Homework – Week #2

Objective: Since this is your first STEM homework assignment that will be submitted via email, your homework is to follow the directions and create the heading that will be used on all STEM assignments. Read the following directions and create the heading on a new word document.


  1. Open Microsoft Word Document
  2. Save it as your full name and grade: susanabraham6a or susanabraham6b.
  3. Open the File tab.
  4. Save As
  5. Rename this file – susanabraham6a
  6. Click OK
  7. After you save it, go to the Page Layout Tab  Spacing. The spacing for Right, Before, Left and After should be 0 pt.
  8. Now that the layout is set up, go to Home Tab and make sure that the font size is 12 and the font is Times New Roman.
  9. Now that the layout and font/size is taken care of, type your full name on left hand side (top). The next line should be the date – January 29, 2018. The third line will be the homework assignment and the fourth line will be Irving Middle School and your class period. An example is listed below

Susan Abraham

January 29, 2018

Heading Assignment

Irving Middle School – 6a

  1. Once this is complete, save it and send this to me via email.
  2. This assignment has two main objectives:
  3. You can create the heading for your assignment – this tells me what you are handing in.
  4. You have access to Microsoft one drive and know how to save a document and email me.
  5. This assignment is due by February 1, 2018 by 11:59 pm. It is worth 25 points.

Susan Abraham

January 29, 2018

Program Assignment

Irving Middle School – 6a

Objective: This week you are working on programming – writing/following a set of directions for an intended outcome. An easy way to learn programming is through cooking. Imagine your favorite meal… YUM!!! Now, work backwards… what do you have to do to create that perfect meal? Think of all the directions/steps and equipment that you will need. How do you know what to do first, second, third, etc? What are the measurements for the ingredients that you will use to create this perfect meal?

Watch this video:

After you have watched this video, you will need to create two lists using the insert tab/table option. The left hand part table should be the equipment and the right hand part of the table should list all the ingredients and the amounts. Underneath the table, there should be one blank space. Using the heading of Directions, create a numerical list of what to do first, second, third, etc.

SIDE NOTE: Since this is the first assignment you are doing, make sure there is one blank space between the heading and the table.

This is worth 100 points.

Topic / Requirements / Points
Layout on Microsoft Word / Follow all the written directions.
  • Heading
  • Table
  • Directions
  • Spaces
  • Font: Times New Roman
  • Size: 12
  • GPS
/ 10 points
Equipment / All equipment is listed with correct spelling. / 20 points
Ingredients / All ingredients are listed with correct spelling and amounts. / 30 points
Directions / Directions are clearly stated.
  • Numbers are used.
  • Transition words are used.
  • Correct GPS (Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling)
/ 40 points

Save this as your name program and your grade level and period.

Ex: susanabrahamprogram6a

This is due by February 1, 2018 by 11:59pm.