a chat and a coffee with other mums with preschool aged children this playgroup will suit you. Little Hands 1.15-3.15 Tuesday is run by Linda Wakeling a teacher at our school. This playgroup will suit parents who are interested in introducing early learning activities such as singing music and art in a more structured “kinder“ type environment.

Breakfast Program 8.00 -8.40 The facts are startling - Research shows that up to 1 in 4 (over 1 million) Australian kids are skipping breakfast. Our Breakfast Club is a positive start to helping our kids receive the essential nutrients they need to start each day. Breakfast can improve a child’s concentration, information retention and school performance. Volunteers form our school community are always welcome. See Sharon to put your name on the roster.

Engaging with your Child’s Learning. The Hub is interested in offering parents the opportunity to find out more about the learning that your child undertakes at school and ways that you may help them with their learning in the home. This term two sessions have been planned one on Prep Literacy and the other is a demonstration of the software that is available for students use at home and at school. If there are any areas of your child’s schooling you wish to learn more about please let Sharon know.

SOLD Parent Workshops

Education Software Demo Feb 22

The information in this workshop focusses on the types of software you can use both at home or we can use at school to support students learning.

Presented by Jo Evans a learning support/ maths teacher the evening should prove helpful for parents to know what is available to support their child’s learning needs.

Child minding and supper available ph 0467170752 for further details and registration

Smiling Minds March 22

Presented by Kate Savage this workshop is aimed at giving parents and teachers information about mindfulness meditation for young children and adolescents. Mindfulness meditation has been proven to help build students resilience and coping skills. There also has been proven with children who have autism, ADHD and learning difficulties.

Child minding and supper available ph 0467170752 for further details and registration

Ways of Joining In There are many ways you can become involved in school life.

·  Classroom reading program

·  Classroom helping program

·  Canteen volunteers

·  School council

·  Working bees

·  Helping at sporting events

·  Breakfast club

·  Whole school picnic days

·  Gardening in the veggie garden

·  Attendance at school camps*

·  Participation on excursions

If you are staying in the school for period of time we ask that you call into the office to sign in and collect a ‘Visitor’s Badge’ to wear while in the school This ensures we know who is in the school at any one time for emergency management purposes as well as ensuring the safety of our students. *A working with children’s check is a prerequisite when attending a school camp.

Parents and Friends of Sunbury Heights Fundraising for all the little extra things a school needs is necessity. This year many family members have asked how they can help support our fundraising so we can raise money for the extra things that a school needs and we don’t receive in a budget given to us by the Government. Over the last two years fundraising has enabled us to refurbish the library and carpet the atrium. This provided a much need facelift! IPads and laptops for class use will be leased this year using raised funds. We are keen to re-establish a group of people who are happy to support our fundraising endeavours. We promise it won’t all fall on one person’s shoulders. A coffee and a chat about the types of fundraising you would like to see happen or feel you could support will be held Monday 25 February at 2.00 so that you can still attend assembly at 2.45

Easter Fundraising and events

Hot Cross Buns This term we will do some minor fundraising as we know everyone has had their hands in their pockets getting books and uniforms for school.

Everyone loves a hot cross bun and this year we will take orders for your favourite variety. The buns this year will be supplied by Riddell’s Creek Bakery and we hear they are delicious. Choose from plain, fruit or chocolate. Order forms coming home soon. Delivery 22nd March .


The Community Hub & Junior School Councillors will be conducting an Easter Egg Raffle over the coming weeks. We would very much appreciate each Family donating an egg, rabbit or basket etc for this raffle.

Donations will be collected each day up until Friday 22nd . Please deliver to Hub, office or your child’s classroom for collection.

Raffle books will be distributed to each family raffle books on March 1st.

Books will be comprised of 10 tickets at 20c each or $2.00 per book. More books available at the office if required

All raffle tickets and monies need to be returned by Friday 22nd.

Prizes will be drawn at the Easter Assembly Hat Parade on Monday 25 March Hat Parade at 2.30 pm .

We thank you for your support.

Uniform Swap & Shop: There is an opportunity to swap, buy or have some uniform made available to you.

Please see Sharon in the Community Hub who will be able to help you if you need uniform. If you have uniform pieces that are in good condition that you would like to donate to the school for children who have accidents or to pass on to families in need they will be gratefully received.

Library The Sunbury Heights Library offers borrowing rights to all our parents.This offers parents the chance to borrow more of their favourite new and old picture story books and novels to share with their school aged children. We also encourage parents to borrow books to introduce to their pre school children and toddlers. Please see Bev in the library to set up a library card.

SHPS Facebook Page The Sunbury Heights facebook page is a form of reminders and highlights from around the school. A lot of people these days have facebook on their phones, so if you unsure of an upcoming event you could quickly have a look. Our face book page even has past students enjoying the news feeds. To find us we are Sunbury Heights P S. Where possible the newsletter and website link is also available on the page sp you can just click on the link and get the canteen price list at your finger tips.

Community Agencies The Hub is fortunate to have established good partnerships with many local community groups;

·  The Sunbury Community Health Centre

·  SOLD Support Opportunities for Learning Difficulties

·  Careworks

·  Sunbury Baptist Church

These agencies can support families in many ways.

Sharon also has a a Hume Community Directory which lists all he activities and support agencies that are available within the City of Hume If you need support and don’t know what is available see Sharon.

Premiers Active Families Challenge We have many parents who ask us for advice about their child’s physical and dietary wellbeing. The Premier’s Active Families Challenge offers you a fun way to get both yourself and your child more engaged in physical activity

Now in its fifth year, the 2013

Challenge will be held from March 4 to April 14.

Families that register to participate will be supported

with healthy eating and physical activity tips and incentives. and a chance to win great prizes, including Apple iPads

and sporting goods vouchers.

You can help support your child by joining in the Challenge and being active as a family after school and on weekends.

Go to www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/challenge to register as a

family today

Ideas and Suggestions If you have any ideas or suggestions about anything that could be offered at Sunbury Heights for your school aged child, your extended family or yourself please leave a note in the suggestion box. This can be anonymously if you prefer. All ideas will be considered as we want to work together and make the space in the hub a comfortable place which meets everyones needs and wants