Queen’s University Green Impact Project Assistant

What is the Green Impact Programme? Green Impact is an environmental accreditation scheme with an awards element, designed to encourage, support and celebrate university departments in making environmental improvements. Staff volunteer to participate in the scheme; schools and departments form teams and receive a workbook outlining achievable environmental actions. Depending on the number of environmental actions teams carry out, they can achieve either: a working towards accreditation, Bronze, Silver or Gold accreditation.

What is a Green Impact Project Assistant? As a student the main way you can engage in meaningful environmental initiatives is through the Green Impact scheme by becoming a Green Impact Project Assistant (GIPA). GIPAs are assigned to a Green Impact team and support the team in implementing these practical environmental actions within their workplace.

Tasks/Activities: Preparation of environmental documents (e.g. shut-down check list), completion of environmental audits to assess where the team currently is in relation to the workbook criteria, meeting with allocated teams to discuss working arrangements (continue to meet at least once a month), work with the team to ensure that their workbook is submitted on time, helping to arrange team events (e.g. Fairtrade coffee mornings), attend training and help co-ordinate events arranged by the Estates Department.

TimeCommitment: GIPA’s are asked to lend 20-25 hours of their free time October – March for the Green Impact Programme. We ask that students participate in as many as our training and voluntary opportunities as possible in order to provide support to their assigned team and to benefit fully from participation.

SkillRequirements: No technical knowledge is needed to volunteer; we ask that GIPA’s are friendly, approachable, and reliable and have an interest in environmental matters.

Benefits: Volunteering as a GIPA can boost your CV in a number of ways as you will gain experience in: Environmental auditing (including energy and waste audits); learning about and helping to implement environmental improvements ; working on a national project in a professional environment; knowledge of environmental management techniques of offices, labs and academic institutions; insight into effective behaviour change methods; experience of communicating using a variety of methods; ability to support and encourage others to perform; time management; team development; project management. Volunteering as a GIPA also counts towards your Degree Plus application and towards a Millennium Volunteers Degree application.

For any further information on what it means to be a Green Impact Project Assistant, contact the Queen’s University Environmental Team on or 028 9097 1115.

To sign up, please return your completed form to by no later than Monday 24th of October 2016.

Position / Green Impact Project Assistant
Student Number
Date of Birth
Term Address (2016/2017)
Home Address
Mobile Number
Email Address
Degree and expected year of graduation
Would you like to sign up to Volunteer SU Newsletter? / Yes / No
Have you previously been a Green Impact project Assistant? / Yes / No
Available for Training
1st November (11.30 - 3pm) / Yes / No

In order for us to consider your application, please tell us in 150 words or less why you want to be involved in the Green Impact programme.
Please include any skills or experience you may have that may help you in the role.