no one is immune from trouble. …….This truth is driven home in the

Psalm we have before us………

There is some debate as to who penned this particular Psalm…………

Some have

suggested that it was David when he was fleeing from the revolt of his son

Absalom………… Others have suggested that it was king Hezekiah when

Jerusalem was under attack from the Assyrians…………… Regardless of

wheither or not that is true, it

would seem that the author of this Psalm is going THROUGH

A time of stress, personal attack, and turmoil in his life…… brought himface

To face with circumstances that are out of his control………………

Brought pain and confusion to his life********see title***********


A-because of ungodly men (v1a)

B-because of untruthful men (v.1b)

1-the Psalmist has been attacked by others. He feels that he has been

done wrong and he has been hurt*******************

2-words, actions, attitudess.**********************************

C-because of unjust men(v.1c)

D-because of unconcerned men (v.2a)

E-because of unmerciful men (v.2b)

1-hurting –the sorrow of his heart

2-helpless ******* where’s God*****

a-the disciples accused the Lord of not caring!


A-a divine word from God (v.3a)

1-escape the pressure (Jn. 6:15)

2-enter into prayer (Mk. 6:46)

a-*****Mark Twain once said:” A man who carries a car by the tail

learns something he can learn no other way****STORMS****

B-a definite walk with God (v.3b)

1-no matter how dreary the day (He leads)

2-no matter how hard the way “ “”””””

3-no matter the dilemma of the saints ‘’’’’’’’

4-no matter the distance from the shore “””””””

C-a delightful worship of God (v.3c) ****powerful, praise, personal***

1-in a storm ? (try worship!)

2-in a struggle? “ “

3-in sorrow ? “ “

(Note: This man knows where his strength lies, v. 2.

his circumstances are beyond his control.

he cannot fix! Therefore, he calls on the name of the Lord, knowing

the God alone has the power to fix that which is broken in life.


A-his conversation (v.5a)

B-his confidence (v.5b)

1-need not fear, we have a refuge

2-need not faint, we have a river

3-need not fret, we have a rest

*******accessible, available, adequate ************

******may be in the same valley a year from now;

but He will still be God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

allowing the trials, troubles and valleys of life control you, steal your

joy, even ruin your life?????

****take your burdens to the LORD************

****YOU ARE HERE*******Thank you, my Father, that

I can feel Your presence, today.You are so real, as I sit here and pray.

It feels as if You are sitting right here,with me, listening to every single word

that I have spoken.Every thought that has comeinto my mind; You are listening

and care about all my concerns.

Often, I wonder how peoplego through the day without You.

We get so complacentwhen every thing is just fine.

THEN we find ourselvesdistancing You from our mind.

Thank you, Father, for being here, today.Please don't leave me or allow me to stray ...
From this peaceful, blessed,moment that we have shared;
You, sitting here with me,when no one else seems to care.

What has happened to Your children,who are so concerned with self?

Don't they know that You are best,Just waiting for them to reach out

and say, "I need You, here"?Thank you, Father, for the love

that You have shoneTo the ones that are so busy

and leaveYou alone.You are so patient with us,

as we leave You out of our day.I know You are just waitingfor us to turn to You and pray.

Thank you, Father,for being here, today.

© 2003 by Sarah Berthelson