To: Catherine Davidson

From: Karen Cassel, Manager, Serials and Electronic Acquisitions

Re: Monthly report: May 2008

Date: June 2, 2008

New Products added this month

After such a busy time in March and April, no new products were added this month.

Updates and changes

JSTOR has been confirmed to be on the CRKN list starting this year. We received a refund from JSTOR for the difference in pricing.

Pro-ed formerly provided online access free with print via Ingenta; the journals have moved to Sage from 2008. We will cancel 5 print subscriptions this summer. 14 new titles were acquired and added to the database.

Here is a summary of the updating activities this month:

Product / Added / Deleted
ABI inform global / 23 / 6
Academic onefile / 133 / 4
Blackwell / 2
Business source premier / 80 / 5
Cambridge UP / 1
Communication and Mass Media Complete / 13
Computer database / 7
DOAJ / 27
Elsevier / 4
Expanded academic / 7 / 10
Health and wellness / 5
Hein Online / 20
IEEE / 5
Literature Online / 4
Literature resource center / 7 / 1
OJS / 2
Oxford UP / 2
Project Muse / 7
Sage / 15
Taylor and Francis / 2

Summer Projects

We have hired two students for our summer relabelling project. In addition, one of the students (Ella Purisman) is doing the volume and issue quality checking on Scholars Portal for the list of Elsevier and Wiley titles being weeded. This checking is proceeding relatively smoothly, and as of the end of May is halfway completed. There has been one title so far that we have determined needs to be retained (Brain Research) due to having many gaps in the online version. Otherwise, we are generally finding that issues here and there are missing on Scholars Portal, but do exist on the publishers’ website(s). When we have completed the checking, the list of missing issues will be sent to Wei Zhao at Scholars Portal.

The weeding for Elsevier, Wiley, and JSTOR (runs of new titles and the additional volumes for ongoing titles) has been completed at Scott and Frost. Bronfman and Steacie are underway. The catalog records are being updated to reflect the changes, and at the same time the URL’s are being updated to the resolver URL.


I participated in a meeting with Matt Hall and Beatrice Pitocco from Serials Solutions to hear about their 360 products.

A meeting was held with Stuart Silcox from Swets. He introduced the new Swets e-book program.

We had a space meeting; staff were subsequently given the opportunity to see the floor plans.

I met with Taras to show him the e-resources database and how it is used, and spent some time reviewing the wish list for upgrades.

Anita Lee and I met with the Binding and Labelling staff to review their revised job description, which now reflects the addition of updating the item types from in-process to book (or relevant term).

I attended the annual CPM Symposium.