Request for Proposals #CSM15-001EThe College of Southern Maryland

[2/9/2016]Attachment 2 – Vendor Response Form - Page 1

Attachment2 – Vendor Compliance and Response Form

Company Name:

Postal Address:


Contact Person (name, title):

Telephone Number:

Email Address:

Please respond to every question below immediately following that question. For ease of review, please use a different font andor color for your responses.


  1. This response form eliminates the need for paragraph-by-paragraph cut-and-paste as well as the need to respond to any RFP paragraphs that you fully understand, agree to, and/or will comply. Only those paragraphs to which you are requesting a variance, that require explanation or clarification, or to which you need to attach information need to be addressed.
    In completing this form, it is hereby declared by the Offeror that this proposal is compliant with all terms, conditions and requirements specified in the RFP, except those items contained in the List of Variances which follows. It is further understood (a) that this declaration is binding and will become an integral and irrevocable component of any subsequent contract, and (b) that the waiver of any provisions contained in the RFP will be at the sole discretion of CSM or its representative.
    The above declaration is understood to be approved by a representative of the Bidder who is qualified to contractually bind the company and empowered to do so. Any attempt to negate this response or to subsequently negotiate paragraphs already accepted, mayresult in disqualification.
    Instructions for Form 1:Compliance Response Form:

•In the column “Paragraph Number” enter the number of the applicable RFP paragraph (e.g., 2.7. or

•In the column “Vendor Response” enter “C” for Clarification, “V” for Variance. For paragraphs where the vendor response is “Understood”, “Agreed”, or “Will Comply”, no response is necessary. (Remember, failure to specifically take a variance or clarification will be understood to be compliance in full with the requirements of that paragraph.)

  • “Clarification” is used when a response is in compliance with the requirement but additional information is required to ensure that the Vendor’s position is fully understood by all parties. Additional information regarding the nature of the clarification should follow.
  • “Variance” is used for any response which is not in full compliance with the requirement as written. “Will comply, but…” is a variance! Additional information regarding the nature of the variance must follow including the reason for the variance, the impact of the variance, and what the Vendor suggests as an alternative to the requirement for which a variance is requested.

•In the column “Clarification/Explanation” enter an explanation of the clarification or variance, or a description of the information attached.

•If the explanation for a clarification or variance is lengthy or if additional information is attached, in the column “Attachment/Reference #” enter a sequential reference to information attached (1 for the first instance, 2 for the second, etc.).

•Add rows as necessary.

RFP Paragraph Number / Vendor Response
(Enter “C”, “V”) / Clarification/Explanation / Attachment/Reference #

Vendor and References

2.Provide the background of your organization including:

  • History
  • Headquarters location
  • Scope of services and products provided
  • Relationships with manufacturers ofdata center-related products
  • Number of comparable data centers designed and constructed.
  • List of higher education installations and data center sizes
  • Support and service presence in or around SouthernMaryland
  1. Describe what differentiates your organization from that of your competitors (services, corporate strength, approach, etc.).
  1. Provide a copy of your current audited financials as well as your Dunn & Bradstreet number.
  1. Include a list of other clients for whom you have performed work similar to that proposed for CSM, especially higher education customers and those in Maryland or the surrounding states.
  1. Provide at least three references from clients similar in size and application to CSMto whom you provided similar services. Please include:
  • Name of customer
  • Name of contact, title, and telephone number
  • Address
  • Description of project
  • Systems and sizing
  • Approximate date of commissioning


  1. Describe the proposed installation process and schedule to comply with the requirements of the RFP. Include items such as:
  • Proposed project team and resumes of key personnel
  • System design and engineering process
  • Construction administration
  • Equipment delivery and staging
  • Training, operation procedures and documentation
  • Commissioning
  • Phase acceptance testing
  • Final System acceptance testing
  • Project management
  • Required assistance from CSM personnel (who and how much)
  • Project milestones and schedule
  • How will you minimize disruption to the existing data center?
  • Other information you deem applicable
  1. Describe your quality control processes during the design and constructionprocesses.
  1. Describe the process you would follow for training. Plan must address:
  • Data center administration (DCIM, HVAC, Electrical)
  • Routine Maintenance
  1. What manufacturer certifications or other processes are required for CSM to contact and work with the manufacturer’s technical assistance group (TAC) for Tier 2 and Tier 3 support?

Maintenance and Support

  1. Maintenance:
  2. Describe the maintenance approach over the first year you propose to comply with the requirements of the RFP. How many certified technicians are available to support CSM? Where are the technicians, dispatch center, and parts depot(s), located?
  3. Fully describe your maintenance and preventative maintenance programs.
  1. Describe, in detail, your system warranty; its start date and duration; and what it does/does not cover.
  1. How is technical support and technical escalation provided?


  1. Provide a firm fixed price for the design and construction of as specified in the RFP.

alternatives and Options

  1. Do you have any additional suggestions, alternatives, or optional configurations you would like to suggest? If so, please elaborate including any pricing adjustments for your suggested alternatives.


Offerors must complete and sign this page and include it with their technical and financial proposals.

I certify our company’s receipt of ______(number)modifications to this RFP.

This proposal is valid until (at least for 90 days)

By signing below, I confirm that this is a true and valid proposal, that I am authorized to sign this proposal on behalf of the organization, and that the company agrees to all terms & conditions in this RFP except where expressly described to the contrary in Compliance, above.

Original Signature by Authorized Officer/AgentVendor’s Tax ID Number (FEIN)

Type or printed name of person signingCompany Name

TitlePhone Number

Vendor Mailing AddressE-Mail Address

City, State, ZipWebsite Address

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