MentorPath® MasterMind Group

What is a MasterMind Group?

MasterMind Groups also called “Mastermind Alliances” or “Peer Advisory Groups” offer a combination of masterminding, peer brainstorming, and collaborative support in a group setting facilitated by a skilled Mentor Coach. Both personal growth and business skills evolve for each member.

A Mastermind Group is not a class, seminar, group coaching, or a networking group. Focus of the group remains on brainstorming and support to catalyze growth and remarkable success for each member.

Napoleon Hill’s Definition

The concept of the “Mastermind Alliance” was formally introduced by Napoleon Hill in his timeless classic, Think and Grow Rich. He interviewed over 500 leading business people, investors, and civic leaders to find that almost all of them had some kind of support/mastermind group surrounding them.

He wrote about the MasterMind Group principal as: The coordination of knowledge and effort of two or more people, who work toward a definite purpose, in the spirit of harmony. He added,

No two minds ever come together without thereby creating a third, invisible intangible force, which may be likened to a third mind.

How MasterMind Groups Are Different From Group Coaching

  • The MasterMind Group is like having an objective Board of Directors, a success team, and a peer advisory group combined.
  • A MasterMind Group is a democracy, and each member receives brainstorming focus from the group.
  • The primary focus of a MasterMind Group is that group members talk with each other, not just to the leader, to facilitate group wisdom and significant individual benefit.
  • The purpose of a MasterMind Group is to empower the individuals to assist each other in personal and business growth.
  • The agenda belongs to the group and each person’s participation and commitment is key.

Real Value

In addition to monthly meeting of 2.5 hours, the MasterMind Group will also receive:

  • Articles
  • Guest Expert Content Contributor
  • Resources
  • Case Studies
  • Availability of my resources and material

Who Should Attend

Those who attend this MasterMind Group are ones who:

  • Have the inspiration to make this year of their life in business extraordinary
  • Want a supportive, collaborative, confidential team of MasterMind partners
  • Want to reach or exceed their goals
  • Are willing to do something in order to achieve their goals, including moving outside their comfort zone
  • Are committed to making a shift to fulfillment at new levels
  • Want to explore specific topics and diverse views within the context of this group
  • Are willing to give and receive help, advice, criticism, support, and encouragement for both personal and professional development
  • Create an environment to brainstorm and test to new business and personal strategies and solutions

The level of people we surround ourselves with is the level we will achieve ourselves. The MentorPath®MasterMind group will create a positive energy to consider things not before imagined, and to allow each of you to achieve significantly more than you could alone.