Student Government Minutes for the Meeting of April 14th, 2011

The meeting on April 14th, 2011 was called to order by President Meagan Gibson. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Shawn Ragsdale. The roll was taken by Secretary Stacy Schulman.


  • Barbara Hendrey, Neal Sheme, Jessica Arnsberger, and AnupPoudel

Non-Voting Absent Members:

  • Zach Hammett, Corey Clark, and Anthony Errigo


  • Meagan Gibson, Drew Kelly, Stacy Schulman, Scott Ullom, Amanda Copney, Rusty Holstine, Shawn Ragsdale, Jessica Nardo, Derek Starn, David Tennant, Jess Kromer, and Robert Bolton.

Old Business

  • Treasurer Drew Kelly reminded Student Government Members of the upcoming Comedy Night Event, “Allah Made Me Funny” which will be held in Colebank, on April 14 at 7pm. Shawn Ragsdale is the volunteer for this event.
  • Secretary Stacy Schulman reminded members of the upcoming Blood Drive that will be held in Colebank on Tuesday, April 19 from 12-5:30pm. She informed members of additional organizations that will provide volunteers for this event and of the duties, which are working the registration/snack table. The volunteers for this event are:

12-1: Jessica Arnsberger

1-2: Scott Ullom and Student Athletic Advisory Committee

2-3: Sigma Alpha Iota

3-4: Barbara Hendrey

4-5: Neal Sheme and Drew Kelly

New Business

  • Secretary Stacy Schulman passed out the Minutes from April 7th Student Government Meeting. She asked for a motion and a second to table the verbal reading of the minutes; Robert Bolton motioned and Derek Starn seconded the reading of the minutes. A revision needs to be made; Secretary Stacy Schulman asked for a motion and a second to table the acceptance of the minutes until the revision is made; Robert Bolton and Jessica Nardo Motioned and Seconded the acceptance of the April 7th Minutes.
  • President Meagan Gibson spoke of the upcoming Lecture Series by Speaker/Author Rebecca Skloot, which will be held on Monday, April 18 at 7pm in Colebank. President Meagan Gibson asked for two volunteers for this event, who will tally how many people show for this. Rusty Holstine and Scott Ullom are the volunteers for this event.
  • President Meagan Gibson introduce the upcoming Battle of the Bands event, which will take place in Colebank on Wednesday, April 27 at 6pm. The volunteers for this event will take a tally at the door; they are Amanda Copney and Derek Starn.
  • President Meagan Gibson asked for volunteers for the upcoming “Walk a Hound and Lose a Pound” Event, which will take place Saturday, April 16 from 9am-1pm. Marion County Animal Shelter will provide the pups. Volunteers will walk the hounds on the Falcon Center front lawn and work the registration table. Email President Meagan Gibson if interested in volunteering.
  • President Meagan Gibson informed members of the Upcoming Earth Day Event that is originally planned for Thursday, April 21 at 12:30 pm being postponed to Thursday, April 28 at 12:30 pm, due to not enough organizations being active in this event because of students going home for Easter break.
  • President Meagan Gibson mentioned that in lieu of our regular Student Government Meeting on Thursday, May 5 at 12:30pm, we will host our upcoming Spring Fling Event. She informed fellow Student Government Members of the ideas that were mentioned in the Executive Meeting, such as; an acoustic band, handing out t-shirts, and a photo booth. She asked for other suggestions for this event; which were: a high school band or orchestra, Fairmont State University small band or music group, dueling pianos, two high school bands in the area having a battle and awarding a prize to winner, and the winner of the upcoming event Battle of the Bands to perform at the Final Fling.
  • President Meagan Gibson announced that we will hold an In-House Election for a Student Government Vice President. We will hold Nominations at our next Student Government Meeting, which will be Thursday, April 21, then hold Elections the following Thursday, April 28.

Advisor’s Report

  • Advisor Laurie Johnston thanked everyone for their ideas concerning the upcoming Final Fling Event.
  • Advisor Laurie Johnston spoke of the Upcoming Annual Fall Student Government Retreat, that takes place in the Fall when we have our new Student Government Members. She informed members that we try to go a different place every year and the point of having a retreat is to train.
  • Advisor Laurie Johnston announced that Dr. Larson rescheduled the Student Government Dinner, which was originally scheduled for April 26 at 6pm, is now scheduled for April 28 at 6pm.
  • Advisor Laurie Johnston told Student Government Members to spread the word about the Upcoming Comedy Night Event, Allah Made Me Funny, which takes place tonight-Thursday, April 14th at 7pm in Colebank.


  • Epsilon Iota Chapter Alpha Phi Sigma Reinstated their Petition. President Meagan Gibson asked for a motion to approve their petition, Derek Starn motioned and Robert Bolton seconded.

Committee Reports and Announcements

  • President Meagan Gibson informed members of the upcoming Cultural Identity Workshop, which takes place in Conference Room 1 of the Falcon Center from 4-6pm.
  • President Meagan Gibson announced the upcoming International Night of Dance and Music event, which occurs Friday, April 15th from 7-9 in Colebank.
  • Scott Ullom gave a committee report for Faculty Senate, stating for students to do their instructor evaluations online. The dates to do this are April 18-May 8.
  • Scott Ullom informed Student Government members of the upcoming Board of Governors Meeting that will take place Friday, April 15 at 9am. This will be a special session, not the regularly scheduled meeting.


  • Epsilon Iota Chapter Alpha Phi Sigma Reinstated their Petition.


The meeting was adjourned by President Meagan Gibson.