Applying for a Grant from Adderbury Parish Council

Adderbury Parish Council will be setting aside a budget for the financial year 2017/18 that may be awarded in the form of grants to groups based in the village whose activities benefit residents.

The Parish Council has established some simple criteria for awarding grants, basic guidelines for applicants and a common application process and in doing so, parish councillors hope to achieve an outcome that treats all applicants as fairly as possible.

The guidelines are also intended to help applicants decide whether to pursue a grant application in the first place and to ensure that the criteria for awarding grants are clearly understood by both applicants and councillors alike.

The deadline for grants applications for 2018-2019is Friday 13 October 2017.

All applications will be considered on their merits, but parish councillors are keen to award grants to organisations or activities that demonstrate a direct benefit to residents in the parish and – where appropriate – have a majority of participants from the parish. Priority will also be given to activities which involve:

  • Children and elderly people
  • Sports and recreational groups
  • Social activities with the potential to benefit all villagers

It is important to note that:

  • previously grants did not normally exceed £200, but for 2018-2019 requests for higher amounts for specific projects will be considered on their merits.
  • priority will generally be given to those organisations or activities whose typical cash balance is less than £750 or who have no unallocated cash reserves that they can call on to fund proposed activities.
  • if a grant is awarded, evidence must be provided of how the money has been spent

All applications must be received by the Clerk, Theresa Goss on or before the closing date. No late applications will be considered and this rule will be strictly adhered to.

If you require any assistance in completing your application, please contact Theresa Goss on: 01295 710965.

Name of organisation or group
Your Name
Your Role
e.g. Chairman, Treasurer, Leader
Your Address
For correspondence
Your email address
Your phone number

Tell us about the funding that you are seeking:

Amount requested

Previous Grants Awarded

Please let us know about any grants you have received from Adderbury Parish Council during the past three years and a very brief summary of how the grant was used.

£ Total value of grant awarded / How the grant was used?

Financial Information

In order to assess grant applications fairly, we would like you to include separate A4 sheet/s that provide Council members with a simple summary of income and expenditure for 2016/2017 and expected income and expenditure in 2017/2018. Any reserves should also be included.

Please note, this information should clearly identify funds that have been raised or are expected to be raised through grants, awards or donations from other public, private or voluntary bodies.

Each application must also be accompanied by a bank statement in the Group’s name covering the three months preceding the application and the present cash balance. You should indicate the typical cash balance of your account.


Application to be returned to: Theresa Goss, Clerk to Adderbury Parish Council, 3 Tanners Close, Middleton Cheney, Banbury, OX17 2GD